Using Inidgo On Mac VM

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Mon Mar 12, 2018 10:41 am
danowitz offline
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Using Inidgo On Mac VM

Hi All,

By chance has anyone used indigo on a mac running inside of Virtual Box running on a windows machine host? I have everything installed and working great, it is just having trouble seeing the PLM. Any thoughts?


Posted on
Mon Mar 12, 2018 10:52 am
jay (support) offline
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Re: Using Inidgo On Mac VM

That's an unsupported configuration - it violates both Apple's licensing and our licensing.

Jay (Indigo Support)
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Posted on
Thu Mar 22, 2018 8:33 pm
dillwishlist offline
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Re: Using Inidgo On Mac VM


I have a similar configuration that is supported/legal (at least from Apple's perspective) - I have three Mac minis running VMWare ESXi. I'm running a MacOS VM with Indigo on it on one of them. I'd be happy to discuss how I accomplished that, what devices you need to pass through to get Indigo/Insteon support with the modem, networking, etc. but it sounds like what you're doing isn't something you'll find help with here.


Posted on
Fri Mar 23, 2018 9:23 am
roussell offline
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Re: Using Inidgo On Mac VM

dillwishlist wrote:

I have a similar configuration that is supported/legal (at least from Apple's perspective) - I have three Mac minis running VMWare ESXi. I'm running a MacOS VM with Indigo on it on one of them. I'd be happy to discuss how I accomplished that, what devices you need to pass through to get Indigo/Insteon support with the modem, networking, etc. but it sounds like what you're doing isn't something you'll find help with here.


Are you running ESX 6.5 on the mini? I’d love to read more about it. I tried a while back on a spare 2012 i5 16GB mini but had limited success. I forget which guide I used, but I seem to remember them being pretty similar.


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Posted on
Fri Mar 23, 2018 9:09 pm
srkinard offline
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Re: Using Inidgo On Mac VM

I'm curious about ESXI on Apple hardware too...I have 3 ESXi 6.5 servers (Dell R710s and a R410) running lots of Windows and Linux VMs...

I've considered finding a used Mac Pro of some CPU/RAM levels to use as an ESXi host for any Mac VMs to perform dedicated tasks.


Posted on
Mon May 18, 2020 12:40 am
Rjay offline
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Re: Using Inidgo On Mac VM

Reviving an old post, just because I posted a similar question this morning but then just found this after some Google searching (think I missed it on the Forum search due to the Inidgo misspelling).

@Dillwishlist Alexander I would be keen to hear about your ESXi experience on the Mac, I am looking at heading down that path as well for a variety of reasons. If you wanted to share your experience here or even over on my newer thread that would be great, could discuss some of the benefits of it :)

Will drop you a PM just in case the above Tag doesn't work/don't have notifications turned on the old thread.


Posted on
Tue May 19, 2020 8:45 am
dillwishlist offline
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Re: Using Inidgo On Mac VM

Hi All, long lost thread. I get too many emails...

Anywho, my setup. I have three Mac minis with ESXi 6.5 on them, specs below.

Hypervisor: VMware ESXi, 6.5.0, 4564106
Model: Macmini6,2
Processor Type: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-3720QM CPU @ 2.60GHz
Logical Processors: 8
NICs: 1
Virtual Machines: 5
State: Connected
Uptime: 76 days

I also have a Dell R610 I saved from a dumpster I've been playing around with. Since this isn't a Mac, it can't host any Mac VMs. It runs some Linux and Windows guests.

These are managed through a EvalExperience license of VSphere (well, at least the 3 Minis in the cluster. The Dell is running the free version of ESXi). None of these can be upgraded to newer versions past 6.5, as their processors don't have the latest virtualization features VMWare uses in the newer versions.

ESX02 runs most of my home automation servers.

Guest OS: Apple Mac OS X 10.12 (64-bit)
Compatibility: ESXi 6.5 and later (VM version 13)
VMware Tools: Running, version:10278 (Current)
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2x CPUs, 2 GB RAM, 50 GB HDD.
Indigo (non-admin user) auto logs in, auto starts Indigo.
Insteon USB modem is passed through the hypervisor to the guest through Edit Settings on the VM.

I use VMWare Fusion on my laptop to create VMs and upload them to the cluster. You can't get to all the advanced settings through Fusion, but it's great to build the VM, make sure everything is working, then upload it to the cluster. There you log into the VSphere/ESXi web interface to change the pass through settings, network settings, etc.

For resources, I really like the website - William there really digs deep into VMWare on a Mac. I was running on an Xserve 3,1 at my old place, but that would randomly hang. Not the PSOD either, so couldn't get errors. Got 3 minis surplus from the local college several years ago so made those in to a cluster at my new place.

On the Minis, ESXi is installed onto a cheap USB flash drive plugged into the Mini. Internal storage (one SSD and one HDD each) are used for storage.

What more specific things would you like to know?


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