Problem configuring

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Sun Mar 04, 2018 7:13 pm
johnpolasek offline
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Problem configuring

OK, I've been running SQL logger for not quite 3 years and, I admit pretty much ignoring it since it was running OK in SQLite except for an occasional "Can'r update record for <random variable or device>; database is locked" problem that Karl's database repair option in his Utilities plugin could fix. However, last week we had a server crash due to a memory leak in another application and since then, not all the data is going into the database, which is causing some serious problems with plotting. I don't really use all the detailed history for anything more than some 48 hour plots, so I decided to start fresh with PostGreSQL, given that it is supposed to be a lot faster and more stable... However, when I try to configure the SQL Plugin V2.0.7 in Indigo 7.1.1 running on a Mac Xserve 2x2.26GHz Quad Core Xeon 48 gb running Sierra 10.12.6, I get the spinning wheel for about 30 seconds and then
    Error (client) timeout waiting for plugin response from com.perceptiveautomation.indigoplugin.sql-logger for request UiGetValues1
    Error (client) timeout waiting for plugin response from com.perceptiveautomation.indigoplugin.sql-logger for request CallPluginFunc
    Error (client) runConfigDialog() caught exception: NSInvalidArgumentException -- *** -[__NSPlaceholderDictionary initWithObjects:forKeys:count:]: attempt to insert nil object from objects[0]

So I got into the library and found that the database file was 13.65 GB... thinking that the problem was possibly the config trying to read that entire database before opening the config, I shut down the plugin, renamed the database, and reenabled it to build a new empty copy, which after creating all the tables shows to be just over 4 MB and tried again to configure the database and got exactly the same error. Any suggestions?

UPDATE: The fresh SQLLite file is now recording all events, but after running for 10 hours, I am still unable to configure the Logger, so the problem was not that it was still initializing when I tried last night.

Posted on
Mon Mar 05, 2018 7:50 pm
matt (support) offline
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Re: Problem configuring

I surprised that after clearing (by moving) the database it is still hanging up and timing out in the UI. If you want to email us your Indigo (not SQLite) database file then we'll see if we can reproduce the problem here. You can also try shutting down the SQL Logger plugin again and moving/renaming its prefs file to see if that helps:

/Library/Application Support/Perceptive Automation/Indigo 7/Preferences/Plugins/com.perceptiveautomation.indigoplugin.sql-logger.indiPref


Posted on
Fri Mar 09, 2018 2:50 pm
Monstergerm offline
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Joined: Sep 01, 2009

Re: Problem configuring

I am having the same problem. MacMini running 10.11.6 with Indigo 7.1.1

The SQL plugin is not responding:
Error (client) timeout waiting for plugin response from com.perceptiveautomation.indigoplugin.sql-logger for request UiGetValues1
Error (client) timeout waiting for plugin response from com.perceptiveautomation.indigoplugin.sql-logger for request CallPluginFunc
Error (client) runConfigDialog() caught exception: NSInvalidArgumentException -- *** -[__NSPlaceholderDictionary initWithObjects:forKeys:count:]: attempt to insert nil object from objects[0]

Activity Monitor shows SQL plugin process as not responding.

Indigo UI shows spinning beachball when trying to configure plugin.

Restart of Indigo server, plugin, deleting pref file did not help. I have to disable the plugin for right now.

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