HassBridge plugin

Posted on
Mon May 18, 2020 1:44 pm
dproctor offline
Posts: 48
Joined: Apr 23, 2012

Re: HassBridge plugin

WonderSlug wrote:
dproctor wrote:
It appears to still be exhibiting the same behavior. Of the 3 Virtual devices (all Device Groups) that I have, only the first one (alphabetically) becomes a device in HA and the other 2 only become related entities to the first one instead of devices of their own. My knowledge is quite limited so sorry I'm not much help troubleshooting. However, I have noticed that now, the one virtual device I have that in Indigo is made up of a dimmer and a switch shows up as a binary sensor vice a switch in HA. If I change the virtual device so it only has one type, ie. only dimmers or only switches, they show up correctly as a switch in HA.

I think you have to delete the device in the HA integration screen and then reload the HassBridge plugin in Indigo. This should create the devices in HA and reattach the entities to those devices. The entities are already associated with a device and it wont change them without deleting the device.

I actually gone so far as deleting both the MQTT integration and the Mosquitto add on in Hass.io and rebooting so all devices and entities are gone from HA. But even after that when I reinstall the add on and enable the MQTT integration and reload HassBridge the same thing happens.

Posted on
Mon May 18, 2020 1:53 pm
dproctor offline
Posts: 48
Joined: Apr 23, 2012

Re: HassBridge plugin

dproctor wrote:
WonderSlug wrote:
dproctor wrote:
It appears to still be exhibiting the same behavior. Of the 3 Virtual devices (all Device Groups) that I have, only the first one (alphabetically) becomes a device in HA and the other 2 only become related entities to the first one instead of devices of their own. My knowledge is quite limited so sorry I'm not much help troubleshooting. However, I have noticed that now, the one virtual device I have that in Indigo is made up of a dimmer and a switch shows up as a binary sensor vice a switch in HA. If I change the virtual device so it only has one type, ie. only dimmers or only switches, they show up correctly as a switch in HA.

I think you have to delete the device in the HA integration screen and then reload the HassBridge plugin in Indigo. This should create the devices in HA and reattach the entities to those devices. The entities are already associated with a device and it wont change them without deleting the device.

I actually gone so far as deleting both the MQTT integration and the Mosquitto add on in Hass.io and rebooting so all devices and entities are gone from HA. But even after that when I reinstall the add on and enable the MQTT integration and reload HassBridge the same thing happens.

I also disabled HassBridge and deleted it completely from indigo and reinstalled it to try and make sure that something from previous wasn't being retained and used. I also completely reinstalled HASS.io on my raspberry pi. Haha...that's about the extent of my knowledge on this, I can start/stop, disable/enable, delete/install :mrgreen:

Posted on
Tue May 19, 2020 8:52 am
WonderSlug offline
Posts: 82
Joined: Sep 08, 2017

Re: HassBridge plugin

dproctor wrote:
It appears to still be exhibiting the same behavior. Of the 3 Virtual devices (all Device Groups) that I have, only the first one (alphabetically) becomes a device in HA and the other 2 only become related entities to the first one instead of devices of their own. My knowledge is quite limited so sorry I'm not much help troubleshooting. However, I have noticed that now, the one virtual device I have that in Indigo is made up of a dimmer and a switch shows up as a binary sensor vice a switch in HA. If I change the virtual device so it only has one type, ie. only dimmers or only switches, they show up correctly as a switch in HA.


Getting a little confushing for me. Can we take this discussion and make it two different issues?

One for All virtual entities showing up under one device.

And one for Virtual device for dimmer and switch showing as Binary Sensor

Are these still both issues?


Posted on
Tue May 19, 2020 9:30 am
dproctor offline
Posts: 48
Joined: Apr 23, 2012

Re: HassBridge plugin

WonderSlug wrote:
dproctor wrote:
It appears to still be exhibiting the same behavior. Of the 3 Virtual devices (all Device Groups) that I have, only the first one (alphabetically) becomes a device in HA and the other 2 only become related entities to the first one instead of devices of their own. My knowledge is quite limited so sorry I'm not much help troubleshooting. However, I have noticed that now, the one virtual device I have that in Indigo is made up of a dimmer and a switch shows up as a binary sensor vice a switch in HA. If I change the virtual device so it only has one type, ie. only dimmers or only switches, they show up correctly as a switch in HA.


Getting a little confushing for me. Can we take this discussion and make it two different issues?

One for All virtual entities showing up under one device.

And one for Virtual device for dimmer and switch showing as Binary Sensor

Are these still both issues?


Yes they are. I'll make a separate post regarding the binary sensor issue.

Posted on
Tue May 19, 2020 7:31 pm
farberm offline
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Joined: Feb 24, 2008

Re: HassBridge plugin

Devices and Variable are "Unavailable"

Not sure why this is occurring but my devices appear to be unavailable...(See image below).

In Indigo I do not see any errors and I can connect to the MQTT Server...

I selected one device and two variables

Couch Lamp

I created a custom yaml file as follows:

Couch Lamp:
device_class: light

name: Caddx Panel Status
bridge_type: VariableBinarySensor
on_value: Open
device_class: door

name: Pool Water Fill
bridge_type: VariableSensor
device_class: sensor

Under Hassio configuration I see that Couch Lamp and Caddxpanel Status entities are both unavailable and Daily WaterFill does not appear?

