How do I configure a MIMO2+ in Indigo for dry contact impute

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Tue Feb 12, 2019 4:08 pm
RickStreet offline
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How do I configure a MIMO2+ in Indigo for dry contact impute

I wired up my MIMO2+ to my alarm system to get dry contact inputs. How do I configure the MIMO2+ to do this in Indigo?



Posted on
Tue Feb 12, 2019 4:44 pm
norcoscia offline
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Re: How do I configure a MIMO2+ in Indigo for dry contact im

Rick, not sure what you are trying to do so hard to answer your question. Are you trying to close the MIMO relay and have indigo notice or are you trying to have indigo close the relay and have your alarm system notice?


Posted on
Tue Feb 12, 2019 6:44 pm
RickStreet offline
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Re: How do I configure a MIMO2+ in Indigo for dry contact im

I had the alarm company install dry contact relays for the various alarm statuses. I want to use the MIMO to detect when one of these contacts closes. The is no voltage, only the closing of the contact. I don't see a way to configure the device in Indigo to detect a dry contact closed.

Thanks for getting back to me.


Posted on
Wed Feb 13, 2019 7:31 am
norcoscia offline
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Re: How do I configure a MIMO2+ in Indigo for dry contact im

Hi Rick, just trying to help you but FYI, I don't have one of these - did a quick read of the documentation (which leaves much to be desired in my mind). Here is something that I would try.

There are two signal inputs on the MIMO2+. SIG1 (Input 1) and SIG2 (Input 2), depending on the circuit design a signal input (usually) will float high if it is not given some path to ground. (I did not see mention of this in the documentation but I do have a 40 year HW background and I have seen this happen on most circuits). See second picture.

So, if you have dry contacts set up coming from you alarm system you should have four wires, (two from each relay). If you take a set of two wires (from one relay) and connect one to a MIMO signal input and the other to the MIMO ground (next to that signal input) when the alarm relay is open you should not have a path to ground and that signal connection should float high, when the alarm relay is closed a path to ground is created and the signal connection input should drop to zero volts. That should create an event Indigo can see. BTW, There is a utility that can be run to adjust the threshold points the signal inputs reacts to. I looked quickly at that document and it did not specify the default values, so you may need to get into that to tweak it to work with the float values. See first picture.

Same for the other input. This assumes your dry contacts are Normally Open but it could work either way. I don't have anyway to test this and if that does not work you might have to engineer in a voltage to detect.

Let me know if that helps, happy to stick with you if you would like - maybe someone else on the board has an identical setup and can provide some first hand info for you.

Diagrams below -- good luck!
2019-02-13_05-23-56.jpeg (106.33 KiB) Viewed 6154 times
2019-02-13_05-02-15.jpeg (154.14 KiB) Viewed 6154 times


Posted on
Wed Feb 13, 2019 9:59 am
matt (support) offline
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Re: How do I configure a MIMO2+ in Indigo for dry contact im

What Norm said for the wiring, then check to see if Binary Input 1 and 2 device states change.

If not, then copy/paste the Event Log results after you force the inputs to change a few times into a reply. If nothing shows, then turn on Indigo's Z-Wave debug logging checkbox.


Posted on
Fri Feb 15, 2019 2:11 pm
RickStreet offline
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Re: How do I configure a MIMO2+ in Indigo for dry contact im

Thankyou Norm! I wired the contact switches as described. Indigo does not show any responses. I guess a big question is how do I configure the device in Indigo to sense dry contact closures.



Posted on
Sat Feb 16, 2019 8:20 am
norcoscia offline
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Re: How do I configure a MIMO2+ in Indigo for dry contact im

I don't have the device but from what Matt said it looks like when you added it -- it should have created a master device and some sub devices - two of which represent Binary Input 1 and 2. When the alarm relay contact changes from open to closed those devices should change state (within Indigo). Those would be the items you trigger on to accomplish whatever you want to do. If they do not change state then you need to figure out what is happening .

If you have a multimeter step one would be to read the voltage on the high side of each Binary Input (the SIGNAL posts) when the contacts are open. They should read some voltage, when each relay in the alarm system closes that voltage should go to ground (drop to zero). If that is happening and you do not see a change at the indigo device then the threshold values may need to be adjusted.

If you do not see any devices for the signal inputs something may not be configured correctly or the device did not get added correctly to the z-wave network. Wish I had one so I could do some screen shots for you....


Posted on
Sat Apr 06, 2019 1:48 pm
RickStreet offline
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Re: How do I configure a MIMO2+ in Indigo for dry contact im


I got it working..... I had to use the analog inputs and set the threshold voltages. I'm now a happy camper.



Posted on
Sat Jun 29, 2019 5:36 pm
brianlloyd offline
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Re: How do I configure a MIMO2+ in Indigo for dry contact im

OK, just got my MIMO2+ installed. Relays are controlling the up/down buttons for my hangar door just peachy. I have up and down limit switches with NO contacts to ground. When the door is closed the down limit-switch closes. When up, the up limit-switch closes. Up is input 1 and down is input 2. Analog values clearly change (near zero for closed, around 3000 for open). So everything IS working.

(I neglected to add that I checked and determined that the MIMO2+ has its own internal pull-up resistors on the analog inputs allowing sensing a dry contact closure with no other external components. All that is needed is to connect the contacts between SIG1 or SIG2 and ground in order for the MIMO2+ to sense the contacts.)

The problem is that, while I can query the status (read) the analog ports, I am not getting state changes pushed to Indigo. No state changes indicated in the log. I have set the off low threshold to 0, off high threshold to 2047, on low threshold to 2048, and on high threshold to 4095. I have tried the input modes to both "Trigger Between Thresholds - Report Analog on change", and "Trigger OUtside Thresholds - Report Analog on change". The binary status remains at off no matter what.

So, I can make this work to check the status of the door either by polling the analog values, or having the MIMO2+ report every 30 seconds, which it does. Both seem inelegant given that it appears to support reporting on state change. (I like event driven things.)

What have I done wrong?


Posted on
Wed Jul 03, 2019 2:19 pm
matt (support) offline
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Re: How do I configure a MIMO2+ in Indigo for dry contact im

Hi Brian,

I don't think you have your thresholds set correctly. See the UI screenshot of the MIMOlite config calculator in the post earlier in this thread to see how it works. The blue area is where it triggers to ON, then the gray area is where it triggers to OFF, and the green area is where it does nothing (keeps whatever the current state is). Try changing the thresholds to:

OFF High: 2500
OFF Low: 2000
ON High: 4095
ON Low: 4094

Note Indigo's description of those config parameters isn't completely accurate. The OFF is really the Lower threshold and the ON is the Upper threshold. In this case you mainly care about the lower (OFF) thresholds and just want the trigger point (OFF High or 2500) to be lower than 3000. The upper thresholds (ON High and On Low) you just want pegged up near the top well about 3000. The lower threshold values define the trigger point you care about.

I'm updating the verbiage of the threshold configuration parameter labels to be more accurate in the next release of Indigo.


Posted on
Wed Jul 03, 2019 2:55 pm
brianlloyd offline
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Re: How do I configure a MIMO2+ in Indigo for dry contact im

OK, I set the thresholds to the values you recommended. Still no trigger event being received by Indigo and no automatic update of the analog values. I still have to send a status request to see the analog value changes. The binary values remain at 0.

To me it seems like the thresholds should define the analog ranges that represents logical 0 and logical 1.

Just looking, it appears that the thresholds get written when sync'd. Clicking "save" doesn't produce any result in the log but clicking "define and sync" certainly does.

Hmm, OK, so I sync the device. You can see it setting the thresholds. Interestingly, when I do the sync again, where it reports the previous threshold values it shows them back to the original settings. Log below:

Jul 3, 2019 at 15:49:52
Z-Wave Syncing - started for "Hangar Door switch up - Binary 1"
Z-Wave Syncing - retrieved module neighbors list: 43, 68, 70, 78
Z-Wave Syncing - assigning return route to "083 - Hangar Door switch up - Binary 1"
Z-Wave Syncing - assigned return route
Z-Wave Syncing - retrieved manufacture and model names: FortrezZ - 0084, I/O Module (MIMO2+) - 04630208
Z-Wave Syncing - retrieved protocol version 4.34, app version 2.08
Z-Wave Syncing - retrieved class hierarchy: Routing Slave : Multilevel Sensor : -- (04 : 21 : 00, base 31)
Z-Wave Syncing - retrieved command classes: 20v1 60v4 85v1 86v1 71v1 8Ev1 70v1 31v9 72v1 73v1 59v1 5Av1 7Av1 5Ev1 25v1
Z-Wave Syncing - retrieved encrypt commands: - none -
Z-Wave Syncing - retrieved capabilities: routing, beaming
Z-Wave Syncing - retrieved multi-endpoint types: 1:(21 : 00), 2:(21 : 00), 3:(10 : 01), 4:(10 : 01)
Z-Wave Syncing - retrieved multi-endpoint classes: 1:[31 59 85 8E], 2:[31 59 85 8E], 3:[25 20 59], 4:[25 20 59]
Z-Wave Syncing - retrieved group 1 associations: [1]
Z-Wave Syncing - retrieved group 2 associations: []
Z-Wave Syncing - retrieved group 3 associations: []
Z-Wave Syncing - group 1 association to interface already exists (skipping)
Z-Wave Syncing - retrieved parameter 1 "Relay 1 mode" is 5 "Momentary (0.5 Second)"
Z-Wave Syncing - retrieved parameter 3 "Input 1 mode" is 10 "Trigger Outside Thresholds - Report Analog Every 5 Minutes"
Z-Wave Syncing - retrieved parameter 4 "Input 1 OFF threshold HIGH" is 2496
Z-Wave Syncing - device "083 - Hangar Door switch up - Binary 1" parameter 4 "Input 1 OFF threshold HIGH" changed to 2500 (was 2496)
Z-Wave Syncing - retrieved parameter 5 "Input 1 OFF threshold LOW" is 2000
Z-Wave Syncing - retrieved parameter 6 "Input 1 ON threshold HIGH" is 4080
Z-Wave Syncing - device "083 - Hangar Door switch up - Binary 1" parameter 6 "Input 1 ON threshold HIGH" changed to 4095 (was 4080)
Z-Wave Syncing - retrieved parameter 7 "Input 1 ON threshold LOW" is 4080
Z-Wave Syncing - device "083 - Hangar Door switch up - Binary 1" parameter 7 "Input 1 ON threshold LOW" changed to 4094 (was 4080)
Z-Wave Syncing - retrieved parameter 2 "Relay 2 mode" is 5 "Momentary (0.5 Second)"
Z-Wave Syncing - retrieved parameter 9 "Input 2 mode" is 10 "Trigger Outside Thresholds - Report Analog Every 5 Minutes"
Z-Wave Syncing - retrieved parameter 10 "Input 2 OFF threshold HIGH" is 2496
Z-Wave Syncing - device "083 - Hangar Door switch up - Binary 1" parameter 10 "Input 2 OFF threshold HIGH" changed to 2500 (was 2496)
Z-Wave Syncing - retrieved parameter 11 "Input 2 OFF threshold LOW" is 2000
Z-Wave Syncing - retrieved parameter 12 "Input 2 ON threshold HIGH" is 4080
Z-Wave Syncing - device "083 - Hangar Door switch up - Binary 1" parameter 12 "Input 2 ON threshold HIGH" changed to 4095 (was 4080)
Z-Wave Syncing - retrieved parameter 13 "Input 2 ON threshold LOW" is 4080
Z-Wave Syncing - device "083 - Hangar Door switch up - Binary 1" parameter 13 "Input 2 ON threshold LOW" changed to 4094 (was 4080)
Z-Wave Syncing - complete
Z-Wave sent "Hangar Door switch up - Binary 1" status request
Z-Wave received "Hangar Door switch up - Analog 1" sensor update to 3049
Z-Wave sent "Hangar Door switch up - Analog 1" status request
Z-Wave received "Hangar Door switch up - Analog 1" sensor update to 3050
Z-Wave sent "Hangar Door switch down - Binary 2" status request
Z-Wave received "Hangar Door switch down - Analog 2" sensor update to 1
Z-Wave sent "Hangar Door switch down - Analog 2" status request
Z-Wave received "Hangar Door switch down - Analog 2" sensor update to 0
Z-Wave sent "Hangar Door Control Open - Relay 1" status request
Z-Wave sent "Hangar Door Control Close - Relay 2" status request

