Post Pics of Your Control Pages! (LOCKED - create new topic)

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Wed Dec 19, 2012 10:43 am
ckeyes888 offline
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Re: Post Pics of Your Control Pages HERE!

Cool pages. Are the cooking temps sent from a probe meat thermometer?


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Wed Dec 19, 2012 11:01 am
Dewster35 offline
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Re: Post Pics of Your Control Pages HERE!

ckeyes888 wrote:
Cool pages. Are the cooking temps sent from a probe meat thermometer?


The cooking temps are indeed sent from a meat thermometer probe. You choose the meat and it sends you notifications as the temperature progresses to "done". The icon also changes along the way depending on if it is done or not.

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Sat Jan 05, 2013 1:46 am
SpencerJRoberts offline
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Re: Post Pics of Your Control Pages HERE!

Here are my current in-progress pages.

For the thermostats I wrote my own scripts so I could customize the override mode and see when the next program change would occur. We only have heating so I have no need for all the other bells and whistles of the pop-up UI.

I also wrote scripts for the sprinkler scheduling to gain easy access to them (since we have 3 sprinkler systems, 1 in front and 2 in back). The [5 min], [10 min], and [15 min] buttons are multi-purpose and will light up whenever the zone is on for that period of time. They indicate that a zone is on when regular scheduling is in progress, and if you want to stop that zone and proceed to the next you just click on the current active one to skip over it. If the zone is inactive it will run a one-time schedule of the displayed time for that zone only. It was a bit of extra work to get that happening (since every one of those buttons has a script for user action) but the result is worth it for us.

The iTunes stuff is pretty basic and standard - just fades in whichever playlist you have selected and depending on the playlist, shuffles or doesn't. The [Play On Front Motion] and [Play On Living Room Motion] buttons are fun for coming home from work or waking up in the morning!

Lots of work to be done, but I'm happy with where they're at right now!
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Posted on
Wed Feb 27, 2013 1:01 pm
axlbundy offline
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Re: Post Pics of Your Control Pages HERE!

After scouring through everyone else's pictures and trying to borrow ideas I wanted to share my progress with the group. Here is my main page. This lives on a wall mounted ipad 2 right next to my front door. If you click on the name of each room it takes you to the rooms individual CP and provides you with more info such as dimmer sliders, motion detector disable/enable, speaker on/off, and room specific scenes. Also if you click on the name of the device it will bring up the pop up UI controls for that device. The icons on the top right change to our pictures when we are home and when you click on one of them it will make a facetime call to us.

In the near future I hope that someone will find a way to script the turning on/off of airplay speakers in iTunes 11 so I raise the WAF of my current multi room audio setup. As it stands right now the wife has trouble remembering when/how to use airfoil and when to use airplay.

Also, I'm looking to ditch ADT and run my own indigo powered security system. I feel like I need to resolve the issue of airfoil not be able to take control of my speakers because I forgot to disconnect them from airplay when I finished listening to music. Once I can do this then I can use the speakers in each room to play a loud security breach sound when someone enters and the alarm state is armed. If anyone has any suggestions for doing this with iTunes 11 and airfoil please let me know.

I'll keep updating when I design new CPs. This is just my first adventure into it.
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Posted on
Wed Feb 27, 2013 1:12 pm
jay (support) offline
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Re: Post Pics of Your Control Pages HERE!

axlbundy wrote:
In the near future I hope that someone will find a way to script the turning on/off of airplay speakers in iTunes 11 so I raise the WAF of my current multi room audio setup.

I wouldn't hold my breath on that one. Apple has proven that they are not at all interested in letting 3rd party software control iTunes. They've never allowed you to directly script which speakers are selected via AppleScript (and it's been available in the UI for many years), and the "hidden" DACP protocol that the Remote app (and the Indigo plugin) uses has changed with iTunes 11 (and they don't publicly document the protocol) so using that seems like a dead end. They also broke some of the AppleScript functionality in iTunes 11 and I have my doubts that it will ever get fixed.

