[ANSWERED]iTunes on multiple machines with Airplay

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Thu Oct 08, 2015 9:47 am
pgershon offline
Posts: 509
Joined: Jul 10, 2004

[ANSWERED]iTunes on multiple machines with Airplay

Somewhat complex situation. My Indigo system recognizes iTunes running on several networked Mac's (mine, my wife's, family server) and I have the iTunes Plugin creating three devices. I also have a single Airplay Speaker (Airport Express) that I want to be able to direct ONE of the iTunes devices to play to. AirFoil I believe, can only do this for the iTunes running on the Mac that host Indigo Server. Is there a way to change the Airplay speakers from the iTunes Plugin? Alternatively, is there another way to do this (perhaps get AirFoil to recognize a remote iTunes)?

Posted on
Thu Oct 08, 2015 11:17 am
jay (support) offline
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Re: iTunes on multiple machines with Airplay

pgershon wrote:
Is there a way to change the Airplay speakers from the iTunes Plugin?

No - the DACP protocol (at least the last time we looked at the reverse engineered docs) doesn't support it.

pgershon wrote:
Alternatively, is there another way to do this (perhaps get AirFoil to recognize a remote iTunes)?

You can set them in AppleScript. Airfoil only works with local sources.

Jay (Indigo Support)
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