Setup Question?

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Sun Feb 04, 2018 3:16 pm
autolog offline
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Setup Question?

Hi Glenn,

First off, what a great plugin - thanks for all your efforts on this. :D

I am at the early stages of setting it up. I have got my google API key, setup a separate account on an iPad and used this for finding my and my wife's iPhone on our main Apple accounts.

The plugin can see our iPhones and also I have setup a geofence based on our home.

Now that I have put the iPad Apple account details into the plugin config, do I need to keep the iPad switched on or is it just used at the setup stage?

Posted on
Sun Feb 04, 2018 4:06 pm
GlennNZ offline
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Re: Setup Question?

autolog wrote:
Hi Glenn,
First off, what a great plugin - thanks for all your efforts on this. :D
I am at the early stages of setting it up. I have got my google API key, setup a separate account on an iPad and used this for finding my and my wife's iPhone on our main Apple accounts.
The plugin can see our iPhones and also I have setup a geofence based on our home.
Now that I have put the iPad Apple account details into the plugin config, do I need to keep the iPad switched on or is it just used at the setup stage?

Hi - thanks for the feedback.

In short - I'm not sure!

I presume it doesn't need to stay on - and partially tested only. Once setup - the data pulled from icloud includes a whole lot more, so may be a one-off setup only needed.
My mac Indigo - however does stay logged on as this account - I would hope that would be enough.
But having said that -there might be some timeout clause in icloud later down the track we have yet to encounter - the joys of reverse engineering! (as I sure you know well :lol: )


Posted on
Sun Feb 04, 2018 4:33 pm
autolog offline
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Re: Setup Question?

Hi Glenn,
I am not using the special iPad Account on my Indigo iMac, I am just using my own account.

I will switch the iPad off and see what affect it has.
I will give the geofencing a test tomorrow.

I will keep you updated with what happens. :)

Posted on
Sun Feb 04, 2018 10:00 pm
GlennNZ offline
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Setup Question?


Great - lets see what happens. Mac Osx does have the notification findmyfriend app - which I would think is enough to keep icloud happy. But may not need any further account input for a while.

Have finally hopefully finalised the accuracy settings for Geofences.... probably... Always worked well if great GPS lock; if accuracy is really bad - then dealing with that is the issue. (without blocking it altogether until accurate)

Anyhow, Version 0.5.9 is up


Posted on
Mon Feb 05, 2018 6:40 am
autolog offline
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Re: Setup Question?

Hi Glenn,
Installed version 0.5.9 :)

Have tested geo-fencing this morning and it is working very well. :)

I switched the iPad off last night and this doesn't seem to have had any ill effects. It is showing in Apple's FindMyFriends as Location Not Available.
So it seems to be OK with my Indigo iMac being on its original account and the special non-2FA being used for the iPad and the plugin.

I think I can now remove my use of the Home Remote App and switch to your plugin.

Thanks again. :D

Posted on
Mon Feb 05, 2018 3:24 pm
GlennNZ offline
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Re: Setup Question?

No trouble happy to contribute! :D

I think I have Geofences accuracy addition down, it is interesting how complicated that simple maths is! (well at least for me :? )
Other issue is hard to collect data without, exiting/entering geofences with iFriends .

Currently - will only enter Geofence is reading reasonably accurate (depending on Geo Range) and if not accurate shouldn't exit Geofence unless great distance. (this exit aspect could probably do with some further fine tuning, or potentially not exit at all unless accurate regardless of distance received. May even add config setting) Certainly for me and maybe others entry is most important - exit not that time critical and probably prefer slight delay until certain.

Occasionally I do get a reported accurate reading that is still outside my 100m home Georange which removes me from this Geofence.
Typically overnight, when charging and presumably no GPS lock for a while. Increasing the Georange would solve this I suspect - but still trying to tighten down the accuracy as much as possible.

The 2nd small log (in same directory) collects all entries and some exits from Geofences - to help collect some data about what accuracy setting is being received.


Posted on
Thu Sep 20, 2018 2:38 am
McJohn offline
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Re: Setup Question?

Hello Glenn,

First of all: thank you very very much for this great plugin (and all your work). A perfect extension of Indigo!
We have a (stupid) question:

Could you tell us why the Device Details "homeDistance" and "homeTime at each Device are always 0?
(Hometime = 0 also with the devices which are at home)

See sample below (labels = work) , homedistance = 0
(and our work is not at home :-) )

Thanks for your help and kind regards,

Screen Shot 2018-09-20 at 10.23.39.png
Screen Shot 2018-09-20 at 10.23.39.png (45.87 KiB) Viewed 4763 times

Posted on
Thu Sep 20, 2018 5:39 am
GlennNZ offline
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Re: Setup Question?

Hi John

No question is stupid!

Essentially you need to create a home and/or an other Geofence - and let the plugin know what is what.

The plugin recognises this via the 'unique name' field. The others can be anything.

When you create the FindFriends GeoFence - name it : 'Home' no quotes as its unique name:
(the unique name is the important bit - the rest can make more sense to you)

as Here:

and also for Other: Geofence - which obviously can be anywhere:
Unique name important bit - must be Other

The plugin for every device will then fill in the distance to Home and Other, and travelTime to Home and Other automatically.

Hopefully that answers your question.



Posted on
Thu Sep 20, 2018 7:10 am
McJohn offline
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Re: Setup Question?

Hi Glenn,

Thank you very much for your fast reply.
Of course Mac users don't read :D , but we have read all your plugin info and a couple of days ago we have made 2 GeoFence devices (Home and Work).
We gave it the Dutch name for Home, called; Thuis.
Now we changed the unique name to Home and voila! there is some new data in the state: homedistance!
So, the name must not be unique (or a fantasy name) but the FiendMyFriends labels name?