Jul 3, 2019 at 15:50:58
Z-Wave received "Garage Door" status update is open

Jul 3, 2019 at 15:51:17
Z-Wave Syncing - started for "Hangar Door switch up - Binary 1"
Z-Wave Syncing - retrieved module neighbors list: 43, 68, 70, 78
Z-Wave Syncing - assigning return route to "083 - Hangar Door switch up - Binary 1"
Z-Wave Syncing - assigned return route
Z-Wave Syncing - retrieved manufacture and model names: FortrezZ - 0084, I/O Module (MIMO2+) - 04630208
Z-Wave Syncing - retrieved protocol version 4.34, app version 2.08
Z-Wave Syncing - retrieved class hierarchy: Routing Slave : Multilevel Sensor : -- (04 : 21 : 00, base 31)
Z-Wave Syncing - retrieved command classes: 20v1 60v4 85v1 86v1 71v1 8Ev1 70v1 31v9 72v1 73v1 59v1 5Av1 7Av1 5Ev1 25v1
Z-Wave Syncing - retrieved encrypt commands: - none -
Z-Wave Syncing - retrieved capabilities: routing, beaming
Z-Wave Syncing - retrieved multi-endpoint types: 1:(21 : 00), 2:(21 : 00), 3:(10 : 01), 4:(10 : 01)
Z-Wave Syncing - retrieved multi-endpoint classes: 1:[31 59 85 8E], 2:[31 59 85 8E], 3:[25 20 59], 4:[25 20 59]
Z-Wave Syncing - retrieved group 1 associations: [1]
Z-Wave Syncing - retrieved group 2 associations: []
Z-Wave Syncing - retrieved group 3 associations: []
Z-Wave Syncing - group 1 association to interface already exists (skipping)
Z-Wave Syncing - retrieved parameter 1 "Relay 1 mode" is 5 "Momentary (0.5 Second)"
Z-Wave Syncing - retrieved parameter 3 "Input 1 mode" is 10 "Trigger Outside Thresholds - Report Analog Every 5 Minutes"
Z-Wave Syncing - retrieved parameter 4 "Input 1 OFF threshold HIGH" is 2496
Z-Wave Syncing - device "083 - Hangar Door switch up - Binary 1" parameter 4 "Input 1 OFF threshold HIGH" changed to 2500 (was 2496)
Z-Wave Syncing - retrieved parameter 5 "Input 1 OFF threshold LOW" is 2000
Z-Wave Syncing - retrieved parameter 6 "Input 1 ON threshold HIGH" is 4080
Z-Wave Syncing - device "083 - Hangar Door switch up - Binary 1" parameter 6 "Input 1 ON threshold HIGH" changed to 4095 (was 4080)
Z-Wave Syncing - retrieved parameter 7 "Input 1 ON threshold LOW" is 4080
Z-Wave Syncing - device "083 - Hangar Door switch up - Binary 1" parameter 7 "Input 1 ON threshold LOW" changed to 4094 (was 4080)
Z-Wave Syncing - retrieved parameter 2 "Relay 2 mode" is 5 "Momentary (0.5 Second)"
Z-Wave Syncing - retrieved parameter 9 "Input 2 mode" is 10 "Trigger Outside Thresholds - Report Analog Every 5 Minutes"
Z-Wave Syncing - retrieved parameter 10 "Input 2 OFF threshold HIGH" is 2496
Z-Wave Syncing - device "083 - Hangar Door switch up - Binary 1" parameter 10 "Input 2 OFF threshold HIGH" changed to 2500 (was 2496)
Z-Wave Syncing - retrieved parameter 11 "Input 2 OFF threshold LOW" is 2000
Z-Wave Syncing - retrieved parameter 12 "Input 2 ON threshold HIGH" is 4080
Z-Wave Syncing - device "083 - Hangar Door switch up - Binary 1" parameter 12 "Input 2 ON threshold HIGH" changed to 4095 (was 4080)
Z-Wave Syncing - retrieved parameter 13 "Input 2 ON threshold LOW" is 4080
Z-Wave Syncing - device "083 - Hangar Door switch up - Binary 1" parameter 13 "Input 2 ON threshold LOW" changed to 4094 (was 4080)
Z-Wave Syncing - complete
Z-Wave sent "Hangar Door switch up - Binary 1" status request
Z-Wave received "Hangar Door switch up - Analog 1" sensor update to 3050
Z-Wave sent "Hangar Door switch up - Analog 1" status request
Z-Wave received "Hangar Door switch up - Analog 1" sensor update to 3049
Z-Wave sent "Hangar Door switch down - Binary 2" status request
Z-Wave received "Hangar Door switch down - Analog 2" sensor update to 1
Z-Wave sent "Hangar Door switch down - Analog 2" status request
Z-Wave received "Hangar Door switch down - Analog 2" sensor update to 0
Z-Wave sent "Hangar Door Control Open - Relay 1" status request
Z-Wave sent "Hangar Door Control Close - Relay 2" status request

I am confused.

Posted on
Thu Jul 04, 2019 10:14 am
matt (support) offline
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Re: How do I configure a MIMO2+ in Indigo for dry contact im

You want Trigger Between Thresholds not outside thresholds. The values being slightly off on re-sync is probably just a precision/rounding issue, but the values are close enough it shouldn't matter.


Posted on
Thu Jul 04, 2019 10:23 am
brianlloyd offline
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Re: How do I configure a MIMO2+ in Indigo for dry contact im

Thank you for helping.

I had assumed it should be 'trigger between thresholds' and tested that first. I only tried 'trigger outside thresholds' because the former didn't work. Regardless, so far nothing has worked to get the MIMO2+ to transmit a trigger.

Did you notice that, in the multiple 'Define and resync' executions, the threshold values at the beginning of the sync kept getting reset to some initial value rather than what they had been previously set to? If the threshold values are not actually changing in the MIMO2+ that would explain why it is never sending a trigger on analog value change.

So, it looks like setting and saving the threshold values in 'Edit Device Settings' does not actually change the threshold values. It appears that they get changed only when one does a 'define and sync ...' afterward. But even then, the threshold values that show up as the old threshold values keep showing up, which suggests to me that, in spite of the log entry statement, the threshold values are not being changed.

Posted on
Sat Jul 06, 2019 3:23 pm
matt (support) offline
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Re: How do I configure a MIMO2+ in Indigo for dry contact im

It is strange that nothing at all occurred (in the Event Log) when you changed the values in the UI. Try changing it again, but this time close both the config UI dialog and the device dialog after you make the change and watch the Event Log window. Is anything then logged? If not, restart the Indigo Server and try again. You shouldn't have to re-sync to get the values pushed to the module, but sometimes there can be a delay until the UI dialogs are closed.

That said, the values read out during the sync were all very close to the values you wanted, so I don't know that is the root problem here.

Let's try something different. With debug logging enabled do the following:

1) First, remove the associations (group 1) the module has back to the Z-Wave controller (if any) via the Z-Wave->Manage Associations dialog.

2) Next, use the Z-Wave->Send Raw Z-Wave Command menu command to send the following raw command to the module's root device "Binary Input 1":

0x8E 0x01 0x01 0x00 0x01 0x01

Does it then work? If not, repeat step #2 but also send the raw command to all the secondary devices (Analog Input 1, Binary Input 2, Analog Input 2, Relay 1, and Relay 2). Any luck?


Posted on
Sun Jul 07, 2019 8:41 am
brianlloyd offline
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Re: How do I configure a MIMO2+ in Indigo for dry contact im

Good morning Matt. Thanks for the help.

OK, changed the values and closed the windows. I closed the window and there was activity in the log. (See below.) I then did the sync again. This time it shows the new and old values for all four parameters. This is different behavior than what I saw before. See the log entries at the bottom of this message.

One other note, I did do an "Optimize network" last night late before I went to bed and when the network was mostly quiescent.

I then cycled the door up and down. No triggers.

I then followed your instructions to clear the association and then send the raw z-wave command. The full listing of the debug output is below. Sorry that the debug output is so voluminous. I have quite a few devices in my network. I included the entire listing from the time debug was turned on so you could see anything that might be significant.

FWIW, I still did not get updates on door state change. Now sending that commend to all the subdevices.

Still no effect. Everything should be in the log entries below.

Jul 7, 2019 at 09:03:42
Z-Wave Optimizing - device "083 - Hangar Door switch up - Binary 1" parameter 3 "Input 1 mode" changed to 138 "Trigger Between Thresholds - Report Analog Every 5 Minutes"
Z-Wave Optimizing - device "083 - Hangar Door switch up - Binary 1" parameter 5 "Input 1 OFF threshold LOW" changed to 1900
Z-Wave Optimizing - device "083 - Hangar Door switch up - Binary 1" parameter 7 "Input 1 ON threshold LOW" changed to 4090
Z-Wave Optimizing - device "083 - Hangar Door switch up - Binary 1" parameter 9 "Input 2 mode" changed to 138 "Trigger Between Thresholds - Report Analog Every 5 Minutes"
Trigger SetOfficeTempVariable

