Using Fing as a new way to detect smartphone presence

Posted on
Wed Aug 19, 2015 10:09 am
kw123 offline
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Re: Using Fing as a new way to detect smartphone presence

And could you post the log file output? You might want to check if it contains userids or passwords and delete them.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Posted on
Wed Aug 19, 2015 3:34 pm
WouterK offline
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Re: Using Fing as a new way to detect smartphone presence

I am feeling really stupid here but the only log files I can find are in ~/Documents/fing folder and these are all empty.
Is the logfile you need stored anywhere else?


Posted on
Wed Aug 19, 2015 3:56 pm
kw123 offline
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Re: Using Fing as a new way to detect smartphone presence

indigo / window / Event log
Screen Shot 2015-08-19 at 6.38.45 PM.png
Screen Shot 2015-08-19 at 6.38.45 PM.png (28.06 KiB) Viewed 9649 times

Posted on
Wed Aug 19, 2015 10:58 pm
WouterK offline
Posts: 167
Joined: Aug 19, 2015

Re: Using Fing as a new way to detect smartphone presence

Sorry, thought you needed the fing logs. "Debug WIFI" is still on and I reloaded the plugin. Here is the log output after FING has been initialized:

2015-08-20 00:19:07.819 fingscan FINGSCAN--V 4-13-5 initializing will take ~ 2 minutes...
2015-08-20 00:19:07.821 fingscan killing ping jobs: all
2015-08-20 00:19:07.850 fingscan indigo variables initialized
2015-08-20 00:19:07.852 fingscan getting password
2015-08-20 00:19:07.881 fingscan get password done
2015-08-20 00:19:07.918 fingscan Router wifi not reachable, userid password or ipnumber wrong?
2015-08-20 00:19:08.814 fingscan loaded indigo data
2015-08-20 00:19:08.877 fingscan network info: inet netmask 0xffffff00 broadcast
2015-08-20 00:19:09.290 fingscan FING initializing
2015-08-20 00:19:50.866 Z-Wave received "Temperatuur schuur" sensor update to 22.75 °C
2015-08-20 00:19:56.448 fingscan FING pids 3= ['13900']
2015-08-20 00:19:56.450 fingscan (re)started FING
2015-08-20 00:19:56.451 fingscan FING initialized
2015-08-20 00:19:56.452 fingscan settings: iDevicesEnabled False
2015-08-20 00:19:56.453 fingscan settings: inbetweenPingType 0
2015-08-20 00:19:56.453 fingscan settings: wifiRouter MERLIN378
2015-08-20 00:19:56.454 fingscan settings: wait seconds between cycles 2
2015-08-20 00:19:56.454 fingscan settings: password entered True
2015-08-20 00:19:56.455 fingscan settings: debugLevel 4
2015-08-20 00:19:56.456 fingscan settings: FINGSCAN will scan Network
2015-08-20 00:19:56.456 fingscan

