Open / Close Device Types

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Sat Oct 06, 2018 9:21 pm
jheddings offline
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Open / Close Device Types

I work with blinds, windows & door frequently in my setup... It would be great to have a device that represents "open" and "closed" rather than using locks and dimmers.

Some open/close devices may have additional requirements. For example, garage doors and blinds can be partially open. Some may even allow you to set just how open they are. Others are more advanced, such as blinds that open both bottom-up and top-down. Not sure if all of that is necessary in a first pass, but just some things to consider.

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Sun Oct 07, 2018 8:11 am
jay (support) offline
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Re: Open / Close Device Types

This is on the request list. In terms of binary, there's really no reason to have a different device type beyond what we call a "relay", which fundamentally defines a boolean state device. Allowing for more custom labels both in state values and controls/actions to represent the booleans is where we're going.

It's possible that we need a less specific base class (than dimmer) that indicates some value in a range of values as a state. This could then be used as the base for a dimmer, garage door, shade, blind, etc. This is a more pervasive change but may be the right thing to do in the long run.

Jay (Indigo Support)
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