[ANSWERED] Failed to find USB device

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Sun Oct 26, 2003 10:59 am
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[ANSWERED] Failed to find USB device

"Failed to find USB device. Make sure the correct interface settings are chosen in the Preferences dialog and that the USB device is plugged in correctly."

This morning Indigo or the USB interface failed to operate. Pulling the plug(s), trying another USB port, d/l'ing 1.2, rebooting, swearing, praying, crying, all have done nothing, I keep getting that error message.

This is disappointing. Any ideas?

Posted on
Tue Oct 28, 2003 5:21 pm
matt (support) offline
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Re: "Failed to find USB device"

Anonymous wrote:
This is disappointing. Any ideas?

Most folks that have had problems connecting to the PowerLinc got it reliably working by plugging it into another USB port. Since the PowerLinc USB uses power off the bus itself, it is best to plug it directly into the computer or a powered hub.

It sounds like you have done this already though. Go to your computer's system profile (Apple Menu->About This Mac; click on the More Info... button). You should see under the USB section somewhere "SmartHome PowerLinc USB". If it isn't there, then it sounds like your PowerLinc USB is bad.


Posted on
Thu Nov 13, 2003 10:47 am
tallacman offline
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Problems with USB hub also - Belkin 7 port powered

I recently installed a Belkin hub and had spotty problems at first that escalated to nonfunctional Indigo all the time. I have plugged into the main machine now and the problem seems to have vanished.

Posted on
Thu Nov 20, 2003 2:52 pm
ian offline

Failed to find USB device

Go to your computer's system profile (Apple Menu->About This Mac; click on the More Info... button). You should see under the USB section somewhere "SmartHome PowerLinc USB". If it isn't there, then it sounds like your PowerLinc USB is bad.

Well the device is there and it has worked for the last two weeks, but I did just pay for Indigo and update the regi!!!!!

BUT now that I have invested $90 it no longer works!!!

Posted on
Thu Nov 20, 2003 3:08 pm
matt (support) offline
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Re: Failed to find USB device

ian wrote:
Well the device is there and it has worked for the last two weeks...

Hi Ian,

Are you the same person that started this thread a month ago (I'm not sure, so I don't know the specifics of the problem you are having)?

Are seeing the PowerLinc USB show up in the Apple System profiler, but Indigo is giving you an error message when you try to connect? If so, what is the specific error message? Is the PowerLinc plugged directly into your computer? Has anything with your computer setup (hardware or new OS install) changed since when it did work and when it stopped working other than entering the new Indigo registration number?


Posted on
Mon May 24, 2004 7:18 pm
Guest offline

Re: Failed to find USB device

support wrote:
Are you the same person that started this thread a month ago (I'm not sure, so I don't know the specifics of the problem you are having)?

I'm a different person from these people (first post to this forum) but I'm having the same problem. The PowerLink USB does show up in the System Profile, but Indigo can't connect. It says "Failed to find USB device."

I've tried it on two computers, plugging in directly to the USB port on the computer. It was working fine on my Cube for a while, but then stopped. The Cube was upgraded to 10.3.3 (both computers are on that version now), but I wasn't using Indigo for a while, so I don't know if the problem started around the time of the upgrade.

Posted on
Mon May 24, 2004 7:27 pm
matt (support) offline
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Re: Failed to find USB device

This might seem kind-of random, but try running the Disk Utility to repair the disk permissions on your system hard drive. I'm not positive that will help, but there have been reports of bizarre PowerLinc problems because of permissions not being correct on some system files.

If this doesn't enable you to connect, then contact Smarthome to request a replacement unit.


Posted on
Wed May 26, 2004 5:22 pm
Guest offline

Re: Failed to find USB device

support wrote:
This might seem kind-of random, but try running the Disk Utility to repair the disk permissions on your system hard drive. I'm not positive that will help, but there have been reports of bizarre PowerLinc problems because of permissions not being correct on some system files.

If this doesn't enable you to connect, then contact Smarthome to request a replacement unit.

No luck. I'm shipping the PowerLinc back to Smarthome for a replacement.

Posted on
Thu May 27, 2004 10:18 am
Guest offline

Re: Failed to find USB device

Anonymous wrote:
No luck. I'm shipping the PowerLinc back to Smarthome for a replacement.

Turns out the problem's not with the PowerLinc. I just tried the dead PowerLinc with Mac OS X version 10.3.4 (released yesterday) and now the PowerLinc works fine.


Posted on
Thu May 27, 2004 10:20 am
matt (support) offline
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Re: Failed to find USB device

Excellent. Maybe there was a subtle OS/USB conflict that was fixed in 10.3.4.


Posted on
Fri May 28, 2004 4:28 pm
kes2606b offline

Same problem here...

I just received a Powerlinc 1132U and plugged it directly into a G3 ibook running Indigo 1.5.0 on OS 10.2.8.

I repeatedly got the message, "failed to find USB device, check preferences, yada yada yada..." I tried both ports. I tried a different USB cable. Checked Apple System Profiler, and the device showed up. However, could not connect.

I then plugged it into a Powerbook G4 running 10.3.4, and it connected up right away...

Posted on
Sun May 30, 2004 7:30 am
kes2606b offline
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OOOPS - Now it is no longer working !!

Everything had been working flawlessly since my previous post the day before.

Last night, I unplugged the Powerbook from the interface module to do some work in a different room. When I came back, and reconnected the USB cable, I got the "Failed to find a USB Device". There was nothing new added-- all I did was reconnect to the USB controller in the same outlet it was since the day before. I tried everything-- including taking the USB controller to a different outlet in a different room. Nothing. I dinked around with it for nearly a half hour before giving up. Something is not right, but I don't know what?? Any thoughts??

Posted on
Sun May 30, 2004 8:34 am
gregjsmith offline
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(No subject)

My HA system is on a 500MHz G3 iBook. I the the 1132U (not CU) plugged in via a hub. I've never seen that message.

What kind of things have you done to the Mac, repair permissions, etc?

Posted on
Tue Jun 01, 2004 7:00 pm
kes2606b offline
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Failed to find USB Device

I am almost ready to give up. I have tried everything-- repairing permissions, etc. NOTHING. Still shows up as PowerLinc on the USB Bus in Apple System Profiler, but Indigo refuses to see it.

Posted on
Tue Jun 01, 2004 7:06 pm
matt (support) offline
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Re: Failed to find USB Device

The bad news is it sounds like you have a PowerLinc that is borderline incompatible with your Mac. We've seen a couple of other cases of this (a very small percentage of PowerLinc Mac users). I suggest you get a replacement from Smarthome. The good news is out of the few folks that have had to get replacements, so far we have a 100% success rate with the new units they received.

Additionally, Smarthome has made some design changes with the new PowerLinc Controller (1132CU). So far, we have no reports of any problems with the new PowerLinc Controller not connecting. I imagine it will be a bit before this design change trickles down to the 1132U, but I'm hoping that once it does the failure (incompatibility) rate will drop to near zero.


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