ffmpeg Continual "Accept Incoming Network Connection" checks

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Sat Jun 10, 2023 9:33 am
autolog offline
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ffmpeg Continual "Accept Incoming Network Connection" checks

Hi Glenn,

I am running HomeKitLink Siri V 0.5.11 and Security Spy V 5.5.8 on MacOS Ventura 13.4.

I have set up a new bridge device for my five Security Spy cameras and these have been successfuly included into Apple Home and are visible in the HomeApp. The preview images are updating correctly every 10 seconds or so.

However when I click on a camera preview to view the stream, a popup for ffmpeg appears on my Mac asking me whether I want to accept incoming connections.

If I am quick and reply Yes, the camera live stream is then displayed in the Home App. If I am too slow, the camera shows as not responding.

It does this every time a new stream is started for the same or different cameras.

I have run the command:
Code: Select all
sudo xattr -rd com.apple.quarantine /Library/Application\ Support/Perceptive\ Automation/Indigo\ 2022.2/Plugins
When I go into the Mac's Settings > Network > Firewall > Advanced, I can see ffmpeg is inthe list and has allow incoming connections enabled. Right clicking the entry and selecting show in Finder, takes you to the ffmpeg binary within the HomeKitLink Siri plugin; so that looks OK.

I tried disabling the firewall: no difference, message still displayed.

Following a googled suggestion, I left the firewall disabled and rebooted the Mac mini. Now it worked no message displayed! :)
However, as soon as I turned the firewall back on, the message re-appeared.
Turning the Firewall off again didn't make any difference and the messages still kept appearing. :?

The logged ffmpeg message from using the Home App on my iPhone is showing:
Code: Select all
HomeKitLink Siri                Command List to run :
   HomeKitLink Siri                ['./ffmpeg/ffmpeg', '-rtsp_transport', 'tcp', '-probesize', '64', '-analyzeduration', '0', '-re', '-i', 'rtsp://<USER_REDACTED>:<PASSWORD_REDACTED>@', '-map', '0:0', '-c:v', 'libx264', '-bf', '0', '-pix_fmt', 'yuv420p', '-color_range', 'mpeg', '-f', 'rawvideo', '-r', '24', '-b:v', '299k', '-bufsize', '2392k', '-maxrate', '299k', '-payload_type', '99', '-ssrc', '908023', '-f', 'rtp', '-srtp_out_suite', 'AES_CM_128_HMAC_SHA1_80', '-srtp_out_params', '2UkmMUQWolvTm+XDW4tVC8UwDYB+QCSTrh6m42lH', 'srtp://']
   HomeKitLink Siri                =================================================== Run Ffmpeg Command Ended 
From various forums, this looks like an annoying issue that affects a number of Apps.

Just checking in to see if I have missed something, which is quite possible. ;)

Posted on
Sat Jun 10, 2023 3:32 pm
GlennNZ offline
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ffmpeg Continual "Accept Incoming Network Connection" checks

HI Jon

This is a new one - but seems to be a Mac and Firewall issue as you guess.

Given the fact that when disable firewall and reboot problem goes away. Seems that the firewall isn’t respected the fact that you have set allow incoming connections….

Seems you have set everything up correctly.

It’s the question as to whether you can enable the firewall, but allow these connections. Obviously your googling has helped - but it is possible it can’t be done. Sorry - I don’t have any more info on this front.

I run my Indigo mac with firewall off. There are a number of plugins that communicate back and forth and I feel the potential small benefit isn’t worth the troubleshooting hassle.

I’ll look and see if can find anything helpful as well.


Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

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