INSTEON Link Managment

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Sun Jan 27, 2008 3:55 am
Mark offline
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Re: 3-way interface

dduff617 wrote:
i think this highlights how we are seeing the problem slightly differently.

in the scenarios i can think of, it seems like it works well to be able to tell indigo to control (i.e. "turn on", "turn off", "toggle") device X directly (the current default) or control device X and it's responders. i haven't come across any scenarios so far where this wouldn't work fairly simply and elegantly, but i may be missing something. can you suggest any?

Absolutely. And yes, we are seeing this slightly differently, probably based on our own setups. For 3-way SwitchLinc setups, your interface idea would definitely work. Slaves and masters are responders to each other, no problem there. Although, I would still argue that the option should be available at the device level, not the action group or trigger action level. I don't want to have to remember to tell Indigo to treat master/slave pairs as such for every action that involves them. I'd personally want to tell Indigo just once that the devices are a master/slave pair. I think you want to maintain the flexibility of controlling each component of the pairs separately, but I can't imagine why you'd want to do that. I can imagine (and do have) many, many action groups that manipulate my 3-way SwitchLincs.

But here's a few scenarios you've overlooked. I have them in my system now, and the first one elicits many complaints from other Insteon users. The dreaded KeypadLinc! I have a KeypadLinc running my aquarium. One button for each ApplianceLinc (for various lights and pumps). The ApplianceLincs are responders to the KeypadLinc, but the KeypadLinc (and more importantly, its buttons) are not responders to the ApplianceLincs. I have Indigo manipulate the ApplianceLincs directly, and those actions don't update the KeypadLinc correctly. So that wouldn't work with your solution.

Here's another scenario: I have a set of ApplianceLincs that operate small red lights that go on when my garage door is open. They are in different rooms. I want those two ApplianceLincs to be in sync with each other, but ApplianceLincs cannot be responders to each other.

Or how about this: a LampLinc that you want to control from a SwitchLinc. Maybe you have a ceiling light fixture that you want to brighten and dim together with a table lamp. You'd want the two to stay in sync regardless of which device you (or Indigo) controlled.

I could think of many more scenarios. This is why I want to be able to define the master/slave (or twin) relationship between any two devices, without regard to Insteon's definition of linked devices. And that's why I was insisting that Indigo not be relied upon to figure out what the pairs are.

My idea is not just to make easier the maintenance of the pairs that Insteon allows, but also to add possibilities that the protocol was never designed for. I'm suggesting we prod Indigo into making things possible that Smartlabs hadn't considered, not just make their vision of home automation a little bit more elegant or a little easier to setup.

Now these ideas may well be beyond the scope that Matt has in mind for Indigo, but for me personally, Indigo's ability to track, update and sync any pair of devices would be of great value.

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Sun Jan 27, 2008 11:15 am
matt (support) offline
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Re: 3-way interface

Let's move this discussion on syncing states across devices over to this other thread. Thanks!


Posted on
Sun Feb 03, 2008 11:40 am
bcmayes offline
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One feature I'd like to see with Link Management is the ability to see more than one Link Management window at a time.

I have KeypadLincs at the three entrances to my house plus another in a tabletop module. Some of the buttons control the same device one such example being the SwitchLinc controlling the lamp in my living room which I can control from my front door foyer KPL and my kitchen door KPL. For the sake of managing links, it would be great if I could see both the kitchen and foyer KPL tables at once.

Why? Because when I'm changing the state of a button LED to match the state of the device it controls, I'm doing so on a device called "Kitchen Controller"or "Foyer Controller" and NOT on a device called "Living Room Lamp" which is what I'm trying to sync all of this up with. If, while managing the links on the Foyer KPL, I could just look over and see that the lamp is controlled by button 5 on the kitchen KPL, I wouldn't have to commit that fact to memory just to make a link (or break one in the future...or add an additional one should I install a new or replace an existing KPL).

Better still, what if I could just give a controller button a descriptive name in the same way I can a device? That way, I wouldn't even need to have two windows open. They'd show up in device lists as hierarchically subordinate to the KeypadLinc/ControLinc/RemoteLinc it's a part of, and would be immediately identifiable for whatever purpose I'm using. That would be much more user friendly than the "Other" column in the table now.

Indigo could enforce uniqueness as it does with device names, and I could give button 5 on my foyer KPL a meaningful name like "Living Room Lamp Foyer Switch". Buttons would not show up in remote lists or the like.

I like what I'm able to do now, though. It really saves me some trouble, as many of my devices are InLineLinc/SwitchLinc pairs due to the two-wire wiring at so many of my switch boxes.

I love it! Thanks!


Mac mini 1.25, 1024MB RAM; Indigo 2.0

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Mon Feb 04, 2008 10:35 am
Mark offline
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bcmayes wrote:
One feature I'd like to see with Link Management is the ability to see more than one Link Management window at a time.

I had a use for this, too. I ended up taking partial screen shots of one window (Command-Shift-4) and viewing that in Preview while I worked in a different Link Management window.

Posted on
Fri May 02, 2008 9:12 am
Twarge offline
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Link Management: what about ON, OFF, and ON and OFF


I've looked around and I'm sure this question has been answered, but I can't see it.

Is it currently possible or are there any plans to support managing whether the buttons on a keypadlinc control ON and OFF or simply always send one of ON or OFF?

Sorry if this has been asked and answered before.


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Fri May 02, 2008 9:31 am
jay (support) offline
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I suspect the answer you're looking for is in this thread, but if you could describe what you're looking to do in more detail I think we could help.


