Basic question on FWP

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Sat Jul 07, 2018 11:14 am
DaveL17 offline
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Re: Basic question on FWP

norcoscia wrote:
Still no work-e :cry: I'm sure it is me..... just not sure what to do next.

Hi Norm - two things to check.

(1) when renaming files, it's often necessary to stop the Indigo server and restart the application to clear the image cache.
(2) you may also need to clear the cache for your browser as well.


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Posted on
Sat Jul 07, 2018 11:25 am
norcoscia offline
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Re: Basic question on FWP

Yes, I tried all that stuff - that is when this showed up unexpectedly :-(
2018-07-07_10-17-06.jpeg (55.06 KiB) Viewed 3935 times


Posted on
Sat Jul 07, 2018 11:28 am
norcoscia offline
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Re: Basic question on FWP

Dilog boxes like this make me shake my head - why does it not list the device - guess it could be worse - hope the next box does not say - "error- problem detected. Then it could have a button for more help that would say "something is wrong" when you click it.... sigh


Posted on
Sat Jul 07, 2018 11:30 am
DaveL17 offline
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Re: Basic question on FWP

norcoscia wrote:
Yes, I tried all that stuff - that is when this showed up unexpectedly :-(

Hmmm. Clearing the image cache should work.

I don't know anything about Insteon--but nothing with the plugin or the control page images should have anything to do with the message you posted.

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Posted on
Sat Jul 07, 2018 11:31 am
norcoscia offline
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Re: Basic question on FWP

I know - it just surprised me - I expect to see that when I replace something - not 3 months after on a re-start of the sever.


Posted on
Sat Jul 07, 2018 11:56 am
jay (support) offline
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Re: Basic question on FWP

norcoscia wrote:
Dilog boxes like this make me shake my head - why does it not list the device - guess it could be worse - hope the next box does not say - "error- problem detected. Then it could have a button for more help that would say "something is wrong" when you click it.... sigh

This dialog has nothing to do with your control page issue.

That dialog probably tries to communicate too much information. In reality, you should just do the sync when you see it. It's possible that it might take a minute or so, and that during that time anything automatic may be delayed, but more likely it'll happen quickly enough that you won't even notice. Any errors that occur during the sync process will show in the Event Log while the sync is running.

Also note: you should rarely see this dialog - it should only happen when you replace an Insteon device (or the PowerLinc). If you didn't replace a device, but you see this dialog, then that may indicate that a device is failing. If that's the case, then when the sync runs you'll likely see errors. Let us know the specific errors you see and we can help work it out from there.

Jay (Indigo Support)
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Posted on
Sat Jul 07, 2018 3:40 pm
norcoscia offline
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Re: Basic question on FWP

Jay - I know that dialog does not have anything to do with the graphics issues I'm having - I know fixing the refresh is on the upgrade list but to be honest messing with (changing) graphic files is pretty much a pain and it does not have to be - I was also getting annoyed with the fact that the dialog box should identify the device that it thinks was replaced (if it is going to surface) right now it makes it seems like Indigo does not know what was replaced - which I doubt - if indigo does know -- why not provide that information to the user as part of the message?

I did replace a device weeks ago and also another device weeks before that. If the box was going to show up that is when I should have seen it - not weeks or months after I made the change - I guess the server re-start somehow caused Indigo to notice something was replaced. I have no way to know....

Sorry for complaining - I have just wasted so much time with indigo graphic files not showing up - especially when I first started using indigo - I was trying to find out what would look the best and kept changing the graphic - I wasted a lot of time until I discovered it was just a shortcoming of Indigo.

I have given up on it for now - maybe tomorrow if my back is not hurting I will see if I can get the new Dark Sky icons to display. Sigh


Posted on
Sat Jul 07, 2018 11:28 pm
WouterK offline
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Re: Basic question on FWP


The underscore in the icons filename is working



Posted on
Sun Jul 08, 2018 4:02 am
DaveL17 offline
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Re: Basic question on FWP

Hi Wouter - thanks for letting me know.


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Posted on
Wed Aug 08, 2018 6:30 pm
Monstergerm offline
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Re: Basic question on FWP

I also notices (yesterday in the device) that icon 3 was listed as partly-cloudy-night and I can not figure out why it was listing the night icon, or, for that matter, why any night icon would show up on the list of daily icons - am I missing something? Or should I wait until it is out of beta testing?

To those of you who notice night icons showing up during daytime hours, this is an intended feature from Dark Sky, but they might change it.

Here is their explanation:

How do you determine the value for the icon property on daily data points?
Our system is presently very simple: it finds the “worst” weather condition that will happen during the day (4AM to 4AM), and uses the icon for it. The only case where a daily icon will show a *-night value is partly-cloudy-night, and this is done to match the daily summary text. We already have intentions to change this behavior, because it is confusing.
In the meantime, you can assume that if partly-cloudy-night is the worst weather condition that was found, that it was clear during the day. So you can just treat partly-cloudy-night as an alias for clear-day.

Posted on
Wed Aug 08, 2018 6:58 pm
DaveL17 offline
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Re: Basic question on FWP

Monstergerm wrote:
To those of you who notice night icons showing up during daytime hours, this is an intended feature from Dark Sky, but they might change it.

Here is their explanation:

How do you determine the value for the icon property on daily data points?
Our system is presently very simple: it finds the “worst” weather condition that will happen during the day (4AM to 4AM), and uses the icon for it. The only case where a daily icon will show a *-night value is partly-cloudy-night, and this is done to match the daily summary text. We already have intentions to change this behavior, because it is confusing.
In the meantime, you can assume that if partly-cloudy-night is the worst weather condition that was found, that it was clear during the day. So you can just treat partly-cloudy-night as an alias for clear-day.

This is very helpful information--thank you for sharing it with the group. I'll add it to the plugin's FAQ as well.


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Posted on
Fri Oct 12, 2018 1:48 pm
Monstergerm offline
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Re: Basic question on FWP

How to display weather alerts on control pages?

The plugin provides Alert Description, Alert Title and Alert URI. I can easily add a text field to a control page to display the alert title. I then want to be able to click on the title and be directed to the URL that displays the details on the weather alert.

However, contrary to Wunderground, this URL always changes, so I cannot add a static URL on my control page via the Client Action: Goto external URL function.

Does anyone have an idea how to accomplish this?

Posted on
Fri Oct 12, 2018 2:20 pm
RogueProeliator offline
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Re: Basic question on FWP

However, contrary to Wunderground, this URL always changes, so I cannot add a static URL on my control page via the Client Action: Goto external URL function.

You might be able to use the Dynamic Refreshing URL scheme to redirect?

That is designed to redirect refreshing URLs, but if you pointed your Go to External URL to the URL as in the plugin, it should redirect the browser just fine I believe. Jay or someone may have tried this and can chime in.


Posted on
Sat Oct 13, 2018 5:40 am
DaveL17 offline
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Re: Basic question on FWP

Monstergerm wrote:
How to display weather alerts on control pages?

I use the Matplotlib Plugin to do this--specifically the Multiline Text Device. There are also a couple of threads on other ways to display long strings on control pages including this one and this one. Here is an example using the Matplotlib Plugin:

chart_alert_grant_park_1.png (35.62 KiB) Viewed 3625 times

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