question on Nest plugin

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Posted on
Thu Nov 22, 2012 1:39 pm
rainman50 offline
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Location: Michigan

question on Nest plugin

I have 3 nests. I use the plugin to read and control the nests. Works well.

My question is,since I have to poll the nest site (request status) in order to keep the temperature readings up to date in my control pages, does this interfere time wise with insteon traffic? I have them update every one minute and it seems like it might be causing a slowdown sometimes when my motion sensors trigger when I go into room and control a light. Maybe it is not causing it and it is something else. But I'd like to rule out if polling it at this rate causes problems. I realize it does not use the AC line or Insteon wireless since it is reading a web site to get the data. But I don't know that it might take more time than you think.

I'll disable the status request and test it over time but just curious if it did use any appreciable real time when requesting status.

One thing I did notice with the Nest plugin that it exhibits delays when adding (typing delays) an Action Group to Indigo.

Thanks for any info.


Posted on
Thu Nov 22, 2012 9:36 pm
matt (support) offline
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Re: question on Nest plugin

Hi Dave,

Presuming the Mac you are running it on isn't maxed out, then it shouldn't impact the Indigo Server. All plugins run in their own process space and the Indigo Server tries to never block waiting for a plugin response.

If a plugin was behaving badly and sending lots of requests/commands to the Indigo Server, then it might slow it down but I don't think that is the case with the Nest plugin. While it is doing its polling it is doing very little communication with the Indigo Server (just a refresh of device states once it has the new data).

Indigo Clients are a bit different -- they can block while waiting for plugin information, especially when trying to show UI. We are looking at ways of optimizing this more and plugins can be written (threaded) so that they reply to Indigo Client requests quickly. This would explain the behavior you see in the UI with it hanging up some while the plugin is polling the cloud. But Indigo Server under-the-hood should actually still be very responsive handing schedules, triggers, sending/receiving INSTEON commands, etc.


Posted on
Fri Nov 23, 2012 4:10 pm
rainman50 offline
Posts: 295
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Location: Michigan

Re: question on Nest plugin

OK thanks a lot.

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