New to RFXCOM plugin - trying to get blinds working

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Thu Jan 02, 2020 11:17 am
nick.perry offline
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Re: New to RFXCOM plugin - trying to get blinds working

Partly a brain dump and partly fishing for suggestions...

I've had a Silent Gliss SG 5100 curtain rail installed by John Lewis. It has a SilentGliss SG 5190 motor with 433.92MHz remote control. It has two RJ11 ports which can have simple momentary switches connected for opening and closing - and that's currently how I'm controlling them - via a Z-Wave Fibaro Double Relay.

However some digging in RFXManager (RFXtrx433 Type 1 with firmware v24 with the BlindsT1234 enabled) reveals the remote is behaving as a A-OK AC114 and it's three buttons get captured as follows:
Code: Select all
Packettype    = BLINDS1
subtype       = A-OK AC114
Sequence nbr  = 28
id1-3         = 3F5EE0 decimal:4153056
Unit          = 1
Command       = Open
Signal level  = 7  -64dBm
Sequence nbr  = 34
Command       = Stop
Sequence nbr  = 35
Command       = Close

Promising... so back in Indigo (v7.4 RFXCom plugin v2.1.16) I have enabled Blinds T1234 and logging of undecoded packages. Use of the remote logs as follows:
Code: Select all
RFXCOM Error                    unknown device detected (id = 63962400, type = 25). Select a Blinds Remote from the list of devices

Which is weird because that ID doesn't seem to correspond with the RFX Manager output.

In Indigo I've tried creating a RFXCOM A-OK_AC114 device with the Housecode 3F5EE0 and Unitcode 1 (Taken from the RFXmgr output) but operating that (turning it on or off) does nothing (nothing is logged).

I've also tried the suggested RFXCOM Blinds Remote device, but I'm asked for a module address in the format FFFFFFFF and 63962400 is the only thing that fits the bill but results (as reported by the OP) as a device that can't be controlled in Indigo.

Am I mis-creating the A-OK devices somehow? Or missing something entirely? The implication from @RJdeKok above (Jan 2018) is that this is good to go, though I may be misunderstanding.

RJdeKok wrote:
I implemented BlindsT2 and BlindsT3 in the RFXCOM library (V2.1.3).
0x02 = BlindsT2 = A-OK RF01
0x03 = BlindsT3 = A-OK AC114/AC123/Motorlux

Posted on
Thu Jan 02, 2020 12:04 pm
autolog offline
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Re: New to RFXCOM plugin - trying to get blinds working

nick.perry wrote:
Partly a brain dump and partly fishing for suggestions...

Not directly answering your question but this post (from 2013) may be of interest: Fibaro FGS-221 + Silent Gliss 5090 Curtain Rail

I have seven of these rails in my house and Indigo has been opening and closing my curtains every day for the last six years! :D

Posted on
Thu Jan 02, 2020 12:05 pm
autolog offline
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Re: New to RFXCOM plugin - trying to get blinds working

autolog wrote:
nick.perry wrote:
Partly a brain dump and partly fishing for suggestions...

Not directly answering your question but this post (from 2013) may be of interest: Fibaro FGS-221 + Silent Gliss 5090 Curtain Rail

I have seven of these rails in my house and Indigo has been opening and closing my curtains every day for the last six years! :D

EDIT: Having read your post more carefully, I see that is what you are already doing. :oops:

Posted on
Wed May 13, 2020 5:21 am
nick.perry offline
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Re: New to RFXCOM plugin - trying to get blinds working

RJdeKok wrote:
I implemented BlindsT2 and BlindsT3 in the RFXCOM library (V2.1.3).
0x02 = BlindsT2 = A-OK RF01
0x03 = BlindsT3 = A-OK AC114/AC123/Motorlux

No further on with this myself but for the benefit of anyone else stumbling upon this, I think the dialog for the 'Blinds Remote' is just wrong when it request a hex format string ID - as on restart of the plugin it complains of requiring an integer. But that aside I still don't end up a controllable device in the UI, and RFXCOM still reports an unknown device.

Posted on
Mon Jul 27, 2020 8:20 pm
agame offline
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Re: New to RFXCOM plugin - trying to get blinds working

I've just revisited the RFXTRX - Motolux blind integration and finally got them working, which is great (thanks for the plugin!)...but was a long road so might be worth reporting a simple workaround.

