EZFlora Stops Responding

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Fri Jul 03, 2009 6:43 pm
matt (support) offline
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Update: I think we are making some progress on this one, but it'll be at least another couple of weeks before we have a solution. Check back for details then...


Posted on
Thu Jul 09, 2009 6:48 am
Garsun offline
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I have isolated my issues to two distinct problems

I have isolated my issues to two distinct problems:
1: Being able to get a reliable transmission between my "PowerLinc V2 Controller" and my five EZFlora's.
I have solved this issue on all but one of my EZFlora's by plugging all the devices into the same house circuit and using extension cords to reach the outlying corners of the house. Even using this method one of my EZFlora's will not respond at the end of a 50 foot extension cord. It does respond correctly if plugged directly into the "PowerLinc V2 Controller". I will not have any available time for another month to research this particular issue and will open a new threat at that time if I still need help.

2: After resolving the communications issues I was able to reliably and repeatedly cause the failure in using my "test case" described in my previous post.
I was able to reliably resolve this issue by doing only the five step factory reset described in the support post June 8, 2009 and not doing
"Next, use the Re-Sync links button in Indigo for your EZFlora device" step.
As long as the indigo software does not do a Re-Sync the EZFlora's will continue to function correctly.

If at any time the indigo software does do a Re-Sync then my test case will cause a failure until the unit is unplugged and re-plugged in.
It does not matter if the Sync was caused by the initial linking process or is done by the Re-Sync button.

This indicates that the error in the device is introduced by indigo's Syncing process. I hope this helps :)

Posted on
Thu Jul 09, 2009 8:00 am
jay (support) offline
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Sounds like for your first case you've got some signal noise that's causing some interference - those things can be really hard to track down.

As Matt said, we're pretty close to a resolution to the EZFlora's new firmware problem we think but it's still a couple of weeks out - we're working with Simplehomenet on the fix.

As long as Indigo is only sending the direct ON/OFF commands to the EZFlora you may be OK - but if you try to set the Max zone durations on them it will cause the odd behavior again - just be warned that when you factory reset the Max zone durations are the default (I don't recall what they are set to on a new EZFlora).

Jay (Indigo Support)
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Posted on
Sat Jul 25, 2009 12:06 pm
crofford offline
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support wrote:
Update: I think we are making some progress on this one, but it'll be at least another couple of weeks before we have a solution. Check back for details then...

Can you provide some info on where the problem is? I need to replace a sprinkler controller and I'd like to use the Indigo/EZflora solution. If it's an Indigo problem, I'll go ahead and buy the EZflora and work through the issues with you guys. But if it's an EZflora problem, I don't want to buy the devices.


Posted on
Sat Jul 25, 2009 12:09 pm
matt (support) offline
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It is an EZFlora problem (or rather a problem between the EZFlora card and the PowerLinc PLM it is plugged into). I believe they are close to having a new firmware rev though that, in addition to a change I have to make to Indigo 4.1, will fix the problem. But that new firmware version isn't available yet. My advice: wait just a bit longer.


Posted on
Tue Aug 18, 2009 10:01 am
Garsun offline
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support wrote:
My advice: wait just a bit longer.

I've been away for the last month and the system worked unattended whale I was gone :D
My grass was still green when I came home.
Unfortunately (or perhaps Fortunately) we had a power brown out a couple for days ago and now one for my EZFlore's has gone back to its bad behavior :cry:
Soooo how's that firmware update coming :?:

Posted on
Tue Aug 18, 2009 6:07 pm
matt (support) offline
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Still working on it. I've tried out a couple of betas from SimpleHomeNet and I think he is working on another one right now...


Posted on
Sun Sep 20, 2009 9:43 pm
brians offline
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A few days ago I received my new EZFlora. I installed it and setup in Indigo. I notice it has firmware 2.4. I have had no issues so far and when I send a command to turn on zone one, then all zones off it works like this:

Code: Select all
20-Sep-09 8:29:28 PM
  Sent INSTEON       "EZFlora - lawn-nw" on (ack: valve 1 on)

20-Sep-09 8:29:51 PM
  Sent INSTEON       "EZFlora - lawn-nw" off (ack: all valves off)
  Sent INSTEON       "EZFlora - lawn-e+wall" off (ack: all valves off)
  Sent INSTEON       "EZFlora - back+cedars" off (ack: all valves off)
  Sent INSTEON       "EZFlora - frontplants" off (ack: all valves off)
  Sent INSTEON       "EZFlora - lawn-ne" off (ack: all valves off)
  Sent INSTEON       "EZFlora - lawn-e" off (ack: all valves off)
  Sent INSTEON       "EZFlora - zone7" off (ack: all valves off)
  Sent INSTEON       "EZFlora - zone8" off (ack: all valves off)

I also set all the maximum zone durations to 60 in the device setting. I tested the failsafe/maximum was working by temporarilly putting in 1 minute on zone8, turning zone8 on and checking the valve status periodically in indigo. It appears to shut off in one minute but note that it did not automatically notify indigo by sending an insteon command.

I also can turn a zone on/off even though I have nothing connected to those zone terminals. In my case I have zone7 and zone8 unused so I can turn on zone8 while frontplants is on and it will shut frontplants off and run zone8 (which does nothing of course).

I am curious if something has changed in Indigo (I just upgraded to 4.0.2 from an old version from years ago) that I am using or I am just lucky?

If I do get this problem I will report back. If the firmware 2.4 has to be updated on the EZFlora, is this end-user flash-able or will it have to be sent back/exchanged?

Posted on
Thu Sep 24, 2009 6:35 pm
matt (support) offline
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brians wrote:
,,,or I am just lucky?

Just lucky so far. Eventually it'll likely get into the bad state until you unplug it again.

:-) :-) But I think we finally have a solution! :-) :-)

The problem only seems to occur after Indigo turns on the "broadcast valve changes" option in the EZFlora for firmware versions 2.4 to 2.6. SimpleHomeNet.com now has firmware 2.7 which does not have the problem. So everyone with a 2.4 (or 2.5, 2.6 but I don't know if those shipped to customers) version has two options:

1) Keep their current EZFlora version but upgrade to the final (non-Beta) version of Indigo 4.1. We have not posted the installer for it yet, but hope to around Monday Sept 28, 2009. That version of Indigo will NOT turn on the broadcast valve changes option if your EZFlora firmware is 2.4. After you've installed 4.1 (which again has NOT been posted yet) you will need to:
Code: Select all
1. Unplug your EZFlora.

2. Wait 10 seconds.

3. Plug it back in and wait 5 seconds or so for it to start up.

4. Double click your EZFlora Device in Indigo press the Re-Sync Links button and follow the re-sync process.

5. Close out of the dialogs and try manually changing the valves using the UI in the Main Window -- verify that it is working correctly by making sure the "ack" has the correct valve status and not "all valves off."

-- or --

2) Contact SimpleHomeNet and see what their instructions are for swapping the unit or getting the firmware updated to 2.7.


Posted on
Fri Oct 02, 2009 5:44 pm
brians offline
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Ok, I updated to 4.1, unplugged and did the resync. During the resync I notice some errors in log, indicating that the device does not support resyncing etc. Anyways it seems to work as before so hopefully this is just a pre-emptive thing I have done and my EZFlora will continue to work. I only have a couple weeks of watering anyways until start getting into winter.

Posted on
Sat Apr 21, 2018 10:31 am
pantalones offline
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Re: EZFlora Stops Responding

The 10 seconds unplugged 5 seconds wait then resync worked for me.

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