Jul 7, 2019 at 09:04:29
Z-Wave Optimizing - stopped
Z-Wave Optimizing - update queued for next awake message: "061 - Rear Door Lock"
Z-Wave Syncing - started for "Hangar Door switch up - Binary 1"
Z-Wave Syncing - retrieved module neighbors list: 43, 68, 70, 78
Z-Wave Syncing - assigning return route to "083 - Hangar Door switch up - Binary 1"
Z-Wave Syncing - assigned return route
Z-Wave Syncing - retrieved manufacture and model names: FortrezZ - 0084, I/O Module (MIMO2+) - 04630208
Z-Wave Syncing - retrieved protocol version 4.34, app version 2.08
Z-Wave Syncing - retrieved class hierarchy: Routing Slave : Multilevel Sensor : -- (04 : 21 : 00, base 31)
Z-Wave Syncing - retrieved command classes: 20v1 60v4 85v1 86v1 71v1 8Ev1 70v1 31v9 72v1 73v1 59v1 5Av1 7Av1 5Ev1 25v1
Z-Wave Syncing - retrieved encrypt commands: - none -
Z-Wave Syncing - retrieved capabilities: routing, beaming
Z-Wave Syncing - retrieved multi-endpoint types: 1:(21 : 00), 2:(21 : 00), 3:(10 : 01), 4:(10 : 01)
Z-Wave Syncing - retrieved multi-endpoint classes: 1:[31 59 85 8E], 2:[31 59 85 8E], 3:[25 20 59], 4:[25 20 59]
Z-Wave Syncing - retrieved group 1 associations: [1]
Z-Wave Syncing - retrieved group 2 associations: []
Z-Wave Syncing - retrieved group 3 associations: []
Z-Wave Syncing - group 1 association to interface already exists (skipping)
Z-Wave Syncing - retrieved parameter 1 "Relay 1 mode" is 5 "Momentary (0.5 Second)"
Z-Wave Syncing - retrieved parameter 3 "Input 1 mode" is 138 "Trigger Between Thresholds - Report Analog Every 5 Minutes"
Z-Wave Syncing - retrieved parameter 4 "Input 1 OFF threshold HIGH" is 2496
Z-Wave Syncing - device "083 - Hangar Door switch up - Binary 1" parameter 4 "Input 1 OFF threshold HIGH" changed to 2500 (was 2496)
Z-Wave Syncing - retrieved parameter 5 "Input 1 OFF threshold LOW" is 1888
Z-Wave Syncing - device "083 - Hangar Door switch up - Binary 1" parameter 5 "Input 1 OFF threshold LOW" changed to 1900 (was 1888)
Z-Wave Syncing - retrieved parameter 6 "Input 1 ON threshold HIGH" is 4080
Z-Wave Syncing - device "083 - Hangar Door switch up - Binary 1" parameter 6 "Input 1 ON threshold HIGH" changed to 4095 (was 4080)
Z-Wave Syncing - retrieved parameter 7 "Input 1 ON threshold LOW" is 4080
Z-Wave Syncing - device "083 - Hangar Door switch up - Binary 1" parameter 7 "Input 1 ON threshold LOW" changed to 4090 (was 4080)
Z-Wave Syncing - retrieved parameter 2 "Relay 2 mode" is 5 "Momentary (0.5 Second)"
Z-Wave Syncing - retrieved parameter 9 "Input 2 mode" is 138 "Trigger Between Thresholds - Report Analog Every 5 Minutes"
Z-Wave Syncing - retrieved parameter 10 "Input 2 OFF threshold HIGH" is 2496
Z-Wave Syncing - device "083 - Hangar Door switch up - Binary 1" parameter 10 "Input 2 OFF threshold HIGH" changed to 2500 (was 2496)
Z-Wave Syncing - retrieved parameter 11 "Input 2 OFF threshold LOW" is 2000
Z-Wave Syncing - retrieved parameter 12 "Input 2 ON threshold HIGH" is 4080
Z-Wave Syncing - device "083 - Hangar Door switch up - Binary 1" parameter 12 "Input 2 ON threshold HIGH" changed to 4095 (was 4080)
Z-Wave Syncing - retrieved parameter 13 "Input 2 ON threshold LOW" is 4080
Z-Wave Syncing - device "083 - Hangar Door switch up - Binary 1" parameter 13 "Input 2 ON threshold LOW" changed to 4094 (was 4080)
Z-Wave Syncing - complete
Z-Wave sent "Hangar Door switch up - Binary 1" status request
Z-Wave received "Hangar Door switch up - Analog 1" sensor update to 3072
Z-Wave sent "Hangar Door switch up - Analog 1" status request
Z-Wave received "Hangar Door switch up - Analog 1" sensor update to 3072
Z-Wave sent "Hangar Door switch down - Binary 2" status request
Z-Wave received "Hangar Door switch down - Analog 2" sensor update to 1
Z-Wave sent "Hangar Door switch down - Analog 2" status request
Z-Wave received "Hangar Door switch down - Analog 2" sensor update to 2
Z-Wave sent "Hangar Door Control Open - Relay 1" status request
Z-Wave sent "Hangar Door Control Close - Relay 2" status request

Jul 7, 2019 at 09:10:24
Z-Wave sent "Hangar Door Control Open - Relay 1" on
Z-Wave received "Hangar Door Control Open - Relay 1" status update is off

Jul 7, 2019 at 09:11:41
Z-Wave sent "Hangar Door Control Close - Relay 2" on
Z-Wave received "Hangar Door Control Close - Relay 2" status update is off