If all you want is to be able to direct iTunes sound to random Airplay Speakers, then you might want to try Airfoil - you can select iTunes as the source and any Airplay speakers as the output(s). Indigo has a plugin for Airfoil that will allow you to control it from Indigo as well.

Jay (Indigo Support)
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Wed Feb 27, 2013 1:23 pm
Dewster35 offline
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Re: Post Pics of Your Control Pages HERE!

A trick I did to help out my wife was to use airfoil to control everything and if she simply wanted to stream something from her iPhone, I offered a button on the control page that turned off the existing playing source (itunes or pandora) changes to system audio, and then she streams her iPhone to our server which then relays that out to all the currently selected airfoil speaker locations. You do get an additional delay with this approach, but in her mind this made sense. In your case you could probably just leave it on system audio all the time since all you are using it itunes anyway.

Edit: An easier approach would be to have rogue amoeba allow to see if airfoil speakers is receiving or not and allow that to pause other sources and switch to the different application... I asked them if they could implement that, but they responded that it wouldn't be adopted in the foreseeable future.

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Wed Feb 27, 2013 1:34 pm
axlbundy offline
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Re: Post Pics of Your Control Pages HERE!

jay (support) wrote:
axlbundy wrote:
In the near future I hope that someone will find a way to script the turning on/off of airplay speakers in iTunes 11 so I raise the WAF of my current multi room audio setup.

I wouldn't hold my breath on that one. Apple has proven that they are not at all interested in letting 3rd party software control iTunes. They've never allowed you to directly script which speakers are selected via AppleScript (and it's been available in the UI for many years), and the "hidden" DACP protocol that the Remote app (and the Indigo plugin) uses has changed with iTunes 11 (and they don't publicly document the protocol) so using that seems like a dead end. They also broke some of the AppleScript functionality in iTunes 11 and I have my doubts that it will ever get fixed.

If all you want is to be able to direct iTunes sound to random Airplay Speakers, then you might want to try Airfoil - you can select iTunes as the source and any Airplay speakers as the output(s). Indigo has a plugin for Airfoil that will allow you to control it from Indigo as well.

That is kinda what I am doing right now. I have the ipad's airplay pointing at the Mac Mini server as it's airplay speaker. That signal is being directed to the appropriate room speakers via airfoil's system out option. This allows me to play sirius, padora, last fm...etc in all the zones of the house. The bad part is the wife is so used to using the ipad Remote app and selecting the airplay speakers from there that she is protesting doing the extra step of going into remote to pick your itunes songs/playlist then going back into REEMOTE or indigo to control the airfoil speakers.

I read that in itunes 10 "" there was a script that would bring up the airplay speakers and select just the computer one (which would in turn deselect all the other speakers). If that is/was the case I could use that to tie airfoil and airplay together neatly.

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Wed Feb 27, 2013 2:25 pm
Dewster35 offline
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Re: Post Pics of Your Control Pages HERE!

Not sure if this will help you or not... but you could have her preselect all the speakers through indigo, then you could have a static image that launches to an external URL of


That will jump you OUT of indigo and into the remote app. By her selecting the remote button on the control page, maybe you could have it do all of the stuff you are wanting to do in the background as server actions at the act of clicking that button. I don't think that is EXACTLY what you want but maybe it is a compromise for you an your wife.

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Wed Feb 27, 2013 2:50 pm
jay (support) offline
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Re: Post Pics of Your Control Pages HERE!

axlbundy wrote:
I read that in itunes 10 "" there was a script that would bring up the airplay speakers and select just the computer one (which would in turn deselect all the other speakers). If that is/was the case I could use that to tie airfoil and airplay together neatly.

It's using UI scripting which, in my opinion, is way too error prone. YMMV.

Jay (Indigo Support)
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Tue Mar 05, 2013 6:41 pm
c64 offline
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Re: Post Pics of Your Control Pages HERE!

