Yosemite Compatibility Notes

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Fri Nov 07, 2014 12:24 pm
jay (support) offline
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Yosemite Compatibility Notes

Indigo 6 v6.0.18 (and higher) is functioning properly on Yosemite. We still do not recommend using Yosemite for critical applications/services, including running Indigo. We are continuing to QA and resolve Yosemite compatibility issues as we find them.

There does seem to be some outstanding issues with the Silicon Lab's VCP driver, which is needed to support the Aeotec Z-Stick. We've not been able to replicate the issues, but we have several users reporting problems. If you are using Z-Wave and the Z-Stick, we highly recommend waiting to upgrade until more information is known about this issue. Unfortunately, there's nothing we can do directly since it's a problem with the driver itself and not an Indigo issue.

Unlike the latest version of Indigo 6, Indigo 5 is not Yosemite compatible. Reflectors will not work and there may be other errors / issues. The changes to Indigo required for Yosemite compatibility were significant enough that we won't be able to make Indigo 5 Yosemite compatible, so users that upgrade to Yosemite will need to upgrade to Indigo 6 for full functionality to continue to work.

Jay (Indigo Support)
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Posted on
Tue Jan 06, 2015 10:05 am
matt (support) offline
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Re: Yosemite Compatibility Notes

Update: as posted here it looks like a new driver is available from Silicon Labs for Yosemite. If you are using the Z-Stick, then I recommend giving it a try.


Posted on
Fri Jan 30, 2015 7:20 pm
jay (support) offline
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Re: Yosemite Compatibility Notes

To clarify: Indigo 6.0.19 and above work on Yosemite. There are outstanding Yosemite bugs (DNS/Bonjour, AppleScript) that some users are reporting which cause us to hesitate upgrading our systems. The former doesn't appear to effect Indigo other than to cause periodic DNS errors in the event log (we suppressed many of those errors in 6.0.20).

The AppleScript problem will cause AppleScripts to (somewhat) randomly fail. This is a problem that's been growing worse over the past few OS releases, and there doesn't appear to be any one thing that permanently solves the problem. The number of people experiencing the problem is relatively small so it's really impossible to tell if it will happen to you.

We will rarely recommend an OS upgrade unless there's a quantifiable reason to do so. Yosemite doesn't have any new features that Indigo requires, so we wouldn't recommend an upgrade. If we hear of specific resolutions to the problems above, we will share on this topic. We understand that those buying new Macs don't have a choice, and we've done all we can to make sure Indigo works on Yosemite.

If you upgrade, you should keep a backup around in case there's some kind of catastrophic failure. This is a general rule for any system that you deem mission critical, not just for Indigo.

Jay (Indigo Support)
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