A2Z-Link Z-wave plugin developer wanted

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Wed Aug 31, 2016 6:37 pm
jtodd offline
Posts: 76
Joined: Apr 15, 2014

A2Z-Link Z-wave plugin developer wanted

I need to have multiple, distant Z-wave primary controllers on my network (multiple buildings.) There exists a Z-wave module that will do this, but it would take some shoehorning to create an Indigo PlugIn module that would control it. It's by HomeSeer, called the A2Z-Link (basically a Raspberry Pi with add-on boards, I think.)

What's the offer? I'd buy you one of the modules (of course) and I'd put a few hundred dollars towards the project. Not enough to cover the costs at a reasonable rate, I know, but I'm hoping someone finds this a useful and interesting project to get familiar with PlugIns.

API docs: http://homeseer.com/support/homeseer/HS ... efault.htm


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