All HKLS devices showing "no response"

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Sun Feb 26, 2023 12:25 pm
Londonmark offline
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All HKLS devices showing "no response"

My Homekit set-up was all working well, but then I went away for a few days and now all devices show as non-responsive. I'm not sure if this relates to the new architecture and I am not aware of having updated to the new architecture. I'm running iOS 16.4 on my main phone and also have a couple of iPads on my network. One is an older mini running 15.7.

My HKLS version is 0.5.2 and I'm on Indigo 2022.2.0. That said, the problem started yesterday when I was on 2022.1. I hoped (cluelessly) that the upgrade might help.

Not sure what my best option is. I'd certainly prefer not to delete my current HomeKit home so thought I would check here first.

I do also have Controller for Homekit on my mac which has a back-up of my home, but I have never tried the restore option - so again, want to check options and views before doing anything too drastic.

One very weird thing - this morning for an hour or so , Homekit started working again. But only for an hour or so. Since then nothing. I've rebooted all sorts of things.

And one other weird thing - I have an Apple TV and was using the Apple TV plugin, but that has started throwing up errors:

appleTV Plugin Error ( Function: connect_atv line: 555): Exception : Message : Connect ATV Exception
appleTV Plugin Error Traceback:
File "", line 553, in connect_atv
return await pyatv.connect(config, loop)
File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.10/lib/python3.10/site-packages/pyatv/", line 135, in connect
await atv.connect()

(There's more but all along similar lines)

I've deleted the rogue device but it's not helped with HKLS.

Posted on
Sun Feb 26, 2023 1:03 pm
durosity offline
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Re: All HKLS devices showing "no response"

My HKLS version is 0.5.2

I'm not sure if it'll help but there is a much newer version on the GitHub repo. It does have some changes for the new HK architecture which is available in iOS 16.4. I believe you can check if you're on the new architecture by going into Home -> Settings -> Software Update and if you're not on the updated one it'll show the option to enable it.

Computer says no.

Posted on
Sun Feb 26, 2023 2:44 pm
Londonmark offline
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Re: All HKLS devices showing "no response"

That has helped a lot! And I’ve managed to do the architectural update successfully too. Not sure how I missed the version thing.

Posted on
Sun Feb 26, 2023 3:03 pm
GlennNZ offline
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Re: All HKLS devices showing "no response"


Will update the pluginStore with latest version now - tend to run in a bit before Store release.

There is nothing there that would change this that I can see though. (except for a minor change to iid manager...)

Seems like HomeKit got into a bad state (odd that worked for 1/2hr...) something network, or firewall I would be guessing.
HomeKit also caches in iCloud a lot of information and occasionally this can be out of sync and lead to issues.
(The plugin does have one persisting issue which is if internet/router goes down gets into a bad state and needs to be restarted to sort out. )

The HomeKit Architecture update:
I'm sure a number are running it. Me not as yet...
Apple pulled it completely in OS 16.2 - as was buggy (that's the version that Durosity also had upgrade issues with I believe)
It was coming back sometime soon.... (seems like is there)

Posted on
Sun Feb 26, 2023 3:22 pm
durosity offline
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Re: All HKLS devices showing "no response"

GlennNZ wrote:
The HomeKit Architecture update:
I'm sure a number are running it. Me not as yet...
Apple pulled it completely in OS 16.2 - as was buggy (that's the version that Durosity also had upgrade issues with I believe)
It was coming back sometime soon.... (seems like is there)

Yeah, it was an absolute disaster for me. However.. when I deleted the home and created a brand new one from scratch (on the new architecture) and since then it’s been a LOT faster and much more stable than it was! So it was kinda a blessing in disguise!

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Computer says no.

Posted on
Sun Feb 26, 2023 5:11 pm
Londonmark offline
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Re: All HKLS devices showing "no response"

Not sure I’m noticing any performance improvement from the new architecture but at least I’ve got it working again.

Suspect it might have been router related given what you say Glenn.

Posted on
Mon Feb 27, 2023 11:04 am
durosity offline
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Re: All HKLS devices showing "no response"

I suppose it depends how many devices you have in HomeKit. In total I think I have something like 200 including various misc ones for indigo actions. Apple did say the performance boost was mainly for larger setups!