So, we think the Home Distance is solved now.

The strange other problem now is that the GeoFence device with the old Dutch name perfectly displays in the Indigo main screen 2 friends at home, that was true.
But now after the change of Geofence device-name to Home (and a reload of the Plugin and refresh of data), it says that are no Friends at Home (but they are at Home and the States of their Indigo FindFriends devices says also that they are Home.
What could this be?

And further on (sorry) the Home Time is wrong: The Devices that are at home now are displaying a continues HomeTime of 1 or 0 and the Device which are at Work location (Labels Work), displays a HomeTime of 108 (HomeTime text = 1 minutes)

See screendumps below.

What have we done wrong?

Thanks for your help!

Warm regards,

Device at Work.png
Device at Work.png (44.47 KiB) Viewed 4743 times
Device at Home.png
Device at Home.png (43.37 KiB) Viewed 4743 times
Indigo main screen.png
Indigo main screen.png (13.71 KiB) Viewed 4743 times

Posted on
Fri Sep 21, 2018 1:29 am
GlennNZ offline
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Re: Setup Question?

Hi John

Away, on a boat, limited internet access for a bit - and also hard to follow issues, particularly as away from Computer.

Will have a good look when back - but certainly the plugin only checks for first Geofence called Home and first called Other. If you have a couple named the same that would cause some issues... check for another geofence somewhere...


Posted on
Fri Sep 21, 2018 4:03 am
McJohn offline
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Re: Setup Question?

Hi Glenn,

Thanks for your reply. Limited internet acces on a boat? Are you at the Artic without 4G? :D

I think it's working now. After the change of the names, it needs time to refresh and calculate the data we think.
We never uses same names. But as said; the GeoFence unique name is not unique but always "Home"?
(And this is also for example for the Work GeoFence unique name? This has always to be "Other"?

The only question we have now is the explanation of the HomeTime (108) and HomeTime text (1 minutes).
We thought this was the time from arriving at Home until "now". (The time when somebody is at Home).
But it's travel time?
And the HomeTime text is a rounding off the HomeTime? 108 seconds is 1 minute?

Thanks for your time and kind regards,


Posted on
Fri Sep 21, 2018 4:12 am
GlennNZ offline
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Re: Setup Question?

McJohn wrote:
Hi Glenn,

Thanks for your reply. Limited internet acces on a boat? Are you at the Artic without 4G? :D

I think it's working now. After the change of the names, it needs time to refresh and calculate the data we think.
We never uses same names. But as said; the GeoFence unique name is not unique but always "Home"?
(And this is also for example for the Work GeoFence unique name? This has always to be "Other"?

The only question we have now is the explanation of the HomeTime (108) and HomeTime text (1 minutes).
We thought this was the time from arriving at Home until "now". (The time when somebody is at Home).
But it's travel time?
And the HomeTime text is a rounding off the HomeTime? 108 seconds is 1 minute?

Thanks for your time and kind regards,


Very limited.... well will be in about 8 hours or so...

Just to recap:

Only one, NB Only one - Geofence unique name ‘Home’.
Only one Geofence unique name ‘Other’.
(could add Other2 if demand - etc but reasonable code change and not supported currently)

Travel time is time to this home geofence or other geofence, from devices current location.

This is Calculated based on distance and travelTime config setting - which defaults to 60km\hr in meters/sec.

HomeTime and Hometimetext
Yes same thing.
HometimeText - Expressed for controlpage usage in seconds/minutes/hours
Whereas HomeTime - seconds - and importantly number so can be used as a number trigger with greater than/less than/equal triggers

Best of luck!


Posted on
Fri Sep 21, 2018 6:23 am
McJohn offline
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Re: Setup Question?

Thanks for your comprehensive explanation and all the tips & tricks!

Everything is clear now.

Warm regards, John

Posted on
Tue Oct 02, 2018 3:42 am
McJohn offline
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Re: Setup Question?

Sorry Glenn; this happened when we update to Indigo 7.2:

FindFriendsMini Exception in refreshDataforDev: argument of type 'NoneType' is not iterable
FindFriendsMini Error Exception:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 1065, in refreshDataForDev
if 'labels' in follow['location'] and follow['location']['labels'] is not None:
TypeError: argument of type 'NoneType' is not iterable
FindFriendsMini Possibility missing some data from icloud: Is your account setup with FindFriends enabled on iOS/Mobile device?

(With Indigo 7.1 everything was working perfect).

It seems to be that the Plugin is running normal.
How can we solve this error? (we already did a reload and a restart)

Kind regards, John

Posted on
Tue Oct 02, 2018 5:06 am
GlennNZ offline
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Setup Question?

McJohn wrote:
Sorry Glenn; this happened when we update to Indigo 7.2:

FindFriendsMini Exception in refreshDataforDev: argument of type 'NoneType' is not iterable
FindFriendsMini Error Exception:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 1065, in refreshDataForDev
if 'labels' in follow['location'] and follow['location']['labels'] is not None:
TypeError: argument of type 'NoneType' is not iterable
FindFriendsMini Possibility missing some data from icloud: Is your account setup with FindFriends enabled on iOS/Mobile device?

(With Indigo 7.1 everything was working perfect).

It seems to be that the Plugin is running normal.
How can we solve this error? (we already did a reload and a restart)

Kind regards, John

Hi John

Thanks for the report.

I don’t think it has anything to do with 7.2 - more so label information being received.

Thought had all this pretty well ‘trapped’ and suspect this is mainly cosmetic. Have had a look and it appears when device offline and not communicating (?airplane mode or other). Should not give his label error thought - which have fixed on GitHub version just released 0.9.0 ... /tag/0.9.0

Will have a close look when can, and probably back in a week or so...



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