Device Usage Report IWS Plugin

Posted on
Fri Mar 19, 2010 11:19 am
kyo offline
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Re: Device Usage Report IWS Plugin

using a macmini server in my network with snow leopard I followed the plug in install but in the Safari-UsageReporter I find no devices at all? I only use marmitek X10 devices. Is that the problem: the X10?

Thanks for the info but even when I'm setting the day right NO devices appear.............? Help!
Last edited by kyo on Sat Mar 20, 2010 7:13 am, edited 1 time in total.

Posted on
Fri Mar 19, 2010 11:23 am
kpfriedberg offline

Re: Device Usage Report IWS Plugin

Make sure you select today's date. Tool defaults to yesterday which is last full day of info.

Posted on
Fri Mar 19, 2010 5:29 pm
kpfriedberg offline

Re: Device Usage Report IWS Plugin

Jay, Berkinet,

I once again can't thank you guys enough. This really is a very powerful plugin. I've been toying around with a spreadsheet that, like emo's, is helping me to pinpoint my usage and areas where Indigo may help to improve the efficiency of my home. While it isn't ready for public consumption, it currently does the following:

1. Estimates/Forecasts each devices annual usage and cost of operation
2. Creates report that highlight the most expensive devices based on annual forecast
3. Has a chart that enables the user to select a device, the chart then shows a 'candlechart' showing the devices projected annual cost, daily high, low and average minutes on.

I'm sure I will make improvements, and will be happy to share with the community when done. However, and at the risk of sounding ungrateful (which i am surely not), the biggest 'hurdle' to making it a really easy user experience is getting the data into the spreadsheet. Even something like having the download file name simply be a mm-dd-yy.csv would greatly help things (for now i rename the file to that format, and then i have written an excel macro which allows the user to select the folder where the daily files are, it then imports all the data for all the devices for all the files in the folder).

This really is a terrific app, and with some tweaking it could actually drive sales of Indigo/Insteon (I could see a simple calculator on the website that asks the user to input number of lights, est's total wattage and then spits out potential annual savings using indigo/insteon and the break even on the installation).

Thanks again for the terrific addition to Indigo.

Posted on
Fri Mar 19, 2010 6:09 pm
jay (support) offline
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Re: Device Usage Report IWS Plugin

In all honesty, I have no plans to do anything more with this plugin (it was literally something I threw together in less than a day).

We're focusing our efforts on Indigo 5 and I don't want to get distracted from that. In the meantime, anyone else is welcome to jump in and do with it what they like - all of the source is there and I'll gladly post updates to the file library. And, of course, the data is all stored in a SQL database, so anyone with those kinds of skills could certainly do much better.

Jay (Indigo Support)
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Posted on
Fri Mar 19, 2010 6:16 pm
kpfriedberg offline

Re: Device Usage Report IWS Plugin

jay wrote:
We're focusing our efforts on Indigo 5...

Yatzee! what new goodies can we expect in that?

Posted on
Fri Mar 19, 2010 7:34 pm
jay (support) offline
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Re: Device Usage Report IWS Plugin

Wouldn't you rather be surprised? It's still quite a ways out and we don't have many specifics yet, but there will be a plugin API that will allow 3rd parties to add device support (and perhaps other integration points as well). Beyond that, you'll just have to be surprised... ;)

Jay (Indigo Support)
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Posted on
Fri Mar 19, 2010 7:43 pm
berkinet offline
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Re: Device Usage Report IWS Plugin

Regarding possible upgrades for the usageReporter. It's pretty much as Jay said. I think I will probably get around to adding support for a "devices" file which would contain the names of the devices to report. All devices in the file (and only the devices in the file) would be reported, even if the usage was zero. It will probably work like the filter, if the device file exists, it would be used. I have done the basic work, but adding it into the app. adding support in the web interface and then thoroughly testing it will take a while. Probably not before late May.

The real problem here is once you get past the basic data collection and presentation, everyone has different ideas of how it should run. It's possible to create a tool that can be customized, but it's a LOT of work.

