TiVo and Indigo Integration Interest?

Posted on
Tue Jan 10, 2006 6:36 pm
yroca23 offline

TiVo and Indigo Integration Interest?

I was wondering how many people using Macs and Indigo also have TiVo's in their house? Specifically the Series2 that can take advantage of the TiVo HME (Home Media Engine). I started with someone's basic attempt at being able to use TiVo as a remote control for X10 and was able to make some modifications to be able to control Indigo. It is very early in development - at this point I can turn on and off a few different devices, but that is it. I don't have any sort of status on the devices or a device listing.

What do you all think? Or is there something already out there?

Posted on
Tue Jan 10, 2006 7:59 pm
dvottero offline
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I'd love to hear more about this. I've always daydreamed about being able to use my TiVo remote to initialize my "TV Watching" action group for the lights in the living room.

I know the idea is feasible via a 3rd party universal remote and X10/RF -- but, I'm in love with the form of the TiVo remote.

Love to hear more.

Posted on
Wed Jan 11, 2006 9:52 am
ssmiller offline
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Count me in.

If my Tivo could control Indigo and my home, Windows Media center would look like an overpriced toy to my Windoze friends. We just got a series 2 for Christmas so I haven't done any hacking yet but would be very interested in a project like this.

Posted on
Wed Jan 11, 2006 1:14 pm
ajturner offline
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What kind of programming/interface is it? I've written some scripts to use my XBox Media Center (modded) to control Indigo devices. But modified XBox's probably aren't as ubiquitous as TiVo's.

Control Indigo from anywhere in the world:

Posted on
Wed Jan 11, 2006 7:54 pm
yroca23 offline

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Fortunately there are no hacks required. TiVo recently opened up the capability to develop applications. I have a regular old retail Series2 box with absolutely no modifications. The app actually resides on one of your Macs or PCs. As long as both your computer and TiVo are connected to the network, you can do this sort of thing. You can also do several other thinks, like stream music from your computer, or view Photos stored on your computer on your TV.

The app I am thinking about developing uses a menu system that any TiVo user would be familiar with and certain actions (like clicking on the "Master Bath Lights On") actually runs AppleScript (for Mac) or DOS (for PC) scripts to interface with the Home Automation App - in our case, Indigo.

I have a really really bad prototype and nothing more, so I was just seeing if it had already been done, or was worth doing?

Posted on
Sun Jan 15, 2006 11:36 pm
dvottero offline
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This is absolutely worth persuing. It seems like the perfect fusion of two life-changing technologies.

Please post what you have, no matter how rudimentary -- and I think you'll definitely find the support of several of us geeks to assist, test, etc. I'm in.

Posted on
Mon Jan 16, 2006 7:01 am
ajturner offline
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Definitely - I don't have a TiVo, but several family & friends, who I'm trying to convert into Home Automation users (and some just to get to Macs), have TiVos would love to use something like this.

Also, for the other geeks (like myself) here is a little info on what yroca23 is using to develop this interface:

TiVo Home Media Engine. It includes the HME Engine, and the Bananas UI toolkit.

Looks very cool. I'm glad TiVo has created an open SDK for the growing number of software hobbyists/hackers.

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Posted on
Mon Jan 16, 2006 8:48 am
ssmiller offline
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I ran this idea by my wife and I was very supprised to see her light up on something HA related; very high WAF.

Kind of off topic but Tivo related; my Tivo is not networked yet and I am not sure what is the best method wired or wireless? In theory, the wired bandwidth is much higher but from what I have read the Tivo is such a bottleneck it matters little. I also have read the new Tivo wireless adapter is supposed to offload some of the processing when transfering shows. My router is out of ports and I don't like crawlspaces much so I hope wireless will be good enough.

Any thoughts or suggestions?

Scott M.

Posted on
Tue Jan 17, 2006 6:09 am
ajturner offline
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Someone pointed out Galleon.tv via my blog, looks like a lot of really cool features and runs with Mac, Linux, and Windows machines.

Perhaps there could be an Indigo 'module' to this system.


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Posted on
Thu Feb 02, 2006 2:48 pm
dvottero offline
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yroca23 - Any new developments?

I'd love to see what you have, even as "pre-beta" it may be.

Posted on
Sun Aug 13, 2006 3:27 pm
leebu offline
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Say.. I can't help but notice that the recent First Place winner of the best Automated Home (congrats Cory!) is using Tivo for home control...

So.. Who do we have to bribe to get our hands on this (presumably) HME application?? Or have I just failed miserable with search and we already know?


Posted on
Sun Aug 13, 2006 4:19 pm
yroca23 offline

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I don't mind posting it. At the moment it is not very extensible and requires some customization to get it to work depending on the way you have things set up in Indigo. It works by running on a local machine using HME. A series of screens are drawn up with buttons on them and buttons trigger applescript commands back to Indigo.

I would like to make it a little "smarter" so as to query for a list of devices as right now they are hardcoded in an XML file and that file requires updating everytime I make a change. My Java is a little hackish to. While I can squirm my way through it, and have to this point, I would like to compile it to run more like an application - right now I launch it using Terminal.

Give me a little more time to try and tidy it up and make it a little more friendly for distribution and then I will post something.


Posted on
Sun Aug 13, 2006 8:59 pm
leebu offline
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Thanks Cory. Sorry if I'm putting pressure on you.

I really wish I could say that I'm an HME or Java dev and could help out, but I've barely dabbled in Java.

I'd love to hear when you have something to share. Thanks!


Posted on
Mon Aug 14, 2006 10:21 am
dtich offline
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i'm dying for tivo integration but my directv unit, the high def one, doesn't support network connections, and from what i've heard, is not very easily hackable. a real drag.

Posted on
Tue Aug 22, 2006 10:11 am
dvottero offline
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I second the thanks, Cory. Would love to see what you've been working on!

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