Jul 7, 2019 at 09:22:45
Z-Wave received "081 - Meter Total" power load to 6682.091 W
Z-Wave received "081 - Meter Total" energy total to 14077.461 kWh
Z-Wave received "081 - Clamp 1" power load to 3448.086 W
Z-Wave received "081 - Clamp 2" power load to 3234.005 W
Z-Wave received "081 - Clamp 1" energy total to 7520.611 kWh
Z-Wave received "081 - Clamp 2" energy total to 6556.850 kWh
Z-Wave Debug stopping node healing thread
Z-Wave Debug stopping node status polling thread
Z-Wave Debug stopped zwave packet parser thread
Z-Wave connection reset requested
Z-Wave Debug starting serial connection loop
Z-Wave Debug starting zwave packet parser thread
Z-Wave Debug SENT getVersion: 01 03 00 15 E9
Z-Wave Debug RCVD getVersion: 01 10 01 15 5A 2D 57 61 76 65 20 33 2E 39 35 00 01 99
Z-Wave Debug . . getVersion: requeuing 1 unsolicited packets
Z-Wave Debug . . getVersion: Z-Wave 3.95 static controller
Z-Wave Debug SENT getHomeID: 01 03 00 20 DC
Z-Wave Debug RCVD getHomeID: 01 08 01 20 C8 C4 7C 37 01 90
Z-Wave Debug . . getHomeID: requeuing 1 unsolicited packets
Z-Wave Debug . . getHomeID: C8C47C37, nodeID: 001
Z-Wave Debug SENT getInterfaceFeatures: 01 03 00 05 F9
Z-Wave Debug RCVD getInterfaceFeatures: 01 04 01 05 18 E7
Z-Wave Debug . . getInterfaceFeatures: requeuing 1 unsolicited packets
Z-Wave Debug . . getInterfaceFeatures: 18
Z-Wave Debug SENT getInterfaceApiCapabilities: 01 03 00 07 FB
Z-Wave Debug RCVD getInterfaceApiCapabilities: 01 2B 01 07 01 00 00 86 01 01 00 5A FE 81 FF 88 4F 1F 00 00 FB 9F 7D A0 67 00 00 80 00 80 86 00 00 00 E8 73 00 00 0E 00 00 60 00 00 FA
Z-Wave Debug . . getInterfaceApiCapabilities: requeuing 1 unsolicited packets
Z-Wave Debug . . getInterfaceApiCapabilities: supportedFuncIDs: 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 1C 20 21 22 23 24 27 29 2A 2B 2C 2D 41 42 44 45 46 47 48 49 4A 4B 4C 4D 50 51 53 54 55 56 57 5E 60 61 62 63 66 67 80 90 92 93 98 B4 B6 B7 B8 B9 BA BD BE BF D2 D3 D4 EE EF
Z-Wave Debug . . getInterfaceApiCapabilities: serialApi 1.00, manufactureId 0086, productType 0101, productId 005A
Z-Wave connected to Z-Stick Plus (ZW090) interface on /dev/cu.usbmodem143301 (firmware 1.00)
Z-Wave Debug SENT forceSUC: 01 05 00 54 01 01 AE
Z-Wave Debug RCVD forceSUC: 01 04 01 54 01 AF
Z-Wave Debug . . forceSUC: requeuing 1 unsolicited packets
Z-Wave Debug SENT getInitialNodeData: 01 03 00 02 FE
Z-Wave Debug RCVD getInitialNodeData: 01 25 01 02 05 08 1D FF DF 7F FF DF E7 27 BE 7F 22 07 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 05 00 97
Z-Wave Debug . . getInitialNodeData: requeuing 1 unsolicited packets
Z-Wave Debug . . getInitialNodeData: is static update controller
Z-Wave Debug . . getInitialNodeData: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 54, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 74, 78, 81, 82, 83]
Z-Wave Debug SENT getNodeProtocolInfo: 01 04 00 41 01 BB
Z-Wave Debug RCVD getNodeProtocolInfo: 01 09 01 41 93 16 01 02 02 01 33
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: requeuing 1 unsolicited packets
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: node 001, class name: Static Computer Controller
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: class hierarchy: Static Controller : Static Controller : Static Computer Controller (02 : 02 : 01)
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: base class command: 00
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: supported class commands: 20
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: encrypt class commands:
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: features: beaming
Z-Wave Debug SENT getNodeProtocolInfo: 01 04 00 41 02 B8
Z-Wave Debug RCVD getNodeProtocolInfo: 01 09 01 41 D3 9C 00 04 11 04 E8
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: requeuing 1 unsolicited packets
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: node 002, class name: Dimmable Scene Switch
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: class hierarchy: Routing Slave : Mulitlevel Switch : Dimmable Scene Switch (04 : 11 : 04)
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: base class command: 26
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: supported class commands: 20 26 27 2B 2C 72
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: encrypt class commands:
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: features: routing, beaming
Z-Wave Debug SENT getNodeProtocolInfo: 01 04 00 41 03 B9
Z-Wave Debug RCVD getNodeProtocolInfo: 01 09 01 41 D3 9C 00 04 10 03 EE
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: requeuing 1 unsolicited packets
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: node 003, class name: Relay Scene Switch
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: class hierarchy: Routing Slave : Relay Switch : Relay Scene Switch (04 : 10 : 03)
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: base class command: 25
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: supported class commands: 20 25 27 2B 2C 72
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: encrypt class commands:
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: features: routing, beaming
Z-Wave Debug SENT getNodeProtocolInfo: 01 04 00 41 04 BE
Z-Wave Debug RCVD getNodeProtocolInfo: 01 09 01 41 D3 9C 00 04 11 04 E8
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: requeuing 1 unsolicited packets
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: node 004, class name: Dimmable Scene Switch
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: class hierarchy: Routing Slave : Mulitlevel Switch : Dimmable Scene Switch (04 : 11 : 04)
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: base class command: 26
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: supported class commands: 20 26 27 2B 2C 72
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: encrypt class commands:
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: features: routing, beaming
Z-Wave Debug SENT getNodeProtocolInfo: 01 04 00 41 05 BF
Z-Wave Debug RCVD getNodeProtocolInfo: 01 09 01 41 D2 9C 00 04 20 01 DD
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: requeuing 1 unsolicited packets
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: node 005, class name: Binary Sensor (routing)
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: class hierarchy: Routing Slave : Binary Sensor : Binary Sensor (routing) (04 : 20 : 01)
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: base class command: 30
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: supported class commands: 20 30
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: encrypt class commands:
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: features: routing, beaming
Z-Wave Debug SENT getNodeProtocolInfo: 01 04 00 41 06 BC
Z-Wave Debug RCVD getNodeProtocolInfo: 01 09 01 41 D3 9C 00 04 11 04 E8
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: requeuing 1 unsolicited packets
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: node 006, class name: Dimmable Scene Switch
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: class hierarchy: Routing Slave : Mulitlevel Switch : Dimmable Scene Switch (04 : 11 : 04)
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: base class command: 26
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: supported class commands: 20 26 27 2B 2C 72
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: encrypt class commands:
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: features: routing, beaming
Z-Wave Debug SENT getNodeProtocolInfo: 01 04 00 41 07 BD
Z-Wave Debug RCVD getNodeProtocolInfo: 01 09 01 41 D3 9C 00 04 10 03 EE
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: requeuing 1 unsolicited packets
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: node 007, class name: Relay Scene Switch
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: class hierarchy: Routing Slave : Relay Switch : Relay Scene Switch (04 : 10 : 03)
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: base class command: 25
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: supported class commands: 20 25 27 2B 2C 72
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: encrypt class commands:
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: features: routing, beaming
Z-Wave Debug SENT getNodeProtocolInfo: 01 04 00 41 08 B2
Z-Wave Debug RCVD getNodeProtocolInfo: 01 09 01 41 D3 9C 00 04 11 04 E8
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: requeuing 1 unsolicited packets
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: node 008, class name: Dimmable Scene Switch
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: class hierarchy: Routing Slave : Mulitlevel Switch : Dimmable Scene Switch (04 : 11 : 04)
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: base class command: 26
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: supported class commands: 20 26 27 2B 2C 72
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: encrypt class commands:
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: features: routing, beaming
Z-Wave Debug SENT getNodeProtocolInfo: 01 04 00 41 09 B3
Z-Wave Debug RCVD getNodeProtocolInfo: 01 09 01 41 D3 9C 00 04 10 03 EE
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: requeuing 1 unsolicited packets
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: node 009, class name: Relay Scene Switch
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: class hierarchy: Routing Slave : Relay Switch : Relay Scene Switch (04 : 10 : 03)
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: base class command: 25
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: supported class commands: 20 25 27 2B 2C 72
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: encrypt class commands:
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: features: routing, beaming
Z-Wave Debug SENT getNodeProtocolInfo: 01 04 00 41 0A B0
Z-Wave Debug RCVD getNodeProtocolInfo: 01 09 01 41 D3 9C 00 04 11 04 E8
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: requeuing 1 unsolicited packets
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: node 010, class name: Dimmable Scene Switch
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: class hierarchy: Routing Slave : Mulitlevel Switch : Dimmable Scene Switch (04 : 11 : 04)
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: base class command: 26
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: supported class commands: 20 26 27 2B 2C 72
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: encrypt class commands:
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: features: routing, beaming
Z-Wave Debug SENT getNodeProtocolInfo: 01 04 00 41 0B B1
Z-Wave Debug RCVD getNodeProtocolInfo: 01 09 01 41 D3 9C 00 04 11 04 E8
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: requeuing 1 unsolicited packets
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: node 011, class name: Dimmable Scene Switch
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: class hierarchy: Routing Slave : Mulitlevel Switch : Dimmable Scene Switch (04 : 11 : 04)
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: base class command: 26
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: supported class commands: 20 26 27 2B 2C 72
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: encrypt class commands:
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: features: routing, beaming
Z-Wave Debug SENT getNodeProtocolInfo: 01 04 00 41 0C B6
Z-Wave Debug RCVD getNodeProtocolInfo: 01 09 01 41 D3 9C 00 04 11 04 E8
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: requeuing 1 unsolicited packets
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: node 012, class name: Dimmable Scene Switch
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: class hierarchy: Routing Slave : Mulitlevel Switch : Dimmable Scene Switch (04 : 11 : 04)
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: base class command: 26
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: supported class commands: 20 26 27 2B 2C 72
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: encrypt class commands:
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: features: routing, beaming
Z-Wave Debug SENT getNodeProtocolInfo: 01 04 00 41 0D B7
Z-Wave Debug RCVD getNodeProtocolInfo: 01 09 01 41 D3 9C 00 04 10 03 EE
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: requeuing 1 unsolicited packets
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: node 013, class name: Relay Scene Switch
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: class hierarchy: Routing Slave : Relay Switch : Relay Scene Switch (04 : 10 : 03)
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: base class command: 25
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: supported class commands: 20 25 27 2B 2C 72
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: encrypt class commands:
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: features: routing, beaming
Z-Wave Debug SENT getNodeProtocolInfo: 01 04 00 41 0F B5
Z-Wave Debug RCVD getNodeProtocolInfo: 01 09 01 41 D3 9C 00 04 11 04 E8
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: requeuing 1 unsolicited packets
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: node 015, class name: Dimmable Scene Switch
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: class hierarchy: Routing Slave : Mulitlevel Switch : Dimmable Scene Switch (04 : 11 : 04)
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: base class command: 26
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: supported class commands: 20 26 27 2B 2C 72
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: encrypt class commands:
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: features: routing, beaming
Z-Wave Debug SENT getNodeProtocolInfo: 01 04 00 41 10 AA
Z-Wave Debug RCVD getNodeProtocolInfo: 01 09 01 41 D3 9C 00 04 08 06 F3
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: requeuing 1 unsolicited packets
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: node 016, class name: General Thermostat (v2)
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: class hierarchy: Routing Slave : Thermostat : General Thermostat (v2) (04 : 08 : 06)
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: base class command: 40
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: supported class commands: 20 40 72 43 86
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: encrypt class commands:
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: features: routing, beaming
Z-Wave Debug SENT getNodeProtocolInfo: 01 04 00 41 11 AB
Z-Wave Debug RCVD getNodeProtocolInfo: 01 09 01 41 D3 9C 00 04 11 04 E8
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: requeuing 1 unsolicited packets
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: node 017, class name: Dimmable Scene Switch
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: class hierarchy: Routing Slave : Mulitlevel Switch : Dimmable Scene Switch (04 : 11 : 04)
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: base class command: 26
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: supported class commands: 20 26 27 2B 2C 72
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: encrypt class commands:
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: features: routing, beaming
Z-Wave Debug SENT getNodeProtocolInfo: 01 04 00 41 12 A8
Z-Wave Debug RCVD getNodeProtocolInfo: 01 09 01 41 D3 9C 00 04 11 04 E8
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: requeuing 1 unsolicited packets
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: node 018, class name: Dimmable Scene Switch
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: class hierarchy: Routing Slave : Mulitlevel Switch : Dimmable Scene Switch (04 : 11 : 04)
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: base class command: 26
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: supported class commands: 20 26 27 2B 2C 72
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: encrypt class commands:
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: features: routing, beaming
Z-Wave Debug SENT getNodeProtocolInfo: 01 04 00 41 13 A9
Z-Wave Debug RCVD getNodeProtocolInfo: 01 09 01 41 D3 9C 00 04 10 03 EE
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: requeuing 1 unsolicited packets
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: node 019, class name: Relay Scene Switch
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: class hierarchy: Routing Slave : Relay Switch : Relay Scene Switch (04 : 10 : 03)
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: base class command: 25
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: supported class commands: 20 25 27 2B 2C 72
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: encrypt class commands:
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: features: routing, beaming
Z-Wave Debug SENT getNodeProtocolInfo: 01 04 00 41 14 AE
Z-Wave Debug RCVD getNodeProtocolInfo: 01 09 01 41 D3 9C 00 04 11 01 ED
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: requeuing 1 unsolicited packets
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: node 020, class name: Dimmable Power Switch
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: class hierarchy: Routing Slave : Mulitlevel Switch : Dimmable Power Switch (04 : 11 : 01)
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: base class command: 26
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: supported class commands: 20 26 27
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: encrypt class commands:
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: features: routing, beaming
Z-Wave Debug overriding node 020 type from zwDimmerType to zwColorDimmerType
Z-Wave Debug SENT getNodeProtocolInfo: 01 04 00 41 15 AF
Z-Wave Debug RCVD getNodeProtocolInfo: 01 09 01 41 D3 9C 00 04 11 01 ED
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: requeuing 1 unsolicited packets
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: node 021, class name: Dimmable Power Switch
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: class hierarchy: Routing Slave : Mulitlevel Switch : Dimmable Power Switch (04 : 11 : 01)
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: base class command: 26
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: supported class commands: 20 26 27
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: encrypt class commands:
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: features: routing, beaming
Z-Wave Debug overriding node 021 type from zwDimmerType to zwColorDimmerType
Z-Wave Debug SENT getNodeProtocolInfo: 01 04 00 41 16 AC
Z-Wave Debug RCVD getNodeProtocolInfo: 01 09 01 41 D3 9C 00 04 11 04 E8
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: requeuing 1 unsolicited packets
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: node 022, class name: Dimmable Scene Switch
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: class hierarchy: Routing Slave : Mulitlevel Switch : Dimmable Scene Switch (04 : 11 : 04)
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: base class command: 26
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: supported class commands: 20 26 27 2B 2C 72
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: encrypt class commands:
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: features: routing, beaming
Z-Wave Debug SENT getNodeProtocolInfo: 01 04 00 41 17 AD
Z-Wave Debug RCVD getNodeProtocolInfo: 01 09 01 41 D2 9C 00 04 20 01 DD
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: requeuing 1 unsolicited packets
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: node 023, class name: Binary Sensor (routing)
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: class hierarchy: Routing Slave : Binary Sensor : Binary Sensor (routing) (04 : 20 : 01)
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: base class command: 30
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: supported class commands: 20 30
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: encrypt class commands:
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: features: routing, beaming
Z-Wave Debug SENT getNodeProtocolInfo: 01 04 00 41 19 A3
Z-Wave Debug RCVD getNodeProtocolInfo: 01 09 01 41 D3 9C 00 04 11 01 ED
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: requeuing 1 unsolicited packets
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: node 025, class name: Dimmable Power Switch
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: class hierarchy: Routing Slave : Mulitlevel Switch : Dimmable Power Switch (04 : 11 : 01)
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: base class command: 26
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: supported class commands: 20 26 27
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: encrypt class commands:
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: features: routing, beaming
Z-Wave Debug overriding node 025 type from zwDimmerType to zwColorDimmerType
Z-Wave Debug SENT getNodeProtocolInfo: 01 04 00 41 1A A0
Z-Wave Debug RCVD getNodeProtocolInfo: 01 09 01 41 D3 9C 00 04 11 04 E8
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: requeuing 1 unsolicited packets
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: node 026, class name: Dimmable Scene Switch
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: class hierarchy: Routing Slave : Mulitlevel Switch : Dimmable Scene Switch (04 : 11 : 04)
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: base class command: 26
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: supported class commands: 20 26 27 2B 2C 72
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: encrypt class commands:
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: features: routing, beaming
Z-Wave Debug SENT getNodeProtocolInfo: 01 04 00 41 1B A1
Z-Wave Debug RCVD getNodeProtocolInfo: 01 09 01 41 D3 9C 00 04 11 04 E8
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: requeuing 1 unsolicited packets
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: node 027, class name: Dimmable Scene Switch
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: class hierarchy: Routing Slave : Mulitlevel Switch : Dimmable Scene Switch (04 : 11 : 04)
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: base class command: 26
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: supported class commands: 20 26 27 2B 2C 72
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: encrypt class commands:
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: features: routing, beaming
Z-Wave Debug SENT getNodeProtocolInfo: 01 04 00 41 1C A6
Z-Wave Debug RCVD getNodeProtocolInfo: 01 09 01 41 D3 9C 00 04 10 03 EE
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: requeuing 1 unsolicited packets
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: node 028, class name: Relay Scene Switch
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: class hierarchy: Routing Slave : Relay Switch : Relay Scene Switch (04 : 10 : 03)
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: base class command: 25
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: supported class commands: 20 25 27 2B 2C 72
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: encrypt class commands:
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: features: routing, beaming
Z-Wave Debug SENT getNodeProtocolInfo: 01 04 00 41 1D A7
Z-Wave Debug RCVD getNodeProtocolInfo: 01 09 01 41 D3 9C 00 04 10 03 EE
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: requeuing 1 unsolicited packets
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: node 029, class name: Relay Scene Switch
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: class hierarchy: Routing Slave : Relay Switch : Relay Scene Switch (04 : 10 : 03)
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: base class command: 25
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: supported class commands: 20 25 27 2B 2C 72
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: encrypt class commands:
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: features: routing, beaming
Z-Wave Debug SENT getNodeProtocolInfo: 01 04 00 41 1E A4
Z-Wave Debug RCVD getNodeProtocolInfo: 01 09 01 41 D3 9C 00 04 11 04 E8
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: requeuing 1 unsolicited packets
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: node 030, class name: Dimmable Scene Switch
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: class hierarchy: Routing Slave : Mulitlevel Switch : Dimmable Scene Switch (04 : 11 : 04)
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: base class command: 26
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: supported class commands: 20 26 27 2B 2C 72
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: encrypt class commands:
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: features: routing, beaming
Z-Wave Debug SENT getNodeProtocolInfo: 01 04 00 41 1F A5
Z-Wave Debug RCVD getNodeProtocolInfo: 01 09 01 41 D3 9C 00 04 11 01 ED
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: requeuing 1 unsolicited packets
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: node 031, class name: Dimmable Power Switch
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: class hierarchy: Routing Slave : Mulitlevel Switch : Dimmable Power Switch (04 : 11 : 01)
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: base class command: 26
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: supported class commands: 20 26 27
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: encrypt class commands:
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: features: routing, beaming
Z-Wave Debug overriding node 031 type from zwDimmerType to zwColorDimmerType
Z-Wave Debug SENT getNodeProtocolInfo: 01 04 00 41 20 9A
Z-Wave Debug RCVD getNodeProtocolInfo: 01 09 01 41 D3 9C 00 04 11 01 ED
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: requeuing 1 unsolicited packets
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: node 032, class name: Dimmable Power Switch
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: class hierarchy: Routing Slave : Mulitlevel Switch : Dimmable Power Switch (04 : 11 : 01)
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: base class command: 26
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: supported class commands: 20 26 27
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: encrypt class commands:
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: features: routing, beaming
Z-Wave Debug overriding node 032 type from zwDimmerType to zwColorDimmerType
Z-Wave Debug SENT getNodeProtocolInfo: 01 04 00 41 21 9B
Z-Wave Debug RCVD getNodeProtocolInfo: 01 09 01 41 D3 9C 00 04 10 03 EE
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: requeuing 1 unsolicited packets
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: node 033, class name: Relay Scene Switch
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: class hierarchy: Routing Slave : Relay Switch : Relay Scene Switch (04 : 10 : 03)
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: base class command: 25
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: supported class commands: 20 25 27 2B 2C 72
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: encrypt class commands:
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: features: routing, beaming
Z-Wave Debug SENT getNodeProtocolInfo: 01 04 00 41 22 98
Z-Wave Debug RCVD getNodeProtocolInfo: 01 09 01 41 D3 9C 00 04 10 03 EE
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: requeuing 1 unsolicited packets
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: node 034, class name: Relay Scene Switch
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: class hierarchy: Routing Slave : Relay Switch : Relay Scene Switch (04 : 10 : 03)
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: base class command: 25
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: supported class commands: 20 25 27 2B 2C 72
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: encrypt class commands:
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: features: routing, beaming
Z-Wave Debug SENT getNodeProtocolInfo: 01 04 00 41 23 99
Z-Wave Debug RCVD getNodeProtocolInfo: 01 09 01 41 D3 9C 00 04 10 03 EE
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: requeuing 1 unsolicited packets
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: node 035, class name: Relay Scene Switch
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: class hierarchy: Routing Slave : Relay Switch : Relay Scene Switch (04 : 10 : 03)
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: base class command: 25
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: supported class commands: 20 25 27 2B 2C 72
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: encrypt class commands:
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: features: routing, beaming
Z-Wave Debug SENT getNodeProtocolInfo: 01 04 00 41 24 9E
Z-Wave Debug RCVD getNodeProtocolInfo: 01 09 01 41 D3 9C 00 04 10 03 EE
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: requeuing 1 unsolicited packets
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: node 036, class name: Relay Scene Switch
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: class hierarchy: Routing Slave : Relay Switch : Relay Scene Switch (04 : 10 : 03)
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: base class command: 25
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: supported class commands: 20 25 27 2B 2C 72
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: encrypt class commands:
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: features: routing, beaming
Z-Wave Debug SENT getNodeProtocolInfo: 01 04 00 41 25 9F
Z-Wave Debug RCVD getNodeProtocolInfo: 01 09 01 41 D3 9C 00 04 11 04 E8
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: requeuing 1 unsolicited packets
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: node 037, class name: Dimmable Scene Switch
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: class hierarchy: Routing Slave : Mulitlevel Switch : Dimmable Scene Switch (04 : 11 : 04)
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: base class command: 26
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: supported class commands: 20 26 27 2B 2C 72
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: encrypt class commands:
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: features: routing, beaming
Z-Wave Debug SENT getNodeProtocolInfo: 01 04 00 41 27 9D
Z-Wave Debug RCVD getNodeProtocolInfo: 01 09 01 41 D3 9C 00 04 11 04 E8
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: requeuing 1 unsolicited packets
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: node 039, class name: Dimmable Scene Switch
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: class hierarchy: Routing Slave : Mulitlevel Switch : Dimmable Scene Switch (04 : 11 : 04)
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: base class command: 26
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: supported class commands: 20 26 27 2B 2C 72
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: encrypt class commands:
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: features: routing, beaming
Z-Wave Debug SENT getNodeProtocolInfo: 01 04 00 41 28 92
Z-Wave Debug RCVD getNodeProtocolInfo: 01 09 01 41 D3 9C 00 04 11 04 E8
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: requeuing 1 unsolicited packets
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: node 040, class name: Dimmable Scene Switch
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: class hierarchy: Routing Slave : Mulitlevel Switch : Dimmable Scene Switch (04 : 11 : 04)
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: base class command: 26
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: supported class commands: 20 26 27 2B 2C 72
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: encrypt class commands:
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: features: routing, beaming
Z-Wave Debug SENT getNodeProtocolInfo: 01 04 00 41 29 93
Z-Wave Debug RCVD getNodeProtocolInfo: 01 09 01 41 D3 9C 00 04 10 03 EE
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: requeuing 1 unsolicited packets
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: node 041, class name: Relay Scene Switch
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: class hierarchy: Routing Slave : Relay Switch : Relay Scene Switch (04 : 10 : 03)
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: base class command: 25
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: supported class commands: 20 25 27 2B 2C 72
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: encrypt class commands:
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: features: routing, beaming
Z-Wave Debug SENT getNodeProtocolInfo: 01 04 00 41 2A 90
Z-Wave Debug RCVD getNodeProtocolInfo: 01 09 01 41 D3 9C 00 04 10 03 EE
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: requeuing 1 unsolicited packets
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: node 042, class name: Relay Scene Switch
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: class hierarchy: Routing Slave : Relay Switch : Relay Scene Switch (04 : 10 : 03)
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: base class command: 25
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: supported class commands: 20 25 27 2B 2C 72
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: encrypt class commands:
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: features: routing, beaming
Z-Wave Debug SENT getNodeProtocolInfo: 01 04 00 41 2B 91
Z-Wave Debug RCVD getNodeProtocolInfo: 01 09 01 41 D3 9C 00 04 10 03 EE
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: requeuing 1 unsolicited packets
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: node 043, class name: Relay Scene Switch
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: class hierarchy: Routing Slave : Relay Switch : Relay Scene Switch (04 : 10 : 03)
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: base class command: 25
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: supported class commands: 20 25 27 2B 2C 72
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: encrypt class commands:
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: features: routing, beaming
Z-Wave Debug SENT getNodeProtocolInfo: 01 04 00 41 2E 94
Z-Wave Debug RCVD getNodeProtocolInfo: 01 09 01 41 D3 9C 00 04 11 04 E8
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: requeuing 1 unsolicited packets
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: node 046, class name: Dimmable Scene Switch
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: class hierarchy: Routing Slave : Mulitlevel Switch : Dimmable Scene Switch (04 : 11 : 04)
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: base class command: 26
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: supported class commands: 20 26 27 2B 2C 72
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: encrypt class commands:
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: features: routing, beaming
Z-Wave Debug SENT getNodeProtocolInfo: 01 04 00 41 2F 95
Z-Wave Debug RCVD getNodeProtocolInfo: 01 09 01 41 D3 9C 00 04 10 03 EE
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: requeuing 1 unsolicited packets
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: node 047, class name: Relay Scene Switch
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: class hierarchy: Routing Slave : Relay Switch : Relay Scene Switch (04 : 10 : 03)
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: base class command: 25
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: supported class commands: 20 25 27 2B 2C 72
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: encrypt class commands:
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: features: routing, beaming
Z-Wave Debug SENT getNodeProtocolInfo: 01 04 00 41 30 8A
Z-Wave Debug RCVD getNodeProtocolInfo: 01 09 01 41 D3 9C 00 04 10 03 EE
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: requeuing 1 unsolicited packets
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: node 048, class name: Relay Scene Switch
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: class hierarchy: Routing Slave : Relay Switch : Relay Scene Switch (04 : 10 : 03)
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: base class command: 25
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: supported class commands: 20 25 27 2B 2C 72
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: encrypt class commands:
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: features: routing, beaming
Z-Wave Debug SENT getNodeProtocolInfo: 01 04 00 41 31 8B
Z-Wave Debug RCVD getNodeProtocolInfo: 01 09 01 41 D3 9C 00 04 11 04 E8
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: requeuing 1 unsolicited packets
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: node 049, class name: Dimmable Scene Switch
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: class hierarchy: Routing Slave : Mulitlevel Switch : Dimmable Scene Switch (04 : 11 : 04)
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: base class command: 26
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: supported class commands: 20 26 27 2B 2C 72
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: encrypt class commands:
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: features: routing, beaming
Z-Wave Debug SENT getNodeProtocolInfo: 01 04 00 41 32 88
Z-Wave Debug RCVD getNodeProtocolInfo: 01 09 01 41 D3 9C 00 04 10 03 EE
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: requeuing 1 unsolicited packets
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: node 050, class name: Relay Scene Switch
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: class hierarchy: Routing Slave : Relay Switch : Relay Scene Switch (04 : 10 : 03)
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: base class command: 25
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: supported class commands: 20 25 27 2B 2C 72
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: encrypt class commands:
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: features: routing, beaming
Z-Wave Debug SENT getNodeProtocolInfo: 01 04 00 41 33 89
Z-Wave Debug RCVD getNodeProtocolInfo: 01 09 01 41 D3 9C 00 04 10 03 EE
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: requeuing 1 unsolicited packets
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: node 051, class name: Relay Scene Switch
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: class hierarchy: Routing Slave : Relay Switch : Relay Scene Switch (04 : 10 : 03)
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: base class command: 25
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: supported class commands: 20 25 27 2B 2C 72
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: encrypt class commands:
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: features: routing, beaming
Z-Wave Debug SENT getNodeProtocolInfo: 01 04 00 41 36 8C
Z-Wave Debug RCVD getNodeProtocolInfo: 01 09 01 41 D3 9C 01 04 21 01 DC
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: requeuing 1 unsolicited packets
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: node 054, class name: Multilevel Sensor (routing)
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: class hierarchy: Routing Slave : Multilevel Sensor : Multilevel Sensor (routing) (04 : 21 : 01)
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: base class command: 31
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: supported class commands: 20 31
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: encrypt class commands:
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: features: routing, beaming
Z-Wave Debug overriding node 054 type from zwValueSensorType to zwOnOffSensorType
Z-Wave Debug SENT getNodeProtocolInfo: 01 04 00 41 3A 80
Z-Wave Debug RCVD getNodeProtocolInfo: 01 09 01 41 D3 9C 00 04 10 03 EE
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: requeuing 1 unsolicited packets
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: node 058, class name: Relay Scene Switch
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: class hierarchy: Routing Slave : Relay Switch : Relay Scene Switch (04 : 10 : 03)
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: base class command: 25
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: supported class commands: 20 25 27 2B 2C 72
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: encrypt class commands:
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: features: routing, beaming
Z-Wave Debug SENT getNodeProtocolInfo: 01 04 00 41 3B 81
Z-Wave Debug RCVD getNodeProtocolInfo: 01 09 01 41 D3 9C 00 04 10 03 EE
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: requeuing 1 unsolicited packets
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: node 059, class name: Relay Scene Switch
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: class hierarchy: Routing Slave : Relay Switch : Relay Scene Switch (04 : 10 : 03)
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: base class command: 25
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: supported class commands: 20 25 27 2B 2C 72
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: encrypt class commands:
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: features: routing, beaming
Z-Wave Debug SENT getNodeProtocolInfo: 01 04 00 41 3C 86
Z-Wave Debug RCVD getNodeProtocolInfo: 01 09 01 41 D3 9C 00 04 11 04 E8
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: requeuing 1 unsolicited packets
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: node 060, class name: Dimmable Scene Switch
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: class hierarchy: Routing Slave : Mulitlevel Switch : Dimmable Scene Switch (04 : 11 : 04)
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: base class command: 26
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: supported class commands: 20 26 27 2B 2C 72
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: encrypt class commands:
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: features: routing, beaming
Z-Wave Debug SENT getNodeProtocolInfo: 01 04 00 41 3D 87
Z-Wave Debug RCVD getNodeProtocolInfo: 01 09 01 41 53 DC 00 04 40 03 7E
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: requeuing 1 unsolicited packets
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: node 061, class name: Keypad Door Lock
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: class hierarchy: Routing Slave : Entry Control : Keypad Door Lock (04 : 40 : 03)
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: base class command: 62
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: supported class commands: 20 62 63 86 72 98
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: encrypt class commands:
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: features: routing, beaming, security, frequentWaking
Z-Wave Debug SENT getNodeProtocolInfo: 01 04 00 41 3E 84
Z-Wave Debug RCVD getNodeProtocolInfo: 01 09 01 41 53 DC 00 04 40 03 7E
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: requeuing 1 unsolicited packets
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: node 062, class name: Keypad Door Lock
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: class hierarchy: Routing Slave : Entry Control : Keypad Door Lock (04 : 40 : 03)
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: base class command: 62
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: supported class commands: 20 62 63 86 72 98
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: encrypt class commands:
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: features: routing, beaming, security, frequentWaking
Z-Wave Debug SENT getNodeProtocolInfo: 01 04 00 41 40 FA
Z-Wave Debug RCVD getNodeProtocolInfo: 01 09 01 41 53 DC 00 04 40 03 7E
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: requeuing 1 unsolicited packets
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: node 064, class name: Keypad Door Lock
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: class hierarchy: Routing Slave : Entry Control : Keypad Door Lock (04 : 40 : 03)
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: base class command: 62
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: supported class commands: 20 62 63 86 72 98
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: encrypt class commands:
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: features: routing, beaming, security, frequentWaking
Z-Wave Debug SENT getNodeProtocolInfo: 01 04 00 41 41 FB
Z-Wave Debug RCVD getNodeProtocolInfo: 01 09 01 41 D3 9C 01 04 21 01 DC
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: requeuing 1 unsolicited packets
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: node 065, class name: Multilevel Sensor (routing)
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: class hierarchy: Routing Slave : Multilevel Sensor : Multilevel Sensor (routing) (04 : 21 : 01)
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: base class command: 31
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: supported class commands: 20 31
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: encrypt class commands:
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: features: routing, beaming
Z-Wave Debug overriding node 065 type from zwValueSensorType to zwOnOffSensorType
Z-Wave Debug SENT getNodeProtocolInfo: 01 04 00 41 42 F8
Z-Wave Debug RCVD getNodeProtocolInfo: 01 09 01 41 D3 9C 01 04 11 01 EC
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: requeuing 1 unsolicited packets
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: node 066, class name: Dimmable Power Switch
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: class hierarchy: Routing Slave : Mulitlevel Switch : Dimmable Power Switch (04 : 11 : 01)
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: base class command: 26
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: supported class commands: 20 26 27
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: encrypt class commands:
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: features: routing, beaming
Z-Wave Debug SENT getNodeProtocolInfo: 01 04 00 41 43 F9
Z-Wave Debug RCVD getNodeProtocolInfo: 01 09 01 41 D3 9C 00 04 10 03 EE
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: requeuing 1 unsolicited packets
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: node 067, class name: Relay Scene Switch
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: class hierarchy: Routing Slave : Relay Switch : Relay Scene Switch (04 : 10 : 03)
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: base class command: 25
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: supported class commands: 20 25 27 2B 2C 72
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: encrypt class commands:
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: features: routing, beaming
Z-Wave Debug SENT getNodeProtocolInfo: 01 04 00 41 44 FE
Z-Wave Debug RCVD getNodeProtocolInfo: 01 09 01 41 D3 9C 00 04 0F 01 F3
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: requeuing 1 unsolicited packets
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: node 068, class name: Basic Repeater Slave
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: class hierarchy: Routing Slave : Repeater Slave : Basic Repeater Slave (04 : 0F : 01)
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: base class command: 00
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: supported class commands: 20
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: encrypt class commands:
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: features: routing, beaming
Z-Wave Debug SENT getNodeProtocolInfo: 01 04 00 41 45 FF
Z-Wave Debug RCVD getNodeProtocolInfo: 01 09 01 41 D3 9C 00 04 0F 01 F3
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: requeuing 1 unsolicited packets
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: node 069, class name: Basic Repeater Slave
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: class hierarchy: Routing Slave : Repeater Slave : Basic Repeater Slave (04 : 0F : 01)
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: base class command: 00
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: supported class commands: 20
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: encrypt class commands:
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: features: routing, beaming
Z-Wave Debug SENT getNodeProtocolInfo: 01 04 00 41 46 FC
Z-Wave Debug RCVD getNodeProtocolInfo: 01 09 01 41 D3 9C 00 04 10 03 EE
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: requeuing 1 unsolicited packets
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: node 070, class name: Relay Scene Switch
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: class hierarchy: Routing Slave : Relay Switch : Relay Scene Switch (04 : 10 : 03)
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: base class command: 25
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: supported class commands: 20 25 27 2B 2C 72
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: encrypt class commands:
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: features: routing, beaming
Z-Wave Debug SENT getNodeProtocolInfo: 01 04 00 41 47 FD
Z-Wave Debug RCVD getNodeProtocolInfo: 01 09 01 41 D3 9C 01 04 10 01 ED
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: requeuing 1 unsolicited packets
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: node 071, class name: Relay Power Switch
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: class hierarchy: Routing Slave : Relay Switch : Relay Power Switch (04 : 10 : 01)
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: base class command: 25
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: supported class commands: 20 25 27
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: encrypt class commands:
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: features: routing, beaming
Z-Wave Debug SENT getNodeProtocolInfo: 01 04 00 41 4A F0
Z-Wave Debug RCVD getNodeProtocolInfo: 01 09 01 41 D3 1C 01 04 40 07 3B
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: requeuing 1 unsolicited packets
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: node 074, class name: Secure Barrier Add-On
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: class hierarchy: Routing Slave : Entry Control : Secure Barrier Add-On (04 : 40 : 07)
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: base class command: 66
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: supported class commands: 20 66
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: encrypt class commands:
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: features: routing, beaming
Z-Wave Debug overriding node 074 type from zwLockType to zwRelayType
Z-Wave Debug SENT getNodeProtocolInfo: 01 04 00 41 4E F4
Z-Wave Debug RCVD getNodeProtocolInfo: 01 09 01 41 D3 9C 01 04 08 06 F2
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: requeuing 1 unsolicited packets
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: node 078, class name: General Thermostat (v2)
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: class hierarchy: Routing Slave : Thermostat : General Thermostat (v2) (04 : 08 : 06)
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: base class command: 40
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: supported class commands: 20 40 72 43 86
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: encrypt class commands:
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: features: routing, beaming
Z-Wave Debug SENT getNodeProtocolInfo: 01 04 00 41 51 EB
Z-Wave Debug RCVD getNodeProtocolInfo: 01 09 01 41 D3 9C 01 04 31 01 CC
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: requeuing 1 unsolicited packets
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: node 081, class name: Simple Meter
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: class hierarchy: Routing Slave : Meter : Simple Meter (04 : 31 : 01)
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: base class command: 32
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: supported class commands: 20 32 72 86
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: encrypt class commands:
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: features: routing, beaming
Z-Wave Debug SENT getNodeProtocolInfo: 01 04 00 41 52 E8
Z-Wave Debug RCVD getNodeProtocolInfo: 01 09 01 41 D3 9C 00 04 10 01 EC
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: requeuing 1 unsolicited packets
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: node 082, class name: Relay Power Switch
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: class hierarchy: Routing Slave : Relay Switch : Relay Power Switch (04 : 10 : 01)
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: base class command: 25
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: supported class commands: 20 25 27
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: encrypt class commands:
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: features: routing, beaming
Z-Wave Debug SENT getNodeProtocolInfo: 01 04 00 41 53 E9
Z-Wave Debug RCVD getNodeProtocolInfo: 01 09 01 41 D3 9C 01 04 21 00 DD
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: requeuing 1 unsolicited packets
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: node 083, class name: Multilevel Sensor
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: class hierarchy: Routing Slave : Multilevel Sensor : -- (04 : 21 : 00)
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: base class command: 31
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: supported class commands: 20 31
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: encrypt class commands:
Z-Wave Debug . . getNodeProtocolInfo: features: routing, beaming
Z-Wave Debug overriding node 083 type from zwValueSensorType to zwOnOffSensorType
Z-Wave Debug starting node healing thread
Z-Wave Debug starting node status polling thread
Z-Wave Debug RCVD requestVarSensorStatus: 01 0C 00 04 00 20 06 31 05 04 22 00 AF 6C
Z-Wave Debug . . requestVarSensorStatus: node 032, endpoint None, type 4, raw value 2200...
Z-Wave Debug . . requestVarSensorStatus: 17.5 W (float: 17.500000)
Z-Wave Debug received "Office counter - composite" power load to 17.5 W

