Prioritizing notifications for visual displays

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Wed Jul 03, 2019 2:56 pm
whmoorejr offline
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Prioritizing notifications for visual displays

This is something I'm working on and about to take a break because it's making my head hurt. If there are other suggestions or how to do this better, I welcome it.

Now that everything I own (and things I don't) are all controlled by my indigo server, I'm trying to figure out the best approach for prioritizing alerts. Here is my example case:
Mr.X walks up to the front door (Motion detector triggers fire, camera snapshot, control pages updated.)
Mr.X rings the doorbell (camera snapshot, pushover messages sent, control pages updated.)
Kids/Dogs/Etc stirred up and start running amuck through the house (Indoor motion sensors, snapshots taken, control pages updated.)
Near freezing temp predicted (weather alert image called and used to update control pages.)

It's about at this time (with all the commotion, I look up from my beverage at my domopad to see a Weather notification as the highest priority alert has been replaced several times over by lower priority notifications.)

I've begun adding priorities to the different events. Now an event (if triggered) will set a variable "priority" to whatever level it is:
1) Alarm
2) Access Control (doors, windows, doorbell, etc.) / Special Alerts (my office, smoke detectors, indoor motion when in away mode, etc.)
3) Perimeter (outdoor motion sensors, camera video motion.
4) Interior (Indoor motion sensors, cameras, energy monitors, interior doors.
5) Severe Weather alerts

Now when Mr. X rings the door bell, A trigger fires and the condition is priority variable is greater than 1, then
Sets variable priority to 2
Restarts the priority timer for 5 minutes.

(over the next 5 minutes, only another priority 2 or priority 1 will pass conditions to run.)

Trigger - Priority Timer Expired - always execute - set variable Priority to 5

(Now back to normal and any priority event will trigger)

The downside is I will have to make a complete second set of triggers because I don't want pushover/email/ text message to be silenced. (right now the script are combined... an image is called, a alert message variable is populated and that data is then used to populate a control page and go out in a text message/pushover/email.)

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Posted on
Fri Jul 05, 2019 3:28 pm
mundmc offline
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Re: Prioritizing notifications for visual displays

I guess Pushover’s priority system doesn’t handle this? I use a really similar workflow but I haven’t tried tweaking the Pushover defaults.

Posted on
Mon Jul 22, 2019 9:42 am
whmoorejr offline
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Re: Prioritizing notifications for visual displays

Prioritiztion within Pushover works fine.... where I was seeing an issue was with my wall mounted displays. Since the screen changes are full-screen, a message that I would consider "high priority" would quickly be replaced by lower priority full-screen messages.

Now I'm using at least 2 sets of triggers for each notification type event.
1st set fires without condition to send pushover, email, etc.
2nd set fires based on a priority condition to run actions that do full screen notifications on wall mounted displays.

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Posted on
Mon Jul 22, 2019 10:19 am
FlyingDiver offline
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Re: Prioritizing notifications for visual displays

Maybe the right solution is to figure out a way to have the wall mounted displays show multiple alerts at the same time.

Are you using control pages for those? Do you currently have a page for each alert? Maybe you could design a page that shows multiple alerts, with some logic to sort the alerts into a set of variables (or possibly plugin states) that represent the prioritized alerts?

joe (aka FlyingDiver)
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Posted on
Fri Dec 06, 2019 8:40 am
whmoorejr offline
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Re: Prioritizing notifications for visual displays

I am mostly using a singular control page. 3/4 of the page is basic info: date/time, weather, alarm status. 1/4 of the page is a refreshing image that points to a jpg file "R.jpg".

When an alert happens,
a variable is updated with the description, i.e., "Doorbell Rang".
The variable for priority is set accordingly.
A priority timer starts which resets the priority back to "5" at the end of the timer.
If the alert / action is associated with a camera, then a script takes a snapshot and overwrites the "R.jpg" with that snapshot.

If the alert / action does not have a live image associated, then a static image overwrites the "R.jpg" with that image.

Some are a little tricky....
If front door is unlocked by code 12, update variable "unlocked by" to "Anna"
If "unlocked by" variable changes, overwrite "R.jpg" with "unlocked by".jpg. (which corresponds to a static image of Anna saved in a folder as "Anna.jpg")
Send pushover with image "unlocked by""_TN".jpg (which corresponds to a static thumbnail image of Anna saved in a folder as "Anna_TN.jpg")

Something like that... basically so instead of having multiple triggers and actions for each possible person or thing that can unlock the door, just one set of instructions that correspond to a variable.

I haven't looked at this tread in a while because all of my control pages have taken a backseat. I don't know if there was a amazon tablet update or something.... but all of my domo pads have stopped updating. I have to manually refresh each screen.

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