Hi all -
Thought I'd share my pages here too, as a different style.
I have tried to keep things really simple and clean looking. Plus, this approach means I can change things really easily as things develop. We have a small house, so there is not a lot to automate, but it has been definitely worth doing as it has made certain things so easy. Basically a solid block means the device is on. A translucent one means it's off. Navigation between the pages is with the icons along the bottom.
Thanks to Perceptive for making such a solid, versatile product, and thanks to this forum for all of the inspiration and golden information in here!
Cheers, Mike.
Mainly Smartphone Radar based stuff using Pushover for notifications. Status takes me to a "system admin" page which basically just shows variable values and other nerdy stuff I like looking at, and bores everyone else in my family.
progs.png (13.73 KiB) Viewed 9574 times
Lights - nothing fancy here.
photo.png (11.09 KiB) Viewed 9574 times
Music. Uses scripts to fade in and out music nicely. Has really simplified how we listen to music, as we can now swap freely between web browser streamed music (pandora etc), VLC streamed music (paradise) and locally stored music (itunes). Keep things a bit old school by maintaining the volume control on the vintage amp that we use, but have hacked a X10 keyfob into the amp, so Indigo knows what the amp is doing.
music.png (11.97 KiB) Viewed 9574 times
We have a Mitsubishi Heatpump which has probably the most complex unfriendly wall timer system ever designed, so to be able to bypass the whole thing with this Indigo setup has been awesome! Motorised deck awnings use a weather station & Smartphone Radar to decide what to with themselves.
temp.png (13.03 KiB) Viewed 9574 times
This one runs scripts which shuts down all unnecessary programs running on the mini mac (so max memory for video playback), open up Plex, dim down lights. Movie time on the big screen!
plex.png (10.69 KiB) Viewed 9574 times
Last edited by c64 on Wed Mar 12, 2014 12:00 am, edited 5 times in total.

Posted on
Tue Mar 05, 2013 9:09 pm
SpencerJRoberts offline
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Re: Post Pics of Your Control Pages HERE!

Some redesign and addition of outlines.
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Posted on
Thu Mar 07, 2013 6:55 am
bmcgowan13 offline
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Re: Post Pics of Your Control Pages HERE!

I've tried to play with it for a while, even copying and pasting the links to the image but why can't I see the posted control pages?

Even if I copy and paste the link into a browser it takes me to a dead link.

I'd like to see some more ideas and I'm sure I should know how to view them but they're all dead ends...

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Thu Mar 07, 2013 7:38 am
durosity offline
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Re: Post Pics of Your Control Pages HERE!

bmcgowan13 wrote:
I've tried to play with it for a while, even copying and pasting the links to the image but why can't I see the posted control pages?

Even if I copy and paste the link into a browser it takes me to a dead link.

I'd like to see some more ideas and I'm sure I should know how to view them but they're all dead ends...

Are you talking about all control pages.. or just the older ones? I noticed a lot of them were hosted on .mac, so when Apple discontinued that service all the images it hosted also disappeared into thin air.

Computer says no.

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Thu Mar 07, 2013 8:11 am
bmcgowan13 offline
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Re: Post Pics of Your Control Pages HERE!

Magic. I've been tinkering with this for days and NOW they're there. I wonder if it's because last night I downloaded GIMP and just installed it? But for the past few days (since this forum was started) all I've shown were QUESTION MARK placeholders and no images.... Now all the images and ideas are there....

The only thing that's changed is that I downloaded GIMP and installed it--wonder if that made a difference?

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Thu Mar 07, 2013 9:02 pm
bmcgowan13 offline
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Re: Post Pics of Your Control Pages HERE!

Except--updated to beta 6 last night and both my NEST's image for the THERMOSTAT MODE+png image dropped off the Control Pages; on desktop, iPad and iPhone.

Did something change in 6? Everything else is fine...

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