Jul 7, 2019 at 09:23:21
Z-Wave Debug RCVD multiEndPointPacket: 01 10 00 04 00 53 0A 60 0D 01 00 31 05 02 0A 0C 02 EC
Z-Wave Debug . . multiEndPointPacket: node 083, endPoint 1
Z-Wave Debug RCVD requestVarSensorStatus: 01 0C 00 04 00 53 06 31 05 02 0A 0C 02 FF
Z-Wave Debug . . requestVarSensorStatus: node 083, endpoint 1, type 2, raw value 0A0C...
Z-Wave Debug . . requestVarSensorStatus: 3074 (float: 3074.000000)
Z-Wave received "Hangar Door switch up - Analog 1" sensor update to 3074
Z-Wave Debug RCVD multiEndPointPacket: 01 10 00 04 00 53 0A 60 0D 02 00 31 05 02 0A 00 11 F0
Z-Wave Debug . . multiEndPointPacket: node 083, endPoint 2
Z-Wave Debug RCVD requestVarSensorStatus: 01 0C 00 04 00 53 06 31 05 02 0A 00 11 FF
Z-Wave Debug . . requestVarSensorStatus: node 083, endpoint 2, type 2, raw value 0A00...
Z-Wave Debug . . requestVarSensorStatus: 17 (float: 17.000000)
Z-Wave received "Hangar Door switch down - Analog 2" sensor update to 17
Z-Wave Debug RCVD requestVarSensorStatus: 01 0C 00 04 00 20 06 31 05 04 22 00 B0 73
Z-Wave Debug . . requestVarSensorStatus: node 032, endpoint None, type 4, raw value 2200...
Z-Wave Debug . . requestVarSensorStatus: 17.6 W (float: 17.600000)
Z-Wave Debug received "Office counter - composite" power load to 17.6 W