{ Motolux is [presumably] spelled incorrectly as Motorlux in RFXCOM doco.}

I configured the blinds by picking up the unit number and housecode from the logs (I couldn't successfully pair Indigo as a 'new' remote, that could have been 'user error' though ). Couldn't get them to work in Indigo even though they all worked fine in RFXMGR. Through trial-and-error, I've figured out the unit # in the Indigo config needs to be set 1 below the actual unit # as appears in the logs and works in RFXMGR. So emulating a remote with unit code 1 requires an entry of zero; 2 as 1, and so-on.

Aside from this, all works perfectly.

Posted on
Tue Jul 28, 2020 6:55 am
nick.perry offline
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Re: New to RFXCOM plugin - trying to get blinds working

So what protocol do you have enabled for this in the RFXCOM Plugin Settings? "Blinds T1,2,3,4", "Blinds T0" or something else?

Then what "Model" do you select in the new device settings? And finally how was RFXCOM reporting the unknown sensor in the Indigo logs?

The trouble I'm having is none of this matches up.

RFXCOM reports: "unknown device detected (id = 63962400, type = 25). Select a Blinds Remote from the list of devices", but that ID isn't valid (you still get that error when the device has that ID) and anyway you end up with an uncontrollable device (one with no interface elements in Indigo).

All very mysterious.

Posted on
Tue Jul 28, 2020 4:38 pm
agame offline
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Re: New to RFXCOM plugin - trying to get blinds working

nick.perry wrote:

So what protocol do you have enabled for this in the RFXCOM Plugin Settings? "Blinds T1,2,3,4", "Blinds T0" or something else?

Then what "Model" do you select in the new device settings? And finally how was RFXCOM reporting the unknown sensor in the Indigo logs?

The trouble I'm having is none of this matches up.

RFXCOM reports: "unknown device detected (id = 63962400, type = 25). Select a Blinds Remote from the list of devices", but that ID isn't valid (you still get that error when the device has that ID) and anyway you end up with an uncontrollable device (one with no interface elements in Indigo).

All very mysterious.

Agree its a difficult setup with minimal documentation and some bugs thrown in. But controlling the blinds works fine once you're there.

For Motolux, the protocol selection for device settings is 'A-OK-AC114'- looking online, Motolux and A-OK appear to be rebranded versions of the same devices.

Blinds-1234 should be active to pick up the codes (but this relates only to receiving, not relevant to transmitting). You get clearer information if you have the debug logs active, eg:

Code: Select all
   RFXCOM Debug                    processing: 9 25 3 225 36 245 5 1 2 112 (09 19 03 E1 24 F5 05 01 02 70)
   RFXCOM Debug                    Blinds Remote with id1-3 384505 and unitcode 1 command 2 received
   RFXCOM Error                    unknown device detected (id = 38450501, type = 25). Select a Blinds Remote from the list of devices
   RFXCOM Debug                    ++++++++++++++

Personally, I think its clearer pulling the info (and testing) in RFXMGR, however in this instance what you need to enter in the device config is the hex string of the unit code '24F505' -pairs 4,5,6 in the hex string in first line of the log. - and 1 being the reported unit code [in my experience, Indigo always reports this as 1 so you may need to guess the real value...or get the correct info from RFXMGR.] The plugin takes the housecode in hex and unit code in decimal. If you pull the data from RFXMGR, the unitcode reported seems correspond with the 'blind number label' on the multi remote, which is one higher than required in the plugin. If you have a single remote, the unit code required is most likely zero.

As I've noted elsewhere, the log instruction 'select a Blinds Remote' is confusing - thats unrelated to configuring a. transmitting device...but it should allow you to configure a second Indigo device as a 'Blinds Remote' to decode inbound remote messages to the blind motor (and thereby give the opportunity to keep track of status if you continue to use the remote - or use spare remote buttons for triggering something else.) But it appears from discussion in another thread that this was a. bug fixed in a version of the Plugin that is no longer online (and didn't get incorporated in the store version).

