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Last Time

PostPosted: Wed Jul 05, 2023 9:05 am
by jltnol
So I'd like to see a list for both Triggers and Action Groups of when Indigo used them last. The best place to see this info is obviously in the main menu, much like the columns for Folder, Trigger ID and notes. In adding devices and working on automation routines, I frequently create Triggers and Action Groups to cover all the bases I can imagine at the time of creation, only to find out a year later I've never used some of them. Having a "Last Used" column would allow us to see what Triggers and Actions groups haven't been used, and consider deleting them, just to help keep Indigo as "clean" as possible. The more un-used Triggers and Action Groups around, the harder it can be to do troubleshooting.

Additionally, might be nice to have a column of when Triggers and Actions were created, and when they were last modified, in addition to when they were used last.

Re: Last Time

PostPosted: Wed Jul 05, 2023 9:45 am
by ryanbuckner
+1 last_update_timestamps everywhere

Re: Last Time

PostPosted: Wed Jul 05, 2023 9:50 am
by jay (support)
Thanks for the request(s).

Re: Last Time

PostPosted: Wed Jul 05, 2023 11:16 am
by nathanw
This isn't a bad idea, but have you considered scraping logs for the information?
It only took about 15 seconds to grep 10 years worth of Indigo logs for a particular string, and then if something has been triggered you can see how often.

Re: Last Time

PostPosted: Wed Jul 05, 2023 3:16 pm
by jay (support)
BTW, just from a best practices perspective, I have folders in each Indigo object group called temp, where I create stuff like this. Then I can periodically go into that folder and clean out what I'm not using and move anything that I am using to a more appropriate folder (or leave it there until I'm sure I don't need it). Also, using descriptive notes on these temporary objects is a great way to remind you why you added it in the first place.

I do the same thing in the Finder of my Mac - I have a temp directory where I stuff all things that are transient then periodically delete everything in it.

Re: Last Time

PostPosted: Thu Jul 06, 2023 12:43 pm
by jltnol
scraping logs

I have considered this but seems like the long way 'round to reach the destination.

Jay, I actually do kind of follow your suggestion, so that does help to some extent. I've got a bunch of "Entertainment" triggers and Action Groups that I don't seem to be using, so can mostly find them and delete them. But if I've got something set up in Indigo that happens without my intervention in the background... a Trigger or Action group could be used more often than I'm aware, so deleting it by accident seems possible.

As I've mentioned previously, what I'd LIKE is to have a "place" in Indigo where I can put Devices, Triggers, Schedules, and Action Groups.... so everything pertaining to a particular job/task/project/ could all be in one place. . These could be in multiple "places" much like songs can be in multiple play lists. Just seems trouble shooting would be much easier if everything was in one place, But, I'd be happy with just the "Last Used" option..:)