Finding INSTEON devices with buttons

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Posted on
Sat Jul 06, 2013 11:40 am
Perry The Cynic offline
Posts: 840
Joined: Apr 07, 2008

Finding INSTEON devices with buttons

Is there a way to enumerate INSTEON devices that have buttons? (Not "setup" buttons - real buttons the user presses to make things turn on and off.) I know how to enumerate INSTEON controllers - iter("indigo.insteon,indigo.controller") - but that includes controllers that don't have actual user-pressable buttons like motion sensors.

The buttonGroupCount doesn't seem to help - it's 3 for an INSTEON motion sensor (I assume it counts controller scenes).

-- perry

Posted on
Sat Jul 06, 2013 12:19 pm
matt (support) offline
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Re: Finding INSTEON devices with buttons

Try the iter you have above (insteon + controller), then add:

Code: Select all
if type(dev) is indigo.SensorDevice:

That should exclude motion sensors, TriggerLincs, etc., while keeping RemoteLincs and ControLincs (and relay/dimmer switches).

One gotcha I can think of (might be more) is that will still include dual-band LampLincs and other plugin modules that act as controllers (older firmware LampLincs, etc., are not controllers, so those will not be included). In this case the SET button though does turn on/off the load (and can control other modules) so technically one could think of that as a controller button. If you want to exclude those then you could search for LampLinc, ApplianceLinc, and OutletLinc in the type name.


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