I'm hoping someone can tweak the plugin to correct this. It would be possible to trigger on the error message using a SQL Logger plugin event to match the log message if you have only one blind, but incorrect reporting of the unit code makes it impossible to distinguish which blind is being activated if you have multiples.

Posted on
Wed Jul 29, 2020 6:09 am
nick.perry offline
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Re: New to RFXCOM plugin - trying to get blinds working

As I've noted elsewhere, the log instruction 'select a Blinds Remote' is confusing - thats unrelated to configuring a. transmitting device...but it should allow you to configure a second Indigo device as a 'Blinds Remote' to decode inbound remote messages to the blind motor (and thereby give the opportunity to keep track of status if you continue to use the remote - or use spare remote buttons for triggering something else.)

Aha! I was totally hung up on a Blinds Remote with it's faulty interface and lack of transmit capability! So I create a RFXCOM>A-OK_AC114 device, enter the housecode you identify from either RFXMGR or RFXCOM plugin with debugging on, and in my case a unit code of zero (correctly reported by RFXCOM debug, but not by RFXMGR) and I now have a working open/close device. Thanks!

Code: Select all
Packettype    = BLINDS1
subtype       = A-OK AC114
Sequence nbr  = 28
id1-3         = 3F5EE0 decimal:4153056
Unit          = 1
Command       = Open
Signal level  = 7  -64dBm
Sequence nbr  = 34
Command       = Stop
Sequence nbr  = 35
Command       = Close

From Indigo RFXCOM Debug
Code: Select all
RFXCOM Debug                    processing: 9 25 3 0 63 94 224 0 0 112 (09 19 03 00 3F 5E E0 00 00 70)
RFXCOM Debug                    Blinds Remote with id1-3 639624 and unitcode 0 command 0 received
RFXCOM Error                    unknown device detected (id = 63962400, type = 25). Select a Blinds Remote from the list of devices

So we can see the RFXCOM Error is converting the housecode octets to decimal, concatenating them, adding them up where they're more than 100, and then adding two zeros :roll:

No matter, sticking to hex my new device looks like the attached. And it works. Yay! As you say, the correct ERROR message would have saved a lot of time!

Thanks again
20200729_010719-CapturFiles.png (87.52 KiB) Viewed 4409 times

Posted on
Wed Jul 29, 2020 3:36 pm
agame offline
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Re: New to RFXCOM plugin - trying to get blinds working

glad you've got it going. I figured the decimal codes were wrong but hadn't figured out the error.
Though I'm intrigued that your plugin is reporting the correct unit code but mine isn't...

As you say, the correct ERROR message would have saved a lot of time! this plugin in a permanent state of disrepair or could someone out there tweak it? As well as fixing the maths on the hex-decimal conversion, having the version with a working Blinds Remote device re-instated would be incredibly far as I can tell, Blinds Remote should basically be a device with status being the last message (open; stop; down) received for the respective unit code.

Posted on
Sat Aug 01, 2020 4:35 pm
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Re: New to RFXCOM plugin - trying to get blinds working

Can you create new issues on the GitHub repo for the changes you would like to see (one issue per feature request or bug). On the description also point to the forum threads. I'm not sure when someone will have the chance to look into it, but if the issues are documents in GitHub they are more likely to eventually get taken care of.


Posted on
Sun Aug 02, 2020 4:55 pm
agame offline
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Re: New to RFXCOM plugin - trying to get blinds working

Thanks, two issues created.

Posted on
Fri Aug 14, 2020 10:55 pm
GlennNZ offline
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Re: New to RFXCOM plugin - trying to get blinds working

Hi all,

Have forked and updated RFXCOM Plugin, adding a new BlindsT1234 Device for essentially controlling all Blinds, including Dooya as requested.

Correctly reports Housecode/Unitcode and have added adjustable Blind Subtype (hopefully covering most blind options)
Correctly updates Indigo Status with Remote changes, and Turn On/Turn Off appropriately open/closes blind.