2015-08-20 00:19:56.457 fingscan EVENT:------------- 1 ---------------------------------------------------------------
2015-08-20 00:19:56.458 fingscan dev#: 1 -- deviceName:Wouter's iphone -- MAC#:34:A3:95:DC:16:3B -- ip#: -- status:up -- WiFi:WiFi
2015-08-20 00:19:56.458 fingscan dev#: 2 -- deviceName:Esther's iphone -- MAC#:70:3E:AC:BE:D3:8A -- ip#: -- status:down -- WiFi:WiFi
2015-08-20 00:19:56.459 fingscan currentStatusHome: # 1: HOME # 2: 0
2015-08-20 00:19:56.459 fingscan currentStatusAway: # 1: 0 # 2: startedTimer
2015-08-20 00:19:56.460 fingscan time WhenLast DOWN: # 1: 21:38:04 # 2: 00:18:06
2015-08-20 00:19:56.460 fingscan time WhenLast UP: # 1: 00:18:06 # 2: 00:17:05
2015-08-20 00:19:56.461 fingscan seconds WhenLast UP: # 1: 112 # 2: 173
2015-08-20 00:19:56.461 fingscan seconds WhenLast DOWN:# 1: 9652 # 2: 112
2015-08-20 00:19:56.462 fingscan Time right now: : 00:19:56
2015-08-20 00:19:56.463 fingscan ALL Devices Home : 0
2015-08-20 00:19:56.463 fingscan AtLeast ONE Device Home : 1
2015-08-20 00:19:56.464 fingscan ALL Devices Away : 0
2015-08-20 00:19:56.465 fingscan AtLeast ONE Device Away : 0
2015-08-20 00:19:56.465 fingscan minTimeAway bf Trig : 5.0
2015-08-20 00:19:56.466 fingscan minTimeNotHome bf re-Trig: -1
2015-08-20 00:19:56.467 fingscan Event enabled : 1
2015-08-20 00:19:56.467 fingscan dataFormat : 3.0
2015-08-20 00:19:56.468 fingscan EVENT:------------- 2 ---------------------------------------------------------------
2015-08-20 00:19:56.468 fingscan dev#: 1 -- deviceName:Wouter's iphone -- MAC#:34:A3:95:DC:16:3B -- ip#: -- status:up -- WiFi:WiFi
2015-08-20 00:19:56.469 fingscan dev#: 2 -- deviceName:Esther's iphone -- MAC#:70:3E:AC:BE:D3:8A -- ip#: -- status:down -- WiFi:WiFi
2015-08-20 00:19:56.469 fingscan currentStatusHome: # 1: HOME # 2: 0
2015-08-20 00:19:56.470 fingscan currentStatusAway: # 1: 0 # 2: startedTimer
2015-08-20 00:19:56.470 fingscan time WhenLast DOWN: # 1: 21:38:04 # 2: 00:18:06
2015-08-20 00:19:56.470 fingscan time WhenLast UP: # 1: 00:18:06 # 2: 00:17:05
2015-08-20 00:19:56.471 fingscan seconds WhenLast UP: # 1: 112 # 2: 173
2015-08-20 00:19:56.471 fingscan seconds WhenLast DOWN:# 1: 9652 # 2: 112
2015-08-20 00:19:56.472 fingscan Time right now: : 00:19:56
2015-08-20 00:19:56.472 fingscan ALL Devices Home : 0
2015-08-20 00:19:56.473 fingscan AtLeast ONE Device Home : 1
2015-08-20 00:19:56.473 fingscan ALL Devices Away : 0
2015-08-20 00:19:56.474 fingscan AtLeast ONE Device Away : 0
2015-08-20 00:19:56.474 fingscan minTimeAway bf Trig : 15.0
2015-08-20 00:19:56.474 fingscan minTimeNotHome bf re-Trig: -1
2015-08-20 00:19:56.475 fingscan Event enabled : 1
2015-08-20 00:19:56.475 fingscan dataFormat : 3.0
2015-08-20 00:19:56.476 fingscan

2015-08-20 00:19:56.476 fingscan printWiFi: no WiFi devices defined

2015-08-20 00:20:32.528 fingscan MAC#:00:80:48:6E:55:C9 -- old IP: ; new IP number:
2015-08-20 00:20:32.535 fingscan MAC#:00:80:48:6E:55:C9 -- old IP: ; new IP number:
2015-08-20 00:20:32.541 fingscan FINGSCAN initialized



Posted on
Wed Aug 19, 2015 11:06 pm
kw123 offline
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Re: Using Fing as a new way to detect smartphone presence


could you open a terminal window and type (or copy and paste):

/usr/bin/curl --max-time 2 -u userid:password ''

naturally replace userid and password with the proper strings and check if the ip number is correct.

and post the result. -- could be a long text



some thing like this:

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
<html xmlns="">
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<title>ASUS Wireless Router RT-AC68U - Wireless Log</title>
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font-weight: bolder;
var $j = jQuery.noConflict();
overlib_str_tmp = "";
overlib.isOut = true;
var refreshRate = 3;
var timedEvent = 0;
dataarray24 = ["2","0","0","-92","1","D8:50:E6:CF:B4:E0","AP"];
wificlients24 = [["AC:22:0B:48:40:B0","","android-a8e7f23","-49","6", "1"," 15:50:12","PSTAU"],["F0:7D:68:0

... etc

Posted on
Wed Aug 19, 2015 11:15 pm
WouterK offline
Posts: 167
Joined: Aug 19, 2015

Re: Using Fing as a new way to detect smartphone presence

Hello Karl,

Here is the output result it does not look like the one you showed above:

macmini:~ wey3$ /usr/bin/curl --max-time 2 -u admin:*****wdk ''
macmini:~ wey3$



Posted on
Wed Aug 19, 2015 11:22 pm
kw123 offline
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Re: Using Fing as a new way to detect smartphone presence

this states that the login was not successful. sure that userid and passwords are correct?

I am running 378.54_1 , will try to upgrade in the next days and see if something else has changed.