Jul 7, 2019 at 09:23:47
Z-Wave Debug RCVD requestVarSensorStatus: 01 0C 00 04 00 05 06 31 05 03 0A 02 37 FC
Z-Wave Debug . . requestVarSensorStatus: node 005, endpoint None, type 3, raw value 0A02...
Z-Wave Debug . . requestVarSensorStatus: 567 lux (float: 567.000000)
Z-Wave Debug received "Office Luminance" sensor update to 567 lux
Z-Wave Debug RCVD requestVarSensorStatus: 01 0C 00 04 00 05 06 31 05 05 01 21 00 E5
Z-Wave Debug . . requestVarSensorStatus: node 005, endpoint None, type 5, raw value 0121...
Z-Wave Debug . . requestVarSensorStatus: 33% (float: 33.000000)
Z-Wave Debug received "Office Humidity" sensor update to 33%
Z-Wave Debug RCVD requestVarSensorStatus: 01 0C 00 04 00 05 06 31 05 01 2A 03 01 E9
Z-Wave Debug . . requestVarSensorStatus: node 005, endpoint None, type 1, raw value 2A03...
Z-Wave Debug . . requestVarSensorStatus: 76.9 °F (float: 76.900000)
Z-Wave Debug received "Office Temperature" sensor update to 76.9 °F
Trigger SetOfficeTempVariable
Z-Wave Debug RCVD requestVarSensorStatus: 01 0C 00 04 00 17 06 31 05 03 0A 00 01 DA
Z-Wave Debug . . requestVarSensorStatus: node 023, endpoint None, type 3, raw value 0A00...
Z-Wave Debug . . requestVarSensorStatus: 1 lux (float: 1.000000)
Z-Wave Debug received "Garage Luminance" sensor update to 1 lux
Z-Wave Debug RCVD requestVarSensorStatus: 01 0C 00 04 00 17 06 31 05 05 01 35 00 E3
Z-Wave Debug . . requestVarSensorStatus: node 023, endpoint None, type 5, raw value 0135...
Z-Wave Debug . . requestVarSensorStatus: 53% (float: 53.000000)
Z-Wave Debug received "Garage Humidity" sensor update to 53%
Z-Wave Debug RCVD requestVarSensorStatus: 01 0C 00 04 00 17 06 31 05 01 2A 03 6D 97
Z-Wave Debug . . requestVarSensorStatus: node 023, endpoint None, type 1, raw value 2A03...
Z-Wave Debug . . requestVarSensorStatus: 87.7 °F (float: 87.700000)
Z-Wave Debug received "Garage temperature" sensor update to 87.7 °F
Z-Wave Debug SENT removeAssociation: 01 0B 00 13 53 04 85 04 01 01 25 A3 B7
Z-Wave removed association of "001 - Indigo Z-Wave Interface" from "Hangar Door switch up - Binary 1" group 1
Z-Wave Debug SENT requestAssociations: 01 0A 00 13 53 03 85 02 01 25 A4 B1
Z-Wave Debug RCVD requestAssociations: 01 0B 00 04 00 53 05 85 03 01 02 00 23
Z-Wave Debug . . requestAssociations: node 083, group: 1, num associations: 0, max associations: 2, replies left: 0
Z-Wave Debug . . requestAssociations: node 083, group: 1, associations: []
Z-Wave retrieved group 1 associations: []
Z-Wave Debug RCVD requestVarSensorStatus: 01 0C 00 04 00 20 06 31 05 04 22 00 B4 77
Z-Wave Debug . . requestVarSensorStatus: node 032, endpoint None, type 4, raw value 2200...
Z-Wave Debug . . requestVarSensorStatus: 18.0 W (float: 18.000000)
Z-Wave Debug received "Office counter - composite" power load to 18.0 W

