Smartphone Radar - Smartphone presence detection (Locked)

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Tue Jan 15, 2013 8:42 pm
jrickmd offline
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Re: Smartphone Radar - Smartphone presence detection (Update

travisc wrote:
Hmmm. I'd need the log lines that show up when the error first occurs. The ones that repeat over and over aren't of much use unfortunately.

OK. There really isn't anything else SmartPhone related in the logs besides similar repeating messages... I was hoping those error messages would trigger a "a ha" response from someone. Having an indigo server lock up three times over the past 2 days and trying to figure out a culprit.

Thanks for the great work you do on plug-ins!



Posted on
Tue Jan 15, 2013 8:47 pm
travisc offline
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Re: Smartphone Radar - Smartphone presence detection (Update

Hmmm. Usually when the error first occurs there's a little more info on what caused it. Sometimes you have to go into the log files to find it if too much time has passed.

Posted on
Fri Feb 08, 2013 5:53 pm
drewconner offline
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Re: Smartphone Radar - Smartphone presence detection (Update

merchon wrote:
When I create a new device I get the following error:

Smartphone Radar Error Error in plugin execution ServerReplacedElem:

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 68, in deviceUpdated
File "/Library/Application Support/Perceptive Automation/Indigo 6/Plugins/Smartphone Radar.indigoPlugin/Contents/Server Plugin/", line 265, in deviceStop
<type 'exceptions.KeyError'>: (752086668,)

With this error I can not get the pluging to ever work, the phone is always shown as home.

I'm having the same problem running the latest version of the plugin on the latest Indigo Beta 6.

Posted on
Mon Feb 11, 2013 2:07 pm
Dewster35 offline
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Re: Smartphone Radar - Smartphone presence detection (Update

Just curious if anyone is seeing any issues with bluetooth interfering with their "checkin" frequency on their router? I am using an iphone 5, and both an airport extreme (primary) and apple express (repeater).

I've never really used bluetooth more than occasionally and never left it on until recently, but now lately I'm seeing some strange behavior of me becoming away and then home again.

Posted on
Fri Feb 15, 2013 11:12 pm
pieman1000 offline
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Re: Smartphone Radar - Smartphone presence detection (Update

Doesnt seem to notice when the phone is away or home, unless I reload the plugin.

I have a traditional WRTU54G-TM
Set port fwding for 1514 to fwd to the static ip for my server
Set the MAC address for the phone (it finds it)
Default away time set to 2 min
When I shut off the phone to test, it never registers as away, unless i reload the plugin, then it finds it and registers as AWAY
Then when I turn the phone back on, it shows as AWAY until I reload the plugin, then it finds it again and registers as HOME
All triggers working fine when testing within Indigo.
The issue is, the device isnt updating after the first manual load of the plugin.


Posted on
Sat Feb 16, 2013 5:35 am
philc offline
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Re: Smartphone Radar - Smartphone presence detection (Update

I don't know if this will help anyone, but all of a sudden SPR started to have problems with my phone about a week or so ago. I have two Time Capsules, two Airport Extremes, and several Airport Expresses in the house. The wireless networking is only enabled on the two Airport Extremes.

As I built out my network, I dutifully added the SNMP for each of my networking devices to SPR. That's a lot of entries and a lot for SPR to check. I also dutifully updated my phone with iOS updates as they were issued. Everything was working perfectly but then I started getting weirdness. My phone would show up as being at home when I arrived from work (I have an email trigger) but then would at some point over the next couple of hours register as away and never come back. If I reloaded the plugin, or used my phone, it would immediately register as at home, no worries.

Because I had had a similar problem with CINCHOUSE's phone, I connected my phone to my iMac via cable and launched iTunes. The "sync this phone over wi-fi" box was unchecked (it had previously been checked). I checked it and voila. No more SPR problems. That "sync this phone" checkbox is absolutely critical to SPR working for me. However, I also simultaneously reduced the SNMP entries in the configuration to just the router (Time Capsule) and the two wireless enabled Airport Extremes. I suspect this may have also contributed because my network has the occasional hiccup. Just curious what happens if SPR polls a device for SNMP and gets a garbled reply - does it simply skip and go to the next or does it hang? Dunno, but I wanted to make life simple for SPR. Now it works again just fine.


EDIT: My Bluetooth is on continuously, never off, and always automatically paired with my home cordless phone base station when I get within range. Never seen bluetooth present a problem for me.