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Computer says no.

Posted on
Mon Feb 27, 2023 11:36 am
Londonmark offline
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Re: All HKLS devices showing "no response"

About 75 I think.

Posted on
Sun Apr 09, 2023 8:54 am
rehafer offline
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Re: All HKLS devices showing "no response"

I’m still having intermittent “no response” problems. Occasionally, all my HKLS devices will go unresponsive. If I use Indigo Touch to toggle one of the devices, they all sones start responding. A minor annoyance for me, more so for the less technical user.
I’d appreciate a list of things to try to ‘de-glitch’ my home.

Posted on
Mon Apr 17, 2023 8:07 am
rehafer offline
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Re: All HKLS devices showing "no response"

Follow up:
After updating all my Apple TVs and HomePods to 16.4.1, I have stopped getting ‘no response’ for HKLS devices in the Home app and I haven’t seen
Code: Select all
 ( ('192.168.#.###', 59235) (fe6ab112-8a37-4073-a643-9eb86641fb2a): Connection lost to HomeKitLink Bridge 430281: None
for the Connected hub.
I’m cautiously optimistic that the issue is fixed in HomeKIt.
[Do we need a “troubleshooting HomeKit” thread?]

Posted on
Thu Jun 01, 2023 4:40 am
aaaha offline
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Re: All HKLS devices showing "no response"

I've just installed the HKLS plugin (0.6.5), and I'm getting the all devices showing "no response" frequently. I upgraded to the latest Apple HK architecture after installing the plugin.

When I disable and reenable the HKLS plugin inside Indigo, the devices come back online on my Home apps - both Mac and iOS. Any ideas?

Posted on
Thu Jun 01, 2023 4:41 am
GlennNZ offline
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All HKLS devices showing "no response"

aaaha wrote:
I've just installed the HKLS plugin (0.6.5), and I'm getting the all devices showing "no response" frequently. I upgraded to the latest Apple HK architecture after installing the plugin.

When I disable and reenable the HKLS plugin inside Indigo, the devices come back online on my Home apps - both Mac and iOS. Any ideas?
Have you tried any of the steps in the FAQ?


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Last edited by GlennNZ on Thu Jun 01, 2023 4:57 am, edited 1 time in total.

Posted on
Thu Jun 01, 2023 4:55 am
GlennNZ offline
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All HKLS devices showing "no response"

Ok - that response was probably written slightly too quickly… late here…. Home app/Homekit is really complicated and has to utilise a whole lot of network setup. Your details - are somewhat lacking any details…. or logging… or anything really…

If this has just started with 0.6.5:
Would upgrade to 0.6.6 - in github code download or will be release soon.
Fine tunes some of the mDNS aspects - removing default Ivp6 which causes a lot of traffic.

It seems you have just installed - and seeing this - in this case unlikely to be 0.6.5 - and probably relates to your network setup/firewall/mac issues access to a AppleTV Hub (and since 16.4 Homekit really really wants a Hub - without it - looses access occasionally)

Can change mDNS advanced settings to IVP4Only. Which is new default for 0.6.6

Would review logs for any details - or devices that may be incorrectly setup and causing this issue. To fine tune this would limit to one bridge, one device (simple device such as a lamp)
Would review the FAQ for device non -response - which can be a huge number of things. Most network wise, wifi/firewall wise
Would check you have a hub (appleTV)
Would check devices have upgraded correctly to latest version (AppleTV etc)
Would Check AppleTV settings for Home connection are all on same network.
Would check same user logged in to Home app across using device

& /or when issue occurs would check for any logging

& Go from there!

At a complete guess - this would probably be HLKS bridge device setup, which is sending incorrect results to homekit. One bridge/one lamp test would troubleshoot that.