Posted on
Fri May 02, 2008 11:46 am
Twarge offline
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Link Management: what about ON, OFF, and ON and OFF


I was refering to the part where it says "responder [Dining Room Lime...] [controls the main load] ON and OFF"

I was wondering whether there were any plans to change the toggle mode of these keypad buttons issuing exclusively ON commands or exclusively OFF commands

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Fri May 02, 2008 12:09 pm
jay (support) offline
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Ah, so, rather than being a toggle, you want it to always send an ON or OFF (so no keeping of state).

The state is maintained internally in the device (Matt can confirm) and I don't think that you can change that. You can "fake" it by having a trigger action for the ON state (for instance) that executes some stuff then turns the button back OFF via the scene command.

I do this on one of mine: I have one button which is iTunes volume up and another which is iTunes volume down. So, you press the button, it momentarily lights up while sending the appropriate command to iTunes, then it turns the button back off.

I also have one that turns on a 15 minute reminder (the light is on during this period of time). At the end of the timer, Indigo speaks a message and then turns the button off (so I can tell if there's a timer running by looking at the KPL). Also, if i turn the button off while it's on, it cancels the timer.

Just some thoughts...


Posted on
Fri May 02, 2008 12:11 pm
dduff617 offline
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Re: Link Management: what about ON, OFF, and ON and OFF

Twarge wrote:
Is it currently possible or are there any plans to support managing whether the buttons on a keypadlinc control ON and OFF or simply always send one of ON or OFF?

to clarify, i think what tom is talking about is the local low-level local behavior of keypadlinc buttons. buttons have several distinct modes of behavior, including:

a) "toggle". the buttons switch among three states. a single press switches back and forth between on and off. when on, a sustained push alternates between brightening or dimming.

b) "on". the button always transmits "on". LED state is off. when pressed, the button blinks on and off a few times to provide visual confirmation.

c) "off" like b) but always transmits off. led state is ON.

d) "group". button is locally grouped with one or more other buttons on the same keypad such that it transitions from (local) off state to on it transmits an ON command and (locally) turns off any other buttons in the group (without transmitting any OFF commands). when a button is locally on and is pressed, it turns off and it transmits OFF. thus, for a set of buttons that are so grouped, it is always the case that either zero or one of the buttons' LEDs are on.

so i assume tom's question relates to whether the configuration of buttons can be set or queried remotely from within indigo.

i believe that it may be theoretically possible to control the state of buttons remotely because i think i remember seeing some discussion on another forum of another (windows) program that can do it. i am pretty sure that indigo can't do either (query or set), at least not yet.

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Fri May 02, 2008 12:17 pm
Twarge offline
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Hi jay and dduff617,

Thanks for your detailed thoughts on the matter. Indeed, dduff617 understands my intent. I have manually changed the toggle mode of the buttons on my keypadlinc (the very one pictured above, in fact) and they work okay, but programming them all is a real pain.

Having separate, modeless ON and OFF buttons totally solves the issues related to keeping toggle buttons in sync with their responder, a topic that has seen quite a bit of discussion here.


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Fri May 02, 2008 12:21 pm
dduff617 offline
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Re: Link Management: what about ON, OFF, and ON and OFF

Twarge wrote:
I was refering to the part where it says "responder [Dining Room Lime...] [controls the main load] ON and OFF"

I was wondering whether there were any plans to change the toggle mode of these keypad buttons issuing exclusively ON commands or exclusively OFF commands

ok, first completely disregard my previous post - i misinterpreted the question. edit: nevermind, i guess i had it right the first time.

at the protocol level, the always keypadlinc sends a group ON or group OFF command. the other devices (responders) are programmed to respond to ON by setting to a specific level and to respond to OFF by turning off.

as far as i know, it is not possible to have a device turn ON in response to a group off command.

on the other hand, it is (sort of) possible to have a device turn off in reponse to a group ON command (by setting the level to 0). the "sort of" part is that if the responder is a keypadlinc button, then even though it is set to a level of 0, it's LED will still be on. thus, there is no way to have a single group command which turns some devices on and turns other devices (including keypadlinc buttons) off.

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Fri May 02, 2008 12:25 pm
jay (support) offline
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Yes, I can see how. Being a programmer, I'm always looking for the programmatic way to accomplish my automation tasks: I often forget that others don't necessarily a) want to write some type of code and/or b) don't want to leave their Mac and Indigo running at all times. I REALLY have to try changing my thinking in this regard.

I've read many of the "device state" discussions in the forums. It's a very common (and complex) problem: having devices that are completely stateless and managed from a single place certainly has advantages, but generally for those of us with rather complex needs. For people with very simple needs having devices with some state management is very convenient: it gives them the "it just works right out of the box" comfort.



Posted on
Thu May 08, 2008 3:27 pm
gg2 offline
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Did Matt comment somewhere on the forum, if it is possible to program KPL button mode (see below) from Indigo? I agree that there are many instances where the standard toggle mode leads to confusion over the meaning of the LED button indicators.

It would be very useful to be able to modify a given button's behavior as previously listed above by dduff.
a) "toggle"
b) "on"
c) "off"
d) "group"

I have done the "on" or "off" modes by using the KPL front panel programming, but it gets rather confusing to maintain these settings and those of the INDIGO controlled setup separately.

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Thu May 08, 2008 3:32 pm
jay (support) offline
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Matt and I had a quick discussion about this. Indigo currently doesn't support programming the button behavior on keypadlincs. We've added it to the list of features to consider for upcoming releases (this list is quite long - you guys have tons of great ideas! :D).


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Thu May 08, 2008 3:52 pm
Twarge offline
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Great! Surely everyone wants something different, but that's my single most important feature request. Is there a feature voting mechanism?

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