Why does Indigo create new database by itself ?

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Fri Nov 22, 2019 9:08 am
rlesperance offline
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Why does Indigo create new database by itself ?


Why does Indigo create new database by itself (see the picture below) ?

Self created database.jpg
Self created database.jpg (163.8 KiB) Viewed 4191 times

Posted on
Fri Nov 22, 2019 10:55 am
matt (support) offline
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Re: Why does Indigo create new database by itself ?

There might be a file/folder permission or owner problem that is preventing Indigo from being able to save over the file.


Posted on
Sun Nov 24, 2019 7:53 am
rlesperance offline
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Re: Why does Indigo create new database by itself ?

Good morning Matt,

There are 2 users on my iMac. One is a guest (Accueil) and the other is an admin (Nous) . The Indigo app is in the Applications folder, so it's available to all users. The Perceptive Automation folder is in the Main Library (Library>Applications support).

In the event of a electricity shortage, only the guest user logs in order for Indigo to continu any scheduled event to occur.

A file displaying the information window of all the databases is attached. Does those informations help you to troubleshoot my problem ?


Robert Lespérance
Databases permissions.jpg
Databases permissions.jpg (200.09 KiB) Viewed 4110 times

Posted on
Sun Nov 24, 2019 11:14 am
matt (support) offline
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Re: Why does Indigo create new database by itself ?

The Indigo Server needs to be run either by an admin level user, or you need to modify the permissions of all files/folders under (recursively, including children folders/files):

/Library/Application Support/Perceptive Automation/

so that Indigo can read/write (and in this case overwrite) the files. I wouldn't recommend trying to launch Indigo under different macOS users in different situations. If you do that they will either both have to be admin users, or you will have to create a new user group that they both belong to (then give the folder above write permission for that group).


Posted on
Sun Nov 24, 2019 11:19 am
rlesperance offline
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Re: Why does Indigo create new database by itself ?

After a power shortage, does the admin user have to be fully launched and logged in or do I only have to set it to launch at startup in the System Prefs and the Indigo Server will launch in the background even if the admin user is not logged in ?

Posted on
Sun Nov 24, 2019 11:28 am
matt (support) offline
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Re: Why does Indigo create new database by itself ?

Indigo Server doesn't start until the macOS user is logged in. After it is logged in you can fast-user-switch to a different macOS account, but I'm not sure about automating that. Indigo doesn't have to be run under an admin account though – it just needs to have full read/write access to that folder above. The problem you are having is you have 2 different account launching Indigo Server based on the circumstances and one of them cannot overwrite files of the other. They need to be in the same user group for that.


Posted on
Sun Nov 24, 2019 12:11 pm
rlesperance offline
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Re: Why does Indigo create new database by itself ?

Let me explain further.

(1) when restarting, my iMac launches automatically the guest user , that is not an admin nor passworded. There is no login procedure and the user launches automatically with some apps along with Indigo (actually v7.4). This way scheduled events are executed.

(2) for my work, I login in my user account that is the admin.

(3) I usually checked or manage Indigo from my user account.

How can I authorize both users to manage Indigo in order for my setup to work ?

Posted on
Sun Nov 24, 2019 12:16 pm
matt (support) offline
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Re: Why does Indigo create new database by itself ?

Yes, you need to have both user accounts belong to the same shared group, and then that group needs read/write access to the folder above. I'm on the road right now and not on a laptop, so hard for me to pull together the steps, but take a look ate Create a Group here.


Posted on
Sun Nov 24, 2019 12:33 pm
rlesperance offline
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Re: Why does Indigo create new database by itself ?

I am stuck. I'll wait when your are back and freely available.

Posted on
Sun Nov 24, 2019 12:46 pm
rlesperance offline
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Re: Why does Indigo create new database by itself ?

I think I got it.

I found how to create a user group in OS X's Users System Preferences. I called the group «Indigo».

I then went to the Sharing item of the System Preferences. I shared the Perceptive Automation folder, giving the Indigo group the privilege to read & write along with any admin users.

Is this it ?

Posted on
Sun Nov 24, 2019 1:03 pm
matt (support) offline
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Re: Why does Indigo create new database by itself ?

Did you add both of your macOS users to the group you created? Not sure the exact steps, but it sounds like that is the part that is missing.


Posted on
Sun Nov 24, 2019 1:06 pm
rlesperance offline
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Re: Why does Indigo create new database by itself ?

Modifying the privileges from within the Sharing item of the System Preferences did not work. After closing the System prefs window and restarting the computer the Indigo group privileges did not stick. Got the same result 3 times.

I then did it from the Perceptive Automation's information window not forgetting to apply the modification to all included files and folder.

Will that do it ?

Posted on
Sun Nov 24, 2019 1:07 pm
rlesperance offline
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Re: Why does Indigo create new database by itself ?

Yes when creating the group, I checked both users I wanted to add to the group.

Posted on
Sun Nov 24, 2019 1:13 pm
rlesperance offline
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Re: Why does Indigo create new database by itself ?

In Indigo's desktop app, how can I know what database is in use ?

Posted on
Sun Nov 24, 2019 1:15 pm
rlesperance offline
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Re: Why does Indigo create new database by itself ?

Got it ... It's the Indigo's window title.

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