Netatmo plugin

Posted on
Tue Aug 27, 2013 5:51 am
berkinet offline
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Netatmo plugin

A new beta release (v0.5.4) of the Netatmo plugin is now available on dropbox.


After installing the plugin you will be shown the Configure Netatmo Plugin dialog. Enter your Netatmo account name (The email address you used to register at Netatmo) and your password. You may also select the Reporting units (US or Metric) and the update frequency. The timeout setting is currently ignored. Note that while the Netatmo Weather station records readings every 5 minutes, it only reports to the Netatmo server once every 10 minutes. Click Save

You can now create devices for your Netatmo weather station. The Type is Netatmo Plugin and the Model is one of Netatmo Weather Station: Indoor Module, Netatmo Weather Station: Outdoor Module or Netatmo Weather Station: Additional Indoor Module. The device Name can be any name you choose and need not match the name you used when registering this device with Netatmo. Click Edit Device Settings and enter the Netatmo Station Name and Module Name exactly as entered when registering this device with Netatmo. Click Save and close.

The plugin will attempt to update the device anytime the device configuration dialog is closed. When the device is first created Indigo may not have completed configuration of the device before the update occurs. In this case you will see the message:
    Skipping Indigo device '<new device name>'. Configuration not complete.
This is not a problem. The device will be updated the next time the plugin polls the Netatmo server. You may also force a poll by opening and closing the plugin Configuration dialog.

Plugin change log since 0.2.0:
v 0.3.0 Aug 23, 2013
    (Internal development release)

v 0.4.0 Aug 23, 2013
    Added support for additional Indoor Modules
    Improved error reporting when read loop fails
    Expanded debugging reporting
    Improved server connection problem detection and recovery handling

v 0.4.1 Aug 31, 2013
    Changed state "When" to "Observation_Time" to remove field name conflict with SQL Logger

v 0.5.0 May 31, 2014
    Corrections for API changes

v 0.5.1 June 1, 2014
    Added back support for Imperial units for temp & pressure
    Added support for Imperial conversion for rainfall
    Improved error reporting for Netatmo devices not found in Indigo

v 0.5.2 June 2, 2014
    Added Imperial unit support for min_temp & max_temp
    Corrected spelling error(Gauge vs. guage)

v 0.5.3 June 3, 2014
    Added support for battery level display
    Restored support for wifi_status for the base station (NAMain)

v 0.5.4 June 3, 2014
    Added plugn config setting for data time-out value
    Added error reporting for data past time limit
    Added code to change Co2 to CO2 (occassonal errors in the data stream)

There is probably a lot more that can be done with these things, but the API documentation is almost non-exiatant and their forums are not very responsive. if you have any ideas, requests or general thoughts on this project, please post to the Netatmo discussion topic.

And finally... much thanks to @dnszero and @AndrewGWalsh for pushing, sponsoring and debugging this plugin.

Posted on
Mon Aug 11, 2014 1:39 pm
berkinet offline
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Re: Netatmo plugin

A new beta release (v0.5.5) of the Netatmo plugin is now available on dropbox.

This update allows you to set the decimal precision for the Indigo states on a per-device basis. The decimal precision can be set to 1 (the default) or 0 decimal places. Note that if the decimal precision is set to 1, the plugin always displays one digit to the right of the decimal place, even if it is a zero. This is different from the Netatmo raw data which truncates a 0 to the right of the decimal point.

See the first post in this thread for plugin information and installation and configuration help

Plugin change log since 0.5.4:
v 0.5.5 August 11, 2014
    Added support for setting decimal precision for states

At this point my todo list on this plugin is pretty short... I just need to fix the error response so the plugin does not restart when there is a connection problem. So, if you have any ideas, requests or general thoughts on this project, please post to the Netatmo discussion topic.

Posted on
Tue Jan 26, 2016 12:39 pm
berkinet offline
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Re: Netatmo plugin

A new beta release (v0.6.1) of the Netatmo plugin is now available in the Indigo Plugin Store.

Notes: (Read these notes very carefully)
  • This update adds support for the Wind gauge, reduces messaging for Netatmo devices without matching Indigo devices and revises the API authentication scheme to comply with Indigo's revised standard. This work, and most of these notes were contributed by @jeremyjjr to whom I owe a great deal of gratitude. :D

    Because of the changed API authentication process, you will need to reconfigure the plugin after upgrading. The ClientID and ClientSecret fields have been added to the plugin config page and the previous hard coded entries have been removed from the plugin. The plugin properties for the ID and Secret are now passed to the Client Authorisation directly. In order to make this work, each user will need to create their own authentication credentials. Here are instructions on how to do that:

    1. Login in to your Netatmo account at
    2. Click Start
    3. After reading the notes on the first page, select ‘Create an App’ at the bottom of the page
    4. Complete the following fields:
        Name netatmoIndigo
        Description Indigo Netatmo plugin
    5. Click on the Radio button to accept the terms of use and then finally click Create
    6. You will then be given a Client ID and Client Secret - make note of these for the Plugin Configuration page
  • As soon as 0.6.0 is installed, a Bad Request error will start appearing in the Indigo log.
    This will continue until the Plugin properties are updated to include the ClientID and Secret.

See the first post in this thread for plugin information and installation and configuration help

Plugin change log since 0.5.5:
v 0.6.0 January 26, 2016
    Added support for Netatmo Wind Gauge
    Added support for OAuth Token Client ID and Secret
    Cleaned up messaging for Netatmo devices not installed in Indigo

If you have any ideas, requests or general thoughts on this project, please post to the Netatmo discussion topic.

Posted on
Mon Nov 05, 2018 8:27 am
abplus offline
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Netatmo Temp units in control pages

Hi all,
Please forgive me if this has already been covered, I did search but couldn't find anything.

I can't get the temperature unit °C to display after the temp data in my control page. What am I missing please ?

Thanks very much.


Posted on
Mon Nov 05, 2018 9:19 am
berkinet offline
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Re: Netatmo Temp units in control pages

abplus wrote:
Hi all,
Please forgive me if this has already been covered, I did search but couldn't find anything.

I can't get the temperature unit °C to display after the temp data in my control page. What am I missing please ?
Look in the Plugin config dialog. But, don't rush... maybe after Britain will go back to Fahrenheit :roll:

Screenshot 2018-11-05 at 15.56.42.png
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