[ANSWERED]: NOAA Weather Current Condition Icon

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Tue Jan 20, 2015 9:53 pm
philipbasile offline
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[ANSWERED]: NOAA Weather Current Condition Icon


The current condition icon value includes the change of percipitation where applicable.
For example right now it shows "sn50" which is "chance of snow" and 50%. This notation forces you to have an image for each percent chance where the images would always be the same for snow whether there is a 10% chance or 90% chance.

for eaxmple

At quick glance it looks like there are about 20 different conditions that include a percent chance of occurring which means an extra 200 image files that need to be created. Cant the plugin just strip out the numeric part of the condition icon value to avoid this problem ?

The NOAA website does not seem to indicate that the "chance" value is part of the condition abbreviation. Is this something the plugin is adding ?
Is there a reason for it that I'm not seeing ?



Posted on
Wed Jan 21, 2015 6:44 pm
matt (support) offline
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Re: NOAA Weather Current Condition Icon

Hi Philip,

Those filename extensions are defined by NOAA – we don't translate them. They provide an example set of all the icons needed for the weather conditions states. The samples they provide include the percentage chance overlaid on to the image, which is why the filename extension includes those permutations.


Posted on
Wed Jan 21, 2015 8:47 pm
RogueProeliator offline
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Re: [ANSWERED]: NOAA Weather Current Condition Icon

At quick glance it looks like there are about 20 different conditions that include a percent chance of occurring which means an extra 200 image files that need to be created. Cant the plugin just strip out the numeric part of the condition icon value to avoid this problem ?

You can use this knowledge to customize the icon however you want relatively simply -- setup a trigger for when the forecast changes and have it update a variable with your "custom" state. You could hard-code values, simply strip off the percentage, look for "Thunderstorm" in the text forecast or many other options. Your control page then can look for the value of the variable as opposed to the state of the device.

It takes a little up-front work to set this up, but you will get exactly what you want in the end...


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