Available States?

Posted on
Fri Nov 13, 2020 10:36 am
puppycrack offline
Posts: 60
Joined: Dec 04, 2012
Location: Rochester, NY

Available States?

First off - AWESOME plugin :D . When I first found it, it just scratched an itch I've had for year - so kudos!

I've recently acquired a new device (AeoTec power plug), and am interested in seeing the available states that the device exposes inside Indigo. While I can use "Explore Device" in the plugin menu, and dump it to the log, it only includes the default states that are captured for all devices, not the states for this specific device. It seems if I add the device in the config under "Include Specific Devices", THEN when I explore the device and dump it to the event log, all available states show. However, I don't want to do this, as the moment I add it this way in the config, it will add those fields to the InfluxDB device_changes measurement, with no real way to remove them after the fact. How can I see ALL available states for a device, to decide on which states I want the Grafana plugin to send to Influx?


Posted on
Mon Nov 16, 2020 7:41 am
puppycrack offline
Posts: 60
Joined: Dec 04, 2012
Location: Rochester, NY

Re: Available States?

Found it:

Code: Select all
$ IndigoPluginHost -i
>>> list(indigo.devices[DEVICE_ID].states)
[u'accumEnergyTimeDelta', u'accumEnergyTimeDelta.ui', u'accumEnergyTotal', u'accumEnergyTotal.ui', u'curEnergyLevel', u'curEnergyLevel.ui', u'onOffState']

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