dumb question

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Thu May 15, 2003 8:24 am
Guest offline

dumb question

:? This is probably a dumb but obvious question, but I'll ask it anyway.

I'm very interested in your home autimation solution. How would I exactly implement it?

1. Buy the X10 box and serial-USB adapter and connect to my Mac
2. Buy and install the software version 1.1

Now how does the software & harware recognize the light switchs, appliances, sprinklers, & fans ?


Posted on
Thu May 15, 2003 11:04 am
matt (support) offline
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Re: dumb question

Guest wrote:
Now how does the software & harware recognize the light switchs, appliances, sprinklers, & fans ?

All X10 devices are referred to by a letter house code (A-P) and device code (1-16). This house code/device code pair define the address for a particular X10 device. Depending on the X10 device, there are different ways to set the house code/device code. Some have manual wheel switches, and some you set electronically using a controller (or Indigo).

Once you have defined your light switch or appliance module's address, you create a corresponding device object within Indigo using the same address. Now Indigo can communicate with the device and you can define schedules or triggers that automatically control the device.

Most basic X10 devices are 1-way only. They receive commands from Indigo but do not transmit back to Indigo. There are more advanced (and pricey) 2-way devices that can transmit back to Indigo whenever their state changes (i.e., the user manually flips the switch).

And then you have remote controls. Remote controls allow communication back to Indigo. Again, the X10 remotes allow you to define which house code (and on some which device code) they transmit. In Indigo, you again define a corresponding Device object that uses the remote's (or motion detector's) address. Now you can define Triggers Actions that occur when that remote control button or motion detector are tripped.

There is much more you can do, but this should get you started. Have fun!


Posted on
Thu May 15, 2003 2:24 pm
Guest offline

(No subject)

I think the question is even more basic than that. I think the person doesn't know that you need to buy a device to replace every switch that you would like to control. If you want to turn on your porch light, you need to buy a X-10 device that will replace you current light switch. The x-10 device will have an address that you define with a letter and a number to make it unique to the controlling software.

If I misunderstood, I am sorry, but that is what I think you were asking.

Posted on
Thu May 15, 2003 7:11 pm
matt (support) offline
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Guest wrote:
I think the question is even more basic than that. I think the person doesn't know that you need to buy a device to replace every switch that you would like to control. If you want to turn on your porch light, you need to buy a X-10 device that will replace you current light switch...

Ah yes, I think you may be correct. For general info about the hardware be sure and look at the hardware support page:

http://www.perceptiveautomation.com/ind ... dware.html


Posted on
Fri May 23, 2003 10:43 am
Luke Skywalker offline

Along those lines.. configuring Radio Shack "Plug 'n Po

I bought a few Radio Shack "Plug 'nPower" and "Power House" devices and can't seem to address either device...

One is a Socket Lamp Module which you plug a bulb directly into. I'm specifying it as a "Lamp Module" in Indigo (default Address A1.) no go... The bulb works when not pluged into the controller, but does not seem addressable.

the second is a Lamp controler (small white box.. .this seem the typical X10 controller which I grew up with.) I set the dial to A3, but again, no go. The log sees the commands being sent to these devices but they don't seem to respond.

I should add the controllers work when directly connected to the ActiveHome (CM 11A controller) but not when plugged into other outlets in the same room or other rooms. (No surge supressors involved.)


Posted on
Fri May 23, 2003 10:53 am
Luke Skywalker offline

sorry for double post. Is there a good alternative to x10

X10 seem nice but antiquated. it seems like home Automation mags are always talking about CEBUS or somesuch... any other standards which Perceptive will support?


Posted on
Fri May 23, 2003 10:58 am
matt (support) offline
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Re: Along those lines.. configuring Radio Shack "Plug '

Luke Skywalker wrote:
I should add the controllers work when directly connected to the ActiveHome (CM 11A controller) but not when plugged into other outlets in the same room or other rooms. (No surge supressors involved.)

Since the modules do work when directly plugged into the CM11a, it sounds like the X10 signals are not able to get from the CM11 to the other outlets where you have the socket and lamp modules.

It sounds like you have tried moving the modules around to other outlets and rooms, so how about moving the CM11a itself to another outlet? That outlet might have too much electrical noise from some other appliance on the same circuit (possibly your computer).

The X10 signals can fail to travel from the CM11 to an outlet for a few reasons: noise on the powerline from some appliance, a signal sucker somewhere (power supplies and surge protectors are common culprits), or inability for the signal to travel from one 110v leg to the other 110v leg of your electrical system.

There are filters (like the smarthome.com FilterLinc), signal bridges and amplifiers that can fix these problems, but I'd recommend you try to get the modules you have working in some fashion before buying any of these. You might have to unplug some noisey appliances and shuffle the CM11 and modules around to different outlets, but you should be able to get it working in some fashion. After this, the next step will most likely be adding a FilterLinc on to the noise culprits, possibly for your computer itself. Or just moving the CM11 to another outlet might solve everything. Good luck!


Posted on
Wed Oct 15, 2003 9:23 am
gregjsmith offline
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Re: sorry for double post. Is there a good alternative to x1

Luke Skywalker wrote:
X10 seem nice but antiquated. it seems like home Automation mags are always talking about CEBUS or somesuch... any other standards which Perceptive will support?

You can read about CEBUS vs X10 here. But basicly CEBUS doesn't still seem quite ready for primetime. Unless your a professional installer you will have a hard time buying the stuff and installing it cheaply.

Posted on
Wed Oct 15, 2003 11:40 am
matt (support) offline
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Re: sorry for double post. Is there a good alternative to x1

I'm not sure CEBUS will ever make it mainstream. Here is an emerging technology that shows promise:


They still want to charge an arm and a leg for a developer kit that has the protocol spec :(, but the hardware is now starting to make it to market and looks interesting. We'll see...


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