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Grouping Control Page Elements into Blocks?

PostPosted: Tue Mar 16, 2021 12:18 pm
by Forrest
I'm beginning to think about control pages for a new house we just moved into, and one of the ideas I have is to create a "standard" control for each dimmable light. The control might include a graphic showing the current brightness, and buttons for on and off, brighten and dim, and perhaps a faster brighten and dim (increments of 10 instead of 1 for example).

I've created this by using a bunch of different elements, and tying each to the same device. But now if I want to duplicate this for another device I need to copy the group, and edit each component to tie it to the next device.

Is there a way to group the individual control elements together into single component, and change the device one time for all the "sub-components"?


Re: Grouping Control Page Elements into Blocks?

PostPosted: Wed Mar 17, 2021 8:23 am
by RogueProeliator
Is there a way to group the individual control elements together into single component, and change the device one time for all the "sub-components"?

Not a clean way, but IIRC there was a bit of a shortcut to accomplishing this at least. I'm not at my Mac and this has been a while so this might be a little off, but from what I remember I would:

1. Select one "set" of the group that will be duplicate and drag it out to the desktop. This would create an XML snippet.
2. Open the snippet in a text editor and search/replace to the next device.
3. Save the file and drag it back on to the control page as a new "group" for the next device

I'm relatively certain this is what I did and didn't dream this. lol

Re: Grouping Control Page Elements into Blocks?

PostPosted: Wed Mar 17, 2021 10:25 am
by DaveL17
Just to add one point of clarification to Adam's excellent idea.

After you edit the textclipping in your favorite editor, you have to drag ALL the text out of the editor TO CREATE A NEW CLIPPING. Then drag that onto the control page editor.

Apparently Apple doesn't want you to edit clipping files directly.

Re: Grouping Control Page Elements into Blocks?

PostPosted: Thu Mar 18, 2021 9:42 am
by Forrest
Thanks for the help - I just tried it and it works. It's a bit cumbersome, but quicker than changing each element manually.