Jul 7, 2019 at 09:24:27
Z-Wave Debug RCVD requestVarSensorStatus: 01 0C 00 04 00 20 06 31 05 04 22 00 AF 6C
Z-Wave Debug . . requestVarSensorStatus: node 032, endpoint None, type 4, raw value 2200...
Z-Wave Debug . . requestVarSensorStatus: 17.5 W (float: 17.500000)
Z-Wave Debug received "Office counter - composite" power load to 17.5 W

Jul 7, 2019 at 09:24:57
Z-Wave Debug RCVD requestVarSensorStatus: 01 0C 00 04 00 20 06 31 05 04 22 00 B3 70
Z-Wave Debug . . requestVarSensorStatus: node 032, endpoint None, type 4, raw value 2200...
Z-Wave Debug . . requestVarSensorStatus: 17.9 W (float: 17.900000)
Z-Wave Debug received "Office counter - composite" power load to 17.9 W

Jul 7, 2019 at 09:25:27
Z-Wave Debug RCVD requestVarSensorStatus: 01 0C 00 04 00 20 06 31 05 04 22 00 B0 73
Z-Wave Debug . . requestVarSensorStatus: node 032, endpoint None, type 4, raw value 2200...
Z-Wave Debug . . requestVarSensorStatus: 17.6 W (float: 17.600000)
Z-Wave Debug received "Office counter - composite" power load to 17.6 W

Jul 7, 2019 at 09:25:51
Z-Wave Debug SENT sendRawZwaveCommand: 01 29 00 13 53 22 60 0D 01 01 8E 01 01 00 01 01 8E 01 01 00 01 01 8E 01 01 00 01 01 8E 01 01 00 01 01 8E 01 01 00 01 01 25 A5 D7
Z-Wave sent "Hangar Door switch up - Analog 1" raw command [8E 01 01 00 01 01 8E 01 01 00 01 01 8E 01 01 00 01 01 8E 01 01 00 01 01 8E 01 01 00 01 01]
Z-Wave Debug RCVD requestVarSensorStatus: 01 0C 00 04 00 20 06 31 05 04 22 00 AF 6C
Z-Wave Debug . . requestVarSensorStatus: node 032, endpoint None, type 4, raw value 2200...
Z-Wave Debug . . requestVarSensorStatus: 17.5 W (float: 17.500000)
Z-Wave Debug received "Office counter - composite" power load to 17.5 W

Jul 7, 2019 at 09:26:27
Z-Wave Debug RCVD requestVarSensorStatus: 01 0C 00 04 00 20 06 31 05 04 22 00 B0 73
Z-Wave Debug . . requestVarSensorStatus: node 032, endpoint None, type 4, raw value 2200...
Z-Wave Debug . . requestVarSensorStatus: 17.6 W (float: 17.600000)
Z-Wave Debug received "Office counter - composite" power load to 17.6 W

Jul 7, 2019 at 09:26:47
Z-Wave Debug SENT setRelayValue: 01 0E 00 13 53 07 60 0D 01 03 25 01 FF 25 A6 81
Z-Wave sent "Hangar Door Control Open - Relay 1" on
Z-Wave Debug RCVD multiEndPointPacket: 01 0D 00 04 00 53 07 60 0D 03 01 25 03 FF 14
Z-Wave Debug . . multiEndPointPacket: node 083, endPoint 3
Z-Wave Debug RCVD requestRelayStatus: 01 09 00 04 00 53 03 25 03 FF FF
Z-Wave Debug . . requestRelayStatus: node 083, endpoint 3, value 255
Z-Wave Debug RCVD multiEndPointPacket: 01 0D 00 04 00 53 07 60 0D 03 01 25 03 00 EB
Z-Wave Debug . . multiEndPointPacket: node 083, endPoint 3
Z-Wave Debug RCVD requestRelayStatus: 01 09 00 04 00 53 03 25 03 00 FF
Z-Wave Debug . . requestRelayStatus: node 083, endpoint 3, value 0
Z-Wave received "Hangar Door Control Open - Relay 1" status update is off
Z-Wave Debug RCVD requestVarSensorStatus: 01 0C 00 04 00 20 06 31 05 04 22 00 B3 70
Z-Wave Debug . . requestVarSensorStatus: node 032, endpoint None, type 4, raw value 2200...
Z-Wave Debug . . requestVarSensorStatus: 17.9 W (float: 17.900000)
Z-Wave Debug received "Office counter - composite" power load to 17.9 W

Jul 7, 2019 at 09:27:25
Z-Wave Debug RCVD requestVarSensorStatus: 01 0B 00 04 00 10 05 31 05 01 09 4A 93
Z-Wave Debug . . requestVarSensorStatus: node 016, endpoint None, type 1, raw value 094A...
Z-Wave Debug . . requestVarSensorStatus: 74 °F (float: 74.000000)
Z-Wave received "Thermostat, house" temperature update to 74 °F
Trigger Set HouseTempVariable
Z-Wave Debug RCVD setFanState: 01 09 00 04 00 10 03 45 03 00 A7
Z-Wave Debug . . setFanState: node 016, endpoint None, value 0
Z-Wave received "Thermostat, house" fan is off
Z-Wave Debug RCVD requestVarSensorStatus: 01 0C 00 04 00 20 06 31 05 04 22 00 B5 76
Z-Wave Debug . . requestVarSensorStatus: node 032, endpoint None, type 4, raw value 2200...
Z-Wave Debug . . requestVarSensorStatus: 18.1 W (float: 18.100000)
Z-Wave Debug received "Office counter - composite" power load to 18.1 W

