on receive insteon event

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Tue Oct 12, 2010 7:06 pm
DougPA offline
Posts: 61
Joined: Nov 18, 2009

on receive insteon event

When I do the following in an Attachment Script:
using terms from application "IndigoServer"
-- Wait for an Insteon Event messsage
on receive insteon event of eventType for address addrString using broadcast group groupNum with increment deltaVal command value absVal


end receive insteon event
end using terms from
Does it get called before or after Indigo processes the Insteon Event? If before, can my code prevent further processing of the event?
Will I see ALL Insteon Events received by my PLM or only those known to Indigo?

Posted on
Tue Oct 12, 2010 7:23 pm
matt (support) offline
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Re: on receive insteon event

Indigo sends the event messages to all attachment scripts after it has made its initial pass processing the events (and executing Trigger Actions). There is no way from AppleScript to filter the messages. Indigo actually allowed AppleScript filtering of X10 events back in version 1.x, but it proved to be difficult to maintain and problematic so I had to change it.

It does broadcast out just about every message received. There is a bit of low-level filtering of duplicate messages, but you get the same raw events that Indigo uses for all of its Trigger processing and logging.


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