See the readme

Give it a try for those with Blinds/Blind issues

Some updates to Plugin by GlennNZ


Add new device type BlindsT1234 for all type=25 Blinds

(replacing A-OK AC114, Brel, and others, these others left alone so can update as wanted)

Adds Support for Dooya Blinds and Remotes

Correctly shows Housecode, unitcode and subtype for ALL these Blinds Remotes

Correctly updates On/Off state of device if command sent via Indigo, OR if Remote button pressed

Add subtype to device Def (should allow other blinds to be controlled)

Add last Command received to device State, lastupdated and type

Preferred Usage:
1. Install, setup Physical Blind, setup working Remote for Blind.
2. Update RFXCOM Plugin (this Plugin) to latest version on github
3. Turn on support for Blinds T1234 in Config
4. Turn on log unknown sensors as error in Plugin Config

5. Press Remote Button on your Blind Remote

Log Should show an Unknown Device Error Msg: (like below)

`RFXCOM Error unknown device detected (type = 25). Select a BlindsT1234 Device from the list of devices
RFXCOM Error HouseCode (hex)=293301 ,subtype (int)=6 ,unitCode (int)=145`


Create a RFXCOM BlindsT1234 Device Adding these Details (demo image = not the same details!)


Turn On and Turn Off - will open close Blinds (and update Device State)

Remote will likewise turn on/turn off and the State will be updated in Indigo

Also will show last command/last time updated in device states:


Posted on
Sat Aug 15, 2020 9:03 am
nick.perry offline
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Re: New to RFXCOM plugin - trying to get blinds working

This is great, thanks - works exactly as expected and now both monitors and controls my SilentGliss curtains.
Code: Select all
   RFXCOM Error                    unknown device detected (type = 25). Select a BlindsT1234 Device from the list of devices
   RFXCOM Error                    HouseCode (hex)=3F5EE0 ,subtype (int)=3 ,unitCode (int)=0

Thanks again. Wonder if it is worth noting somewher in the official docs this works for SilentGliss curtains - which are reasonably popular here in the UK at least.

Posted on
Sat Aug 15, 2020 4:34 pm
GlennNZ offline
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Re: New to RFXCOM plugin - trying to get blinds working

nick.perry wrote:
This is great, thanks - works exactly as expected and now both monitors and controls my SilentGliss curtains.
Code: Select all
   RFXCOM Error                    unknown device detected (type = 25). Select a BlindsT1234 Device from the list of devices
   RFXCOM Error                    HouseCode (hex)=3F5EE0 ,subtype (int)=3 ,unitCode (int)=0

Thanks again. Wonder if it is worth noting somewher in the official docs this works for SilentGliss curtains - which are reasonably popular here in the UK at least.

Great to know. Think it should cover all the Blinds T1234 compatible with rfxcom (I'll find a list)
Certainly works with my Dooya blinds/remotes as well.
Suspect the rollerTrol and other blinds have the same issues looking at code, but didn't want to change any existing devices for people.

But now that forked code, and symbolic link to development code, makes easy to work on other aspects, and happy clear out cobwebs if any other issues.
(only issue is moving the rfxcom usb device., between computers...)
Have looked at the other GIthub issues think most resolved


Posted on
Sat Aug 15, 2020 5:10 pm
agame offline
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Re: New to RFXCOM plugin - trying to get blinds working

A great step forward! Thanks.

A couple of things I've noted (mine are Motolux [A-OK clone]) binds:

- the unit code of my. remotes is not being reported correctly in the logs (I have 4 unit codes in use - one for each of three blinds, and one that is enrolled to all of them (so a single remote press controls them all) - it invariably shows '1'. This was an issue before your bug fix.. But using unit codes 0-3 to represent units 1-4 (and so-forth, as per the labels on the remote) to configure the devices does work regardless.
- the blinds require a 'stop' command to position them in other than the fully open/closed state. It's annoying Indigo doesn't have a default UI for this, however the plugin does provide 'stop' in the menu for each blind type which of course enables creation of control page 'stop' buttons...I don't think. your new device type has 'stop' available - or am I missing something - (I can 'stop' them still by having a duplicate A-OK114 device).
- given the 'stop' command, the reported open/closed status in somewhat arbitrary - but as you are reporting the last command in status all the data is there to guesstimate the status.... I might fiddle with variables and timers to estimate open/closed/parial.
- I've been able to configure some spare unit codes on the multi-remote to create some dummy blinds and thereby have Indigo control a couple of other devices (non-rfx devices). This would have been done by creating a 'Blinds Remote' receive only the broken version of the plugin but works equally well this way.

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