Also payload is not available - not sure what the issue is?

Any ideas?
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Posted on
Tue May 19, 2020 8:15 pm
WonderSlug offline
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Re: HassBridge plugin

First, to clean thing up, I would remove the top level homeassistant topic and all subtopics below it, since it looks like you changed your discovery prefix to indigohassbridge.

What you are seeing is a couple of things.

It is showing 3 devices online (status = online). It appears that the caddx_panelstatus was originally showing as a sensor and you are overriding the bridge_type to make it a binary sensor. The caddx_panelstatus that is showing offline is from that first setup as a sensor. You can delete the indigohassbridge/sensor/caddx_panelstatus topic and everything below.

Then if you delete the top level Devices from the Home Assistant devices panel and reload the HassBridge plugin in indigo it should force Home Assistant to pick up the configs again and you should have a clean set of devices.

The payload_not_available in the config topic is the definition of what Home Assistant should look for in the status topic when the device is not available: https://www.home-assistant.io/integrati ... _available.

Posted on
Tue May 19, 2020 8:25 pm
farberm offline
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Re: HassBridge plugin

I know this sound stupid........

but how do I go about removing the home assistant top topic and subtopics?

Is this done thru Hassio, mqtt explorer or somewhere inIndigo?

Posted on
Tue May 19, 2020 8:29 pm
WonderSlug offline
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Re: HassBridge plugin

Not stupid... its kinda Hidden. Use MQTT Explorer is best...

Select the homeassistant topic and hit the trashcan with the number.

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Posted on
Wed May 20, 2020 1:36 pm
farberm offline
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Re: HassBridge plugin

I deleted the topics and devices as you stated...

I restarted everything.

I do not see the devices showing up under connected devices or entities???

I have included my config image and Matt explorer image?
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Posted on
Wed May 20, 2020 2:02 pm
WonderSlug offline
Posts: 82
Joined: Sep 08, 2017

Re: HassBridge plugin

farberm wrote:
I deleted the topics and devices as you stated...

I restarted everything.

I do not see the devices showing up under connected devices or entities???

I have included my config image and Matt explorer image?

What about on your Home Assistant config side for the MQTT? The devices show online. It makes me wonder if the HA setting is pointing to indigohassbridge like are in your settings.

Posted on
Wed May 20, 2020 2:24 pm
farberm offline
Posts: 393
Joined: Feb 24, 2008

Re: HassBridge plugin

ok... found one error in my yaml file...

However.....Deviesare now listed but still unavailable???

I have Mosquito Broker installed under Add-ons.

I have added the following to config yaml file:

port: 1883
discovery: true
discovery_prefix: indigohassbridge

I also have the following listed under the config section of Mosquito broker...(see image)

Q1: Can I delete the entry in my config.yaml file and add it to the config section for Mosquito broker?
Q2: Why are the devices still listed as unavailable?
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Posted on
Wed May 20, 2020 3:28 pm
farberm offline
Posts: 393
Joined: Feb 24, 2008

Re: HassBridge plugin

ok Finally solved the unavailable issue....

Explanation for others.

I am running Hassio on my NAS via Docker.

Because of that the docker reassigns the broker address from the ip address of my nas (192.168.2.x) to a private ip 172.30.32.x

I changed my config file in Indigo to use the 172.30.32.x ip address and not the devices are available.

I cannot log onto via MQTT explorer, but have to log into the 192.168.2.x ip address of my NAS

I probably do not understand all the nuances of the docker install yet... But all things working now.

Posted on
Wed May 20, 2020 4:43 pm
WonderSlug offline
Posts: 82
Joined: Sep 08, 2017

Re: HassBridge plugin

farberm wrote:
ok Finally solved the unavailable issue....

Explanation for others.

I am running Hassio on my NAS via Docker.

Because of that the docker reassigns the broker address from the ip address of my nas (192.168.2.x) to a private ip 172.30.32.x

I changed my config file in Indigo to use the 172.30.32.x ip address and not the devices are available.

I cannot log onto via MQTT explorer, but have to log into the 192.168.2.x ip address of my NAS

I probably do not understand all the nuances of the docker install yet... But all things working now.

Cool! im glad its working for you. :D

Posted on
Wed May 20, 2020 4:52 pm
farberm offline
Posts: 393
Joined: Feb 24, 2008

Re: HassBridge plugin

For my first question..can I add those aspects to the mqtt config and leave out of my config f.yaml file?

Posted on
Wed May 20, 2020 6:03 pm
WonderSlug offline
Posts: 82
Joined: Sep 08, 2017

Re: HassBridge plugin

farberm wrote:
For my first question..can I add those aspects to the mqtt config and leave out of my config f.yaml file?

If I understand you correctly, you are asking if you can take the configuration out of the configuration.yaml for Home Assistant and put it in the config for the Mosquito config on addon container?

If thats the question then you are NOT able to do that. The HA configuration.yaml has to tell HA what the prefix is and if discovery is enabled. The Mosquito config is completly seperate from the Home Assistant config. Mosquito is the MQTT broker and is a completely independent program.

For HassBridge and HomeAssistant to be able to talk they need to agree on the things like the discovery prefix, and that means that is has to be configured in both locations.

I hope this helps and is the right question you are asking.

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