Jul 7, 2019 at 09:27:47
Z-Wave Debug RCVD requestVarSensorStatus: 01 0C 00 04 00 05 06 31 05 03 0A 03 22 E8
Z-Wave Debug . . requestVarSensorStatus: node 005, endpoint None, type 3, raw value 0A03...
Z-Wave Debug . . requestVarSensorStatus: 802 lux (float: 802.000000)
Z-Wave Debug received "Office Luminance" sensor update to 802 lux
Z-Wave Debug RCVD requestVarSensorStatus: 01 0C 00 04 00 05 06 31 05 05 01 20 00 E4
Z-Wave Debug . . requestVarSensorStatus: node 005, endpoint None, type 5, raw value 0120...
Z-Wave Debug . . requestVarSensorStatus: 32% (float: 32.000000)
Z-Wave Debug received "Office Humidity" sensor update to 32%
Z-Wave Debug RCVD requestVarSensorStatus: 01 0C 00 04 00 05 06 31 05 01 2A 02 FF 16
Z-Wave Debug . . requestVarSensorStatus: node 005, endpoint None, type 1, raw value 2A02...
Z-Wave Debug . . requestVarSensorStatus: 76.7 °F (float: 76.700000)
Z-Wave Debug received "Office Temperature" sensor update to 76.7 °F
Trigger SetOfficeTempVariable
Z-Wave Debug SENT setRelayValue: 01 0E 00 13 53 07 60 0D 01 04 25 01 FF 25 A7 87
Z-Wave sent "Hangar Door Control Close - Relay 2" on
Z-Wave Debug RCVD multiEndPointPacket: 01 0D 00 04 00 53 07 60 0D 04 01 25 03 FF 13
Z-Wave Debug . . multiEndPointPacket: node 083, endPoint 4
Z-Wave Debug RCVD requestRelayStatus: 01 09 00 04 00 53 03 25 03 FF FF
Z-Wave Debug . . requestRelayStatus: node 083, endpoint 4, value 255
Z-Wave Debug RCVD multiEndPointPacket: 01 0D 00 04 00 53 07 60 0D 04 01 25 03 00 EC
Z-Wave Debug . . multiEndPointPacket: node 083, endPoint 4
Z-Wave Debug RCVD requestRelayStatus: 01 09 00 04 00 53 03 25 03 00 FF
Z-Wave Debug . . requestRelayStatus: node 083, endpoint 4, value 0
Z-Wave received "Hangar Door Control Close - Relay 2" status update is off
Z-Wave Debug RCVD requestVarSensorStatus: 01 0C 00 04 00 20 06 31 05 04 22 00 B4 77
Z-Wave Debug . . requestVarSensorStatus: node 032, endpoint None, type 4, raw value 2200...
Z-Wave Debug . . requestVarSensorStatus: 18.0 W (float: 18.000000)
Z-Wave Debug received "Office counter - composite" power load to 18.0 W

Jul 7, 2019 at 09:28:21
Z-Wave Debug RCVD multiEndPointPacket: 01 10 00 04 00 53 0A 60 0D 01 01 31 05 02 0A 0C 02 ED
Z-Wave Debug . . multiEndPointPacket: node 083, endPoint 1
Z-Wave Debug RCVD requestVarSensorStatus: 01 0C 00 04 00 53 06 31 05 02 0A 0C 02 FF
Z-Wave Debug . . requestVarSensorStatus: node 083, endpoint 1, type 2, raw value 0A0C...
Z-Wave Debug . . requestVarSensorStatus: 3074 (float: 3074.000000)
Z-Wave received "Hangar Door switch up - Analog 1" sensor update to 3074
Z-Wave Debug RCVD multiEndPointPacket: 01 10 00 04 00 53 0A 60 0D 02 01 31 05 02 0A 0C 02 EE
Z-Wave Debug . . multiEndPointPacket: node 083, endPoint 2
Z-Wave Debug RCVD requestVarSensorStatus: 01 0C 00 04 00 53 06 31 05 02 0A 0C 02 FF
Z-Wave Debug . . requestVarSensorStatus: node 083, endpoint 2, type 2, raw value 0A0C...
Z-Wave Debug . . requestVarSensorStatus: 3074 (float: 3074.000000)
Z-Wave received "Hangar Door switch down - Analog 2" sensor update to 3074
Z-Wave Debug RCVD requestVarSensorStatus: 01 0C 00 04 00 20 06 31 05 04 22 00 B3 70
Z-Wave Debug . . requestVarSensorStatus: node 032, endpoint None, type 4, raw value 2200...
Z-Wave Debug . . requestVarSensorStatus: 17.9 W (float: 17.900000)
Z-Wave Debug received "Office counter - composite" power load to 17.9 W

(Sent Z-wave commands to other devcies)

Jul 7, 2019 at 09:34:21
Z-Wave Debug SENT sendRawZwaveCommand: 01 11 00 13 53 0A 60 0D 01 01 8E 01 01 00 01 01 25 AE CC
Z-Wave sent "Hangar Door switch up - Analog 1" raw command [8E 01 01 00 01 01]
Z-Wave Debug RCVD requestVarSensorStatus: 01 0C 00 04 00 20 06 31 05 04 22 00 B1 72
Z-Wave Debug . . requestVarSensorStatus: node 032, endpoint None, type 4, raw value 2200...
Z-Wave Debug . . requestVarSensorStatus: 17.7 W (float: 17.700000)
Z-Wave Debug received "Office counter - composite" power load to 17.7 W
Z-Wave Debug SENT sendRawZwaveCommand: 01 11 00 13 53 0A 60 0D 01 01 8E 01 01 00 01 01 25 AF CD
Z-Wave sent "Hangar Door switch up - Analog 1" raw command [8E 01 01 00 01 01]
Z-Wave Debug SENT sendRawZwaveCommand: 01 11 00 13 53 0A 60 0D 01 02 8E 01 01 00 01 01 25 B0 D1
Z-Wave sent "Hangar Door switch down - Analog 2" raw command [8E 01 01 00 01 01]
Z-Wave Debug SENT sendRawZwaveCommand: 01 11 00 13 53 0A 60 0D 01 02 8E 01 01 00 01 01 25 B1 D0
Z-Wave sent "Hangar Door switch down - Analog 2" raw command [8E 01 01 00 01 01]
Z-Wave Debug SENT sendRawZwaveCommand: 01 11 00 13 53 0A 60 0D 01 03 8E 01 01 00 01 01 25 B2 D2
Z-Wave sent "Hangar Door Control Open - Relay 1" raw command [8E 01 01 00 01 01]
Z-Wave Debug RCVD requestVarSensorStatus: 01 0C 00 04 00 20 06 31 05 04 22 00 B4 77
Z-Wave Debug . . requestVarSensorStatus: node 032, endpoint None, type 4, raw value 2200...
Z-Wave Debug . . requestVarSensorStatus: 18.0 W (float: 18.000000)
Z-Wave Debug received "Office counter - composite" power load to 18.0 W
Z-Wave Debug SENT sendRawZwaveCommand: 01 11 00 13 53 0A 60 0D 01 04 8E 01 01 00 01 01 25 B3 D4
Z-Wave sent "Hangar Door Control Close - Relay 2" raw command [8E 01 01 00 01 01]

(Cycled the door again)

Jul 7, 2019 at 09:36:15
Z-Wave Debug SENT setRelayValue: 01 0E 00 13 53 07 60 0D 01 03 25 01 FF 25 B4 93
Z-Wave sent "Hangar Door Control Open - Relay 1" on
Z-Wave Debug RCVD multiEndPointPacket: 01 0D 00 04 00 53 07 60 0D 03 01 25 03 FF 14
Z-Wave Debug . . multiEndPointPacket: node 083, endPoint 3
Z-Wave Debug RCVD requestRelayStatus: 01 09 00 04 00 53 03 25 03 FF FF
Z-Wave Debug . . requestRelayStatus: node 083, endpoint 3, value 255
Z-Wave Debug RCVD multiEndPointPacket: 01 0D 00 04 00 53 07 60 0D 03 01 25 03 00 EB
Z-Wave Debug . . multiEndPointPacket: node 083, endPoint 3
Z-Wave Debug RCVD requestRelayStatus: 01 09 00 04 00 53 03 25 03 00 FF
Z-Wave Debug . . requestRelayStatus: node 083, endpoint 3, value 0
Z-Wave received "Hangar Door Control Open - Relay 1" status update is off
Z-Wave Debug RCVD requestVarSensorStatus: 01 0C 00 04 00 20 06 31 05 04 22 00 AF 6C
Z-Wave Debug . . requestVarSensorStatus: node 032, endpoint None, type 4, raw value 2200...
Z-Wave Debug . . requestVarSensorStatus: 17.5 W (float: 17.500000)
Z-Wave Debug received "Office counter - composite" power load to 17.5 W

Jul 7, 2019 at 09:36:57
Z-Wave Debug RCVD requestVarSensorStatus: 01 0C 00 04 00 20 06 31 05 04 22 00 B5 76
Z-Wave Debug . . requestVarSensorStatus: node 032, endpoint None, type 4, raw value 2200...
Z-Wave Debug . . requestVarSensorStatus: 18.1 W (float: 18.100000)
Z-Wave Debug received "Office counter - composite" power load to 18.1 W

Jul 7, 2019 at 09:37:21
Z-Wave Debug SENT setRelayValue: 01 0E 00 13 53 07 60 0D 01 04 25 01 FF 25 B5 95
Z-Wave sent "Hangar Door Control Close - Relay 2" on
Z-Wave Debug RCVD multiEndPointPacket: 01 0D 00 04 00 53 07 60 0D 04 01 25 03 FF 13
Z-Wave Debug . . multiEndPointPacket: node 083, endPoint 4
Z-Wave Debug RCVD requestRelayStatus: 01 09 00 04 00 53 03 25 03 FF FF
Z-Wave Debug . . requestRelayStatus: node 083, endpoint 4, value 255
Z-Wave Debug RCVD multiEndPointPacket: 01 0D 00 04 00 53 07 60 0D 04 01 25 03 00 EC
Z-Wave Debug . . multiEndPointPacket: node 083, endPoint 4
Z-Wave Debug RCVD requestRelayStatus: 01 09 00 04 00 53 03 25 03 00 FF
Z-Wave Debug . . requestRelayStatus: node 083, endpoint 4, value 0
Z-Wave received "Hangar Door Control Close - Relay 2" status update is off
Z-Wave Debug RCVD requestVarSensorStatus: 01 0C 00 04 00 20 06 31 05 04 22 00 B3 70
Z-Wave Debug . . requestVarSensorStatus: node 032, endpoint None, type 4, raw value 2200...
Z-Wave Debug . . requestVarSensorStatus: 17.9 W (float: 17.900000)
Z-Wave Debug received "Office counter - composite" power load to 17.9 W

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