Posted on
Thu Mar 07, 2013 1:09 pm
Swancoat offline
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Re: Smartphone Radar - Smartphone presence detection (Update

dabido wrote:
dabido wrote:
To complicate things a bit, I'm on Mountain Lion across all my mac's and so I've lost the ability to use Airport Utility 5.6 (i believe...correct me if I'm wrong)

Update: Found this guy who automated the "cheat" to install the Old Airport Utility 5.6 on Mountain Lion:

Now, what to do?

I've got a new problem along these lines. Have been using SPR for some time with success on two Airport Extremes. One doing routing, the other in bridge mode. There was still some weak wifi spots in the house, so I picked up one of the new Airport Expresses this week and set it up in bridge mode to further extend the network.

Problem now is that the current AirPort Utility does not allow us to set the logging settings (as we all know), but AirPort Utility 5.6 (which I use to manage the two AirPort Extremes), does NOT support the new AirPort Express. So, effectively there is now NO WAY to manage the logging settings on the new AirPort Express.


Posted on
Thu Mar 07, 2013 6:37 pm
philc offline
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Re: Smartphone Radar - Smartphone presence detection (Update

I have two new Airport Express, and Airport Utility 5.6.1 works just fine with them. I think the .1 update is important - pretty sure that's what added support for the new Airport Express.
That said, I found that setting up SPR to use the Airport Express was nothing but trouble. SPR started dropping my phones - a lot. Just wickering down to the Time Capsule and Airport Extremes got it all working fine again.


Posted on
Fri Mar 08, 2013 8:49 am
Swancoat offline
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Re: Smartphone Radar - Smartphone presence detection (Update

Ahhh, I didn't know about 5.6.1 (and I had to use some Terminal trick I found online to install it on Lion) but it worked!

Thank you!

Posted on
Fri Mar 15, 2013 11:29 am
whmoorejr offline
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Re: Smartphone Radar - Smartphone presence detection (Update

1) Travis, you are my guy today. I just noticed you are the author of my top 2 favorite plugins. I've been trying to tie them together for some time, but since you are the creator, maybe you can lend me a hand.

Smartphone radar: Trigger: My phone changes from away to home -> Run welcome home script. The problem: a buch of that script "Hello sir, welcome home, it's currently xx degrees inside bla bla bla" executes while I'm still in the driveway. I don't want the script to run every time I leave the house or open the door... only if I've been out of the house for a while.... 1-2 hours +

My solution so far:
Set Away to 1.5 hours for my phone.
Trigger: My phone changes to away -> Condition: Always -> Action: Set variable "beenaway" to true
Trigger: Front door opens (DSC) -> Condition: beenaway=true -> Action: run welcome home script, delay, Set variable "beenaway" to false

As the author, I'm guessing you've meshed the two plugins at your own home and would love to read more from you or others on how they have tied the two together.

2) The only issue I have noticed with the plugin has nothing to do with the plugin.
My iPhone is AT&T, my daughter's is Verizon. Mine is constantly on the network from the moment I get in my driveway to the moment I leave. Her's is on the network, off the network. To use this as an alarm that my teenage daughter just left the house in the middle of the night won't work for me. (I'll get multiple 'false' alerts throughout the night)
My work BB is Verizon and I've noticed the same thing. All of my other devices (ipods, ipads, etc)... no problem. So... a Verizon setting?

My Plugin: My People

Posted on
Fri Mar 15, 2013 7:34 pm
travisc offline
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Re: Smartphone Radar - Smartphone presence detection (Update

That sounds like a pretty good solution for the first problem to be honest, I'm not sure I'd have a much better solution for you. If I were to do that here I'd probably do the exact same thing.

My intention with the plugins is to provide the user with the events and actions they need to integrate the device into Indigo. Then from there the user can use Indigo's triggers and scripting abilities to allow their various plugins to work together.

As for the second problem, wow, your daughter's iPhone drops to away even with a 1.5 hour away timeout?! Is hers setup to check an email account or sync to iTunes via WiFi? That seems to help some users. Are you using Apple base stations? I use Tomato which gives me a little more control over how connections are logged and sent to SPR. I've had no false "Aways".

I'm not familiar with Verizon iPhones. I can't imagine they're that different from AT&T ones are as far as WIFI use goes.