Posted on
Wed Jun 28, 2023 11:16 am
rbdubz3 offline
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Re: All HKLS devices showing "no response"

My setup seems to be flapping from working Ok to everything showing 'No Response' :( . All seemed to be working fine until the last week. Several things in play that may be related but not exactly sure..
1) Last week - Upgraded to the new HomeKit Arch. Most of the HKL Siri bridge devices seemed fine. I noticed that all devices associated with 1 of my 8 HKL bridges were not working - showing the 'No Response' message. HKL Siri version was 0.4.0
2) A couple of days back - unplugged my 2 AppleTVs. I'm moving out of town so set these aside to movers wouldn't pack them up. The HKL Siri seemed to be working ok except for the aforementioned 1 HKL bridge
3) Yesterday setup one ATV to watch TV. Pretty sure that all of my HKL bridges were showing 'No Response' afterwards. Upgraded to HKL Siri version 0.6.5 but this didn't seem to help
4) Tried to remove and re-add a device to a single HKL Bridge. This worked and devices were showing up fine.. then at some point all devices show 'No Response'
5) Last night I noticed some HKL Bridges showing in my HomeKit app that I’d removed from Indigo.. So I removed these from HomeKit - this seemed to fix stuff for a bit and devices were working
6) Things worked for a bit this morning but now all is ‘No Response’

Not really sure how to proceed. Seems very intermittent between working and not operable. Any tips would be greatly appreciated.

I automate because I am lazy :D - My Plugins:

Posted on
Thu Jun 29, 2023 2:38 am
GlennNZ offline
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Re: All HKLS devices showing "no response"

rbdubz3 wrote:
My setup seems to be flapping from working Ok to everything showing 'No Response' :( . All seemed to be working fine until the last week. Several things in play that may be related but not exactly sure..
1) Last week - Upgraded to the new HomeKit Arch. Most of the HKL Siri bridge devices seemed fine. I noticed that all devices associated with 1 of my 8 HKL bridges were not working - showing the 'No Response' message. HKL Siri version was 0.4.0
2) A couple of days back - unplugged my 2 AppleTVs. I'm moving out of town so set these aside to movers wouldn't pack them up. The HKL Siri seemed to be working ok except for the aforementioned 1 HKL bridge
3) Yesterday setup one ATV to watch TV. Pretty sure that all of my HKL bridges were showing 'No Response' afterwards. Upgraded to HKL Siri version 0.6.5 but this didn't seem to help
4) Tried to remove and re-add a device to a single HKL Bridge. This worked and devices were showing up fine.. then at some point all devices show 'No Response'
5) Last night I noticed some HKL Bridges showing in my HomeKit app that I’d removed from Indigo.. So I removed these from HomeKit - this seemed to fix stuff for a bit and devices were working
6) Things worked for a bit this morning but now all is ‘No Response’

Not really sure how to proceed. Seems very intermittent between working and not operable. Any tips would be greatly appreciated.

You are quite right - could be any number of these aspects. Given all this deleting everything and starting again probably best option, sadly!

Few comments though:
re: 1)
0.4.0 - works with 16.4 but isn’t necessarily 100% compatible. Ideally before this massive change (as per the Home messaging before upgrade, 16.4 is/was a massive change with a whole host of incompatible devices, ipads etc.). Ideally the HKLS plugin should have upgraded to >0.5.2 as per the plugin install notes.

The guts of this change, is there is a risk that uniqueIDs for device aspects would not be consistent across restarts. OS16.4 needed this to be fully compatible. Before wasn’t important. Plugin version 0.5.2 adds file saving of these aspects to be fully compatible with OS16.4 Home version.

re: 5)
If you remove bridges from Indigo - then you also need to remove them from the Home app. If deleted from Indigo - then obviously will show non-response in Home, and/or contribute to a host of issues.

Ultimately the change here is likely the complete change in Home architecture with this upgrade. It is also possible this hasn’t completed probably - and re-doing might be needed.

Might pay to upgrade to plugin version 0.6.15 in case it’s an unrelated network issue. This version should manage combined Ivp4 and Ivp6 networks better.

If no improvement - or at very least disable all bridges (use the indigo communication check box, bottom left in edit settings screen) & remove them from Home App. Delete them from Home app, Logout from icloud everywhere (to deal with icloud caching). Would probably leave overnight and make sure nothing appears via a cache somewhere…

Reset the bridges in Plugin. Then could re-add them (without needed to re-add devices) and re-pair with QR code and go from there.


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