So, I'd suggest, for managing the save data (csv) file, maybe someone can put together a simple script (it's probably easier to do this in a shell script) to run the report, using the save to file option, then read the saved data and write it out to the end of another file adding a timestamp in from of each line. It's not perfect, but it should give you most of what you want.

Posted on
Sat Mar 20, 2010 7:16 am
kyo offline
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Re: Device Usage Report IWS Plugin

Re: Device Usage Report IWS Plugin
using a macmini server in my network with snow leopard I followed the plug in install but in the Safari-UsageReporter I find no devices at all? I only use marmitek X10 devices. Is that the problem: the X10?

Make sure you select today's date. Tool defaults to yesterday which is last full day of info.

Thanks for the info but even when I'm setting the day right NO devices appear.............? Help!

Posted on
Sat Mar 20, 2010 11:15 am
jay (support) offline
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Re: Device Usage Report IWS Plugin

Did you enable SQL logging as instructed in the ReadMe?

Jay (Indigo Support)
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Posted on
Sat Mar 20, 2010 1:57 pm offline
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Re: Device Usage Report IWS Plugin

Hey Jay, I thought that I had followed all of your instructions for the indigo webserver plugin for the usage report, but I am not sure I am following you on how to actually view the report? I have indigo 4.17 and mac os 10.6.2

Posted on
Sat Mar 20, 2010 2:20 pm
jay (support) offline
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Re: Device Usage Report IWS Plugin

Jay (Indigo Support)
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Posted on
Mon Mar 22, 2010 3:40 am
kyo offline
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Re: Device Usage Report IWS Plugin

jay wrote:
Did you enable SQL logging as instructed in the ReadMe?

Yes I did but still no devices and I checked all the dates that it should have been running :(

Posted on
Mon Mar 22, 2010 4:25 am
kpfriedberg offline

Re: Device Usage Report IWS Plugin

I have notice a couple of things that might be 'bugs'

1. The first is regarding lights that stay on through midnight. It appears that sometimes the utility keeps logging the minutes on and sometimes not. We have a light that stays on from around 8pm to 6am, and there are days when the download only shows the minutes from 8pm to midnight, some days when it will show 8 till midnight, and then midnight until 6am. Not sure why this is

2. Regarding the download itself. There are days when the download contains all modules (except those specifically excluded) even if the module wasn't turned on, showing a zero for it, and other days when only modules that have been turned on come through in the download.

Posted on
Mon Mar 22, 2010 8:53 am
jay (support) offline
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Re: Device Usage Report IWS Plugin

kyo wrote:
Yes I did but still no devices and I checked all the dates that it should have been running :(

So, you're not getting any data for any days? Email me your SQL database:

/Library/Application Support/Perceptive Automation/Indigo 4/IndigoSqlClient/sqlite_db

(assuming you didn't change the name in the IndigoSqlClient.conf file). Send it to indigo DASH support AT perceptiveautomation DOT com.

Jay (Indigo Support)
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Posted on
Mon Mar 22, 2010 8:57 am
jay (support) offline
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Re: Device Usage Report IWS Plugin

kpfriedberg wrote:
1. The first is regarding lights that stay on through midnight. It appears that sometimes the utility keeps logging the minutes on and sometimes not. We have a light that stays on from around 8pm to 6am, and there are days when the download only shows the minutes from 8pm to midnight, some days when it will show 8 till midnight, and then midnight until 6am. Not sure why this is

Berkinet modified that logic so maybe he can explain it. I believe after his modification it should NEVER show data from Midnight to 6am but I'm not positive.

kpfriedberg wrote:
2. Regarding the download itself. There are days when the download contains all modules (except those specifically excluded) even if the module wasn't turned on, showing a zero for it, and other days when only modules that have been turned on come through in the download.

I suspect that it's devices that were on sub 1-minute and the 0 is a rounding error - I took care of those in the visible report buy perhaps berkinet needs to look at that for the export.

Jay (Indigo Support)
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