Posted on
Wed Mar 20, 2013 4:41 am
McJohn offline
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Re: Smartphone Radar - Smartphone presence detection (Update

First of all I want to thank you for this (Award Winning!) plugin.
Very cool! I installed it a couple of days ago and the only problem I have had was the AP SNMP password.
(it's not in the instructions and not the admin password but "public"...)

I've one question;
Is it possible (maybe in the feature) to set the Smartphone Radar last seen timer to a couple of seconds?
For example: the timer is now default for 1 minute. But in one minute there can be a lot happening :-)
When I want to use SPR to fire a trigger for opening my door, I have to wait one full minute or more when the door is open. Or when I want to use SPR at my front door to fire an AppleScript with a warm welcome text and info about the temperature in the house etc. , this text would be spoken a minute later or so.
At that time I'm already in the kitchen to drink my coffee :-)

Or am I doing something wrong?

After all, I'm very happy with Smartphone Radar!

Kind regards from the Netherlands,


Posted on
Wed Mar 20, 2013 8:07 am
Dewster35 offline
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Re: Smartphone Radar - Smartphone presence detection (Update

McJohn wrote:
First of all I want to thank you for this (Award Winning!) plugin.
Very cool! I installed it a couple of days ago and the only problem I have had was the AP SNMP password.
(it's not in the instructions and not the admin password but "public"...)

I've one question;
Is it possible (maybe in the feature) to set the Smartphone Radar last seen timer to a couple of seconds?
For example: the timer is now default for 1 minute. But in one minute there can be a lot happening :-)
When I want to use SPR to fire a trigger for opening my door, I have to wait one full minute or more when the door is open. Or when I want to use SPR at my front door to fire an AppleScript with a warm welcome text and info about the temperature in the house etc. , this text would be spoken a minute later or so.
At that time I'm already in the kitchen to drink my coffee :-)

Or am I doing something wrong?

After all, I'm very happy with Smartphone Radar!

Kind regards from the Netherlands,


For the time until away function you are talking about, it has no impact on how quickly you are seen on the network. You are designated as home by this plugin as soon as your router sees you on the network. So that is simply a limitation between the communication between your smartphone and your wireless network. I too have tried something similar, but the response time isn't good enough to do those types of actions. If you have an iPhone, another possible plug in find my idevices. That uses the find my iPhone setup on your phone. I personally have multiple things driving a variable of my "state". I use a combination of SPR, FMID and other sensors in my home.

Posted on
Thu Mar 21, 2013 8:44 am
McJohn offline
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Re: Smartphone Radar - Smartphone presence detection (Update


Thanks for your fast feedback and the info about the Find My iDevice Plugin. I collect them all! :-)
I shall try this, of course we have 5 iPhones at home.

But I saw in my router that when I'm at home, almost immediate the MAC address of my iPhone is at the DHCP client list.
So, I think when SPR can check for example every 10 seconds (User setting), this Plugin works much faster and better.

Kind regards!


Posted on
Sat Mar 23, 2013 10:33 am
bluehouse offline
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Re: Smartphone Radar - Smartphone presence detection (Update

Hi Travis,
This is one of my favorite plugins, but I broke it today when upgrading to Indigo 6. Looks like my problem is similar to others reported, in that the plugin is pointing back to Indigo 5 file locations (below). I've tried downloading the plugin from both the User Contribution Library and from page 1 of this post, but the problem error continues. I've tried deleting old versions of the dmg files, then reinstalling. I've restarted Indigo.

When I click on Plugins>Smartphone Radar>About..., it says "about Smartphone Radar v 1.0.5, but your current download lists 1.1.2. I can't tell what has been recently downloaded from the file names. Below is my error code. Any thoughts? Thanks!


[size=85]Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 86, in runConcurrentThread
File "/Library/Application Support/Perceptive Automation/Indigo 5/Plugins/Smartphone Radar.indigoPlugin/Contents/Server Plugin/", line 428, in startComm
File "/Library/Application Support/Perceptive Automation/Indigo 5/Plugins/Smartphone Radar.indigoPlugin/Contents/Server Plugin/", line 107, in indigoVersionIsAtLeast
<type 'exceptions.ValueError'>: invalid literal for int() with base 10: '0 b7'

Smartphone Radar Error plugin runConcurrentThread function returned or failed (will attempt again in 10 seconds)
Smartphone Radar Error Error in plugin execution runConcurrentThread:

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