Run Scene to Vera (via Vera Bridge) error

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Wed Sep 17, 2014 10:29 pm
cjp767 offline
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Location: Gig Harbor, WA

Run Scene to Vera (via Vera Bridge) error

I send commands to individual locks just fine-- they lock and unlock every time.

My Vera has a scene called "Lock All" which commands all doors to lock-- The scene executes perfectly when commanded from the Vera web interface.

I have added the scene to Indigo-- It found the scene perfectly, but when I executed it, I get the following error---

[Sep17], [Sep 17] 21:17:23
Vera Bridge Error vera thread: send command error: scene 10 does not exist or is inactive

I don't quite get it-- the individual locks work well from Indigo and the scene works perfectly from the Vera interface. But I can't run the scene from Indigo-- even from the header (Plugins, Vera Bridge, Run Scene). I've even changed the scene in Vera, including the name, and it changed it in Indigo--- but I got the same error message.

My Vera firmware is 1.5.622, the latest public release (but not the latest beta), Indigo 1.0.14, and Vera Bridge Plugin 1.0.6. I've done the usual restart everything, etc.

It's obvious I'm missing something. Can someone point me in the right direction? Thanks.

Posted on
Thu Sep 18, 2014 11:43 am
jay (support) offline
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Re: Run Scene to Vera (via Vera Bridge) error

The Vera reports that a scene is inactive when one of the devices in the scene is no longer available or is not working (among other things) so check to see that all devices in the scene are actually functioning devices. The Vera UI apparently ignores the flag that Indigo is using to determine if the scene is available and working.

One way to work around the problem is to just create an Action Group in Indigo that locks all the doors, thus bypassing the Vera scene altogether. Vera scenes through their API have always been somewhat flakey so bypassing them I think is always a decent idea.

Jay (Indigo Support)
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Posted on
Thu Sep 18, 2014 1:30 pm
cjp767 offline
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Re: Run Scene to Vera (via Vera Bridge) error

Great input, as always. My Vera scene includes only locks, so there might be a lock that is moody or doesn't report to the Vera 100% of the time. Since I've had good luck addressing each lock individually, I'll continue doing it that way and skip Scenes altogether. Thanks again!

Posted on
Tue Aug 01, 2017 4:41 pm
agame offline
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Re: Run Scene to Vera (via Vera Bridge) error

if a device in a scene has the hidden flag set on vera, it causes this error (even though the scene works fine on the vera).

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