Posted on
Wed Aug 19, 2015 11:29 pm
kw123 offline
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Re: Using Fing as a new way to detect smartphone presence

just checked: the latest is 378_55_0. I normally do not use .O versions, especially not on my internet router.

could I ask you to downgrade to 378_54_1 or 378_55_2 and check if that works better?


just reading in the change log work the router software: New token-based webui authentication (more secure)

that might be it. ==> downgrade to 54_2 and try again (if the userid and password where correct)

Posted on
Wed Aug 19, 2015 11:51 pm
WouterK offline
Posts: 167
Joined: Aug 19, 2015

Re: Using Fing as a new way to detect smartphone presence

I downgraded to 378.54_2 since you are running a 387.54 version and it is looking much better now:

/usr/bin/curl --max-time 2 -u admin:*******wdk ''
<title>ASUS Wireless Router Web Manager</title>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
<meta HTTP-EQUIV="Pragma" CONTENT="no-cache">
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<link rel="icon" href="images/favicon.png">
<style type="text/css">
text-shadow: 0px 1px 0px white;
font-weight: bolder;
font-size: 22px;
font-family:Segoe UI, Arial, sans-serif;
color: #000;
line-height: 40px;
text-align: left;
<script language="javascript">
function is_logined() { return 0; }
function login_ip_dec() { return '587311296'; }
function login_ip_str() { return ''; }
function login_ip_str_now() { return ''; }
function login_mac_str() { return '68:5b:35:93:d9:06'; }

var dhcpLeaseInfo = "";
function initial(){
var thehostName = "";
for(var i=0; i<dhcpLeaseInfo.length; i++){
if(dhcpLeaseInfo[i][0] == login_ip_str())
thehostName = " (" + dhcpLeaseInfo[i][1] + ")";
document.getElementById("logined_ip_str").innerHTML = login_ip_str() + thehostName;
<body onload="initial()" style="text-align:center;background: #DDD">
<div style="margin-top:100px;width:50%;margin-left:25%">
<div class="Desc">Login user IP: <span id="logined_ip_str"></span></div>
<div class="Desc">You cannot Login unless logout another user first.</div>


And the Eventlog is showing much more (a part of it listed):

[u'00:80:48:6E:55:C9', u'', u'<unknown>', u'-56', u'36', u'1', u' 0:08:56', u'P AU'], [u'00:0D:4B:30:4A:C9', u'', u'<unknown>', u'-51', u'11', u'1', u' 0:09:02', u' AU'], [u'10:FE:ED:1C:D5:32', u'', u'<unknown>', u'-66', u'1', u'121', u' 0:09:03', u' STAU'], [u'7C:DD:90:20:C2:A4', u'', u'<unknown>', u'-70', u'1', u'81', u' 0:09:04', u' S AU'], [u'18:0C:AC:CB:F6:2C', u'', u'<unknown>', u'-38', u'11', u'150', u' 0:09:07', u'PS AU'], u'-1']
2015-08-20 07:47:48.039 fingscan thisDevice1:[u'34:A3:95:DC:16:3B', u'', u'<unknown>', u'-60', u'11', u'1', u' 0:08:05', u'PS AU']
2015-08-20 07:47:48.040 fingscan thisDevice1>>34:A3:95:DC:16:3B<< [u'34:A3:95:DC:16:3B', u'', u'<unknown>', u'-60', u'11', u'1', u' 0:08:05', u'PS AU']
2015-08-20 07:47:48.040 fingscan thisDevice1:[u'00:80:48:6E:55:C9', u'', u'<unknown>', u'-56', u'36', u'1', u' 0:08:56', u'P AU']
2015-08-20 07:47:48.041 fingscan thisDevice1>>00:80:48:6E:55:C9<< [u'00:80:48:6E:55:C9', u'', u'<unknown>', u'-56', u'36', u'1', u' 0:08:56', u'P AU']
2015-08-20 07:47:48.042 fingscan thisDevice1:[u'00:0D:4B:30:4A:C9', u'', u'<unknown>', u'-51', u'11', u'1', u' 0:09:02', u' AU']
2015-08-20 07:47:48.042 fingscan thisDevice1>>00:0D:4B:30:4A:C9<< [u'00:0D:4B:30:4A:C9', u'', u'<unknown>', u'-51', u'11', u'1', u' 0:09:02', u' AU']
2015-08-20 07:47:48.043 fingscan thisDevice1:[u'10:FE:ED:1C:D5:32', u'', u'<unknown>', u'-66', u'1', u'121', u' 0:09:03', u' STAU']
2015-08-20 07:47:48.043 fingscan thisDevice1>>10:FE:ED:1C:D5:32<< [u'10:FE:ED:1C:D5:32', u'', u'<unknown>', u'-66', u'1', u'121', u' 0:09:03', u' STAU']
2015-08-20 07:47:48.044 fingscan thisDevice1:[u'7C:DD:90:20:C2:A4', u'', u'<unknown>', u'-70', u'1', u'81', u' 0:09:04', u' S AU']
2015-08-20 07:47:48.044 fingscan thisDevice1>>7C:DD:90:20:C2:A4<< [u'7C:DD:90:20:C2:A4', u'', u'<unknown>', u'-70', u'1', u'81', u' 0:09:04', u' S AU']
2015-08-20 07:47:48.045 fingscan thisDevice1:[u'18:0C:AC:CB:F6:2C', u'', u'<unknown>', u'-38', u'11', u'150', u' 0:09:07', u'PS AU']
2015-08-20 07:47:48.045 fingscan thisDevice1>>18:0C:AC:CB:F6:2C<< [u'18:0C:AC:CB:F6:2C', u'', u'<unknown>', u'-38', u'11', u'150', u' 0:09:07', u'PS AU']
2015-08-20 07:47:48.046 fingscan thisDevice1:-1
2015-08-20 07:47:48.046 fingscan wifiLog:5 = ["-1"];
function initial(){
refreshRate = getRefresh();
function redraw(){
if (dataarray24.length == 0) {
document.getElementById('wifi24headerblock').innerHTML='<span class="wifiheader" style="font-size: 125%;">Wireless 2.4 GHz is disabled.</span>';
} else {
display_header(dataarray24, 'Wireless 2.4 GHz', document.getElementById('wifi24headerblock'));
2015-08-20 07:47:48.047 fingscan wlist:[u'-1']
2015-08-20 07:47:48.209 fingscan after WiFi checks theMAC:00:80:48:6E:55:C9 status:up wifi:-Yes- IPN: LastUpdateby:WiFi
2015-08-20 07:47:48.214 fingscan MAC#:00:80:48:6E:55:C9 -- old IP: ; new IP number:
2015-08-20 07:47:48.226 fingscan after WiFi checks theMAC:70:3E:AC:BE:D3:8A status:down wifi:-- IPN: LastUpdateby:WiFi
2015-08-20 07:47:48.228 fingscan after WiFi checks theMAC:18:0C:AC:CB:F6:2C status:up wifi:-Yes- IPN: LastUpdateby:WiFi
2015-08-20 07:47:48.229 fingscan after WiFi checks theMAC:34:A3:95:DC:16:3B status:up wifi:-Yes- IPN: LastUpdateby:WiFi
2015-08-20 07:47:48.230 fingscan after WiFi checks theMAC:10:FE:ED:1C:D5:32 status:up wifi:-Yes- IPN: LastUpdateby:WiFi
2015-08-20 07:47:48.231 fingscan after WiFi checks theMAC:00:0D:4B:30:4A:C9 status:up wifi:-Yes- IPN: LastUpdateby:WiFi
2015-08-20 07:47:48.233 fingscan after WiFi checks theMAC:7C:DD:90:20:C2:A4 status:up wifi:-Yes- IPN: LastUpdateby:WiFi
2015-08-20 07:47:48.234 fingscan after WiFi checks theMAC:00:80:48:6E:55:C9 status:up wifi:-Yes- IPN: LastUpdateby:WiFi
2015-08-20 07:47:48.239 fingscan MAC#:00:80:48:6E:55:C9 -- old IP: ; new IP number:


Seems likes the connection with the router is working!

Regards Wouter

Posted on
Wed Aug 19, 2015 11:52 pm
kw123 offline
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Re: Using Fing as a new way to detect smartphone presence

ok then see if it works for you..

I will check _55 once it is out of beta.


Posted on
Wed Aug 19, 2015 11:59 pm
WouterK offline
Posts: 167
Joined: Aug 19, 2015

Re: Using Fing as a new way to detect smartphone presence


Thank you for all your help!
I will configure fingscan a bit more now ;-)



Posted on
Fri Aug 21, 2015 8:05 am
evansgo offline
Posts: 223
Joined: Nov 29, 2013

Re: Using Fing as a new way to detect smartphone presence

Thanks, that was useful as I'd recently updated my Asus router to 55-0 and wondered why it'd stopped working :)

So having reverted back to 378.54_2 now I am sometimes having router login issues. Could fingscan be stopping me logging in, that is what seems to be happening? My main mac is on a different ip to my media / indigo mac and the router is reporting that the indigo mac's ip needs to log out before I can log in from my main mac.

A couple of minor things, on configure fingscan you have a typo at the top, shoe instead of show and my router password is showing up in plain text in the menu, should it not be hidden?


Posted on
Fri Aug 21, 2015 8:15 am
kw123 offline
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Using Fing as a new way to detect smartphone presence

For login. You can only login from one ip number on the router. If fingscan uses a different ip than you are using to access with a web browser it will reject it. Don't know if you can change that on the Asus router.
As for the password showing up. I will check that.
The spelling .. You know enlisch is not my father tongue

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Posted on
Fri Aug 21, 2015 10:49 am
kw123 offline
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Re: Using Fing as a new way to detect smartphone presence

You could login by going though the mac where fingscan is running. (Share display)

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Posted on
Fri Aug 21, 2015 11:22 am
evansgo offline
Posts: 223
Joined: Nov 29, 2013

Re: Using Fing as a new way to detect smartphone presence

Yes, that what I did in the end thanks. Not ideal, but I love the fing + Asus combination way to much to stop it :)

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