Ecobee2 Plugin Failures

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Thu Jun 30, 2022 5:34 pm
JustJack offline
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Ecobee2 Plugin Failures

I've been having a problem with the Ecobee2 plugin for some time now and I have finally have some time to try to figure it out now. I tried updating to the 2022.1 version and still now luck.

The Problem: What started this quest was that whenever I walk by the Ecobee 4 thermostat in the living room, three lights in that room would come on. This drove me crazy for some time until I figured it had something to do with my Ecobee thermostat. If I put a cover over the thermostat, just a rag so the the thermostat didn't see someone in the area and try to update the display to show the weather and show a different set of data.

I tried putting the thermostats on a separate vlan and that cured the problem of having the lights come on whenever I walked by. Whenever I put the thermostats back on the main lan with the indigo server, the behavior returned.

I tried removing the plugin and reinstalling and no luck. I did not try to do a complete clean deleting all of the devices that the plugin and uninstalling and reinstalling the plugin but that bay be my next step. I'm not sure make sure that I have got all of the bits removed. Looking at the files opened by the indigopluginhost3 process, it looks like there may be LaunchServices process that is still hanging around

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Any help in what the proper way to completely clean the plugin would be helpful. Do you think that I am barking up the wrong tree?

One other thing, I keep getting "Token refresh failed, will retry in 5 minutes" errors. I'm hoping that these will go away as soon as I clean things up. I will also go to my Ecobee account to deauthorize the old app authorization when I do a clean install


Posted on
Thu Jun 30, 2022 6:24 pm
FlyingDiver online
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Re: Ecobee2 Plugin Failures

So what problem are you trying to solve? If it's the lights, then the only way that could happen is if you have a trigger on the motion detector built into the Ecobee. The plugin certainly is not turning on your lights directly. Did the separate VLAN have Internet access? The plugin only communicates with the Ecobee cloud servers, it does not connect to the Ecobee devices themselves.

Plugins have nothing to do with LaunchServices. They're started/stopped by the Indigo Server, which DOES use LaunchServices (I think).

The token refresh should work as long as the plugin has been properly authorized, but if you deleted preference files then it would have lost the refresh token and would need to be re-authorized.

So, I'm not sure exactly what you're still trying to fix. If you've installed the latest version of the plugin, you need to go through the authorization process before you do anything else. If that fails, I need to see the Indigo log with the plugin in debug logging mode, with a plugin restart.

joe (aka FlyingDiver)
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Posted on
Thu Jun 30, 2022 6:29 pm
FlyingDiver online
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Re: Ecobee2 Plugin Failures

Keep in mind that the later model Ecobee thermostats do HomeKit (Siri) and/or Alexa directly so you might have an automation set up in one of those systems that was turning the lights on.

joe (aka FlyingDiver)
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Posted on
Thu Jun 30, 2022 10:40 pm
JustJack offline
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Re: Ecobee2 Plugin Failures

Thanks for the input. I've cleaned up the old devices, deleted the old prefs file and the ecobee app auths and did a clean install and I no longer get the errors with the Token refresh failed errors. Wish I hadn't deleted the old prefs so I could have figured exactly what was wrong.

Now on to the phantom motion detector issue. Right now I have the Ecobees on a vlan again and it's no longer triggering the lights. I did check to see if I had some triggers setup that I had forgot about but no dependences wire listed for the device.

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