Up to date expired, Indigo stopped running!!!!!

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Mon Oct 31, 2022 10:29 am
rustyhodge offline
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Up to date expired, Indigo stopped running!!!!!

My indigo system shutdown in the middle of the night, "license error", because my card on file with indigo expired.

First off, I thought this wasn't supposed to happen, I thought the up to date was for upgrades, and not

The "How It works" clearly states "You will not be forced to have an active subscription. As you can see from above, if you don’t renew your subscription, you will be forever entitled to use v7.4.x (whatever bug fix builds are available for v7.4). This is unlike subscription models some big software companies use, where you must have an active subscription to use the software."

I am not happy at all about being held hostage like this, the documentation made it clear that it wouldn't lock me out if the upgrade licenses wasn't paid.

What is going on?
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Posted on
Mon Oct 31, 2022 10:45 am
rustyhodge offline
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Re: Up to date expired, Indigo stopped running!!!!!

Renewing the up to date subscription made it work again, but this is BS, as your subscription shenanigans broke my entire installation in the middle of the night, causing all sorts of things to be in the wrong state and annoying my family.

If I wanted a home automation controller that was hostage to the cloud I would have just used SmartThings.

I no longer I feel I can rely on Indigo if the license can be disabled remotely at any time. That was not what I signed up for.

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Mon Oct 31, 2022 11:02 am
jay (support) offline
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Re: Up to date expired, Indigo stopped running!!!!!

Unfortunately, the error you experienced is indicating that there is some kind of backend misconfiguration that we're investigating now. This is NOT how it's supposed to work, and we have daily transitions from active to expired subscriptions. We'll be sending you an email to get some further information so we can figure out what went wrong in your account.

Jay (Indigo Support)
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Mon Oct 31, 2022 11:13 am
jay (support) offline
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Re: Up to date expired, Indigo stopped running!!!!!

Update: apparently, our payment provider's backend system inserted an incorrect date in the message that it sends us when there's a failed payment. The message is supposed to tell us when the next payment attempt will be made, but instead it sent us a date of 6/18/2019, which obviously isn't correct. We will file a trouble ticket with them and add some extra code checks to make sure that we validate that the next charge date is valid before updating our systems.

We apologize for this issue, obviously we didn't think we had to validate this date as being reasonable and we will get to the bottom of it with our payment processor.

Jay (Indigo Support)
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Posted on
Mon Oct 31, 2022 11:23 am
rustyhodge offline
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Re: Up to date expired, Indigo stopped running!!!!!

Having Indigo invalidate a running license for any reason is a bad product decision. I would never have continued using a system that had a remote kill switch in it.

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Mon Oct 31, 2022 12:47 pm
howartp offline
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Re: Up to date expired, Indigo stopped running!!!!!

As Jay says, that’s not how it’s supposed to work and there’s no hidden kill switch that you refer to.

I obviously don’t know what the coding inside Indigo looks like, but as a programmer applying my logical hat to what I’m reading, I can see sense in what’s happened.

Every version of Indigo, including plugins, has an earliest date it will run based on when it was released, and accordingly an in-date license. Newer versions need newer license dates, and are coded to check dates are within a range, but older versions never run out.

If the payment provider has suddenly “backdated” your license (for want of a better word) by four years, Indigo suddenly sees that you’re running a newer version of the software than you’re currently licensed for and doesn’t understand why.

They didn’t code for licenses suddenly becoming older than they were yesterday, and shouldn’t really have to. It’s a bug, by the payment provider, pure and simple.

With regard’s everything going wrong overnight and being such a disaster - my Mac, network and power cause more problems than Indigo ever has, so I would say you’re very fortunate to have a 100% performing Indigo/Mac system that has never failed before.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro

Posted on
Mon Oct 31, 2022 1:16 pm
rustyhodge offline
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Re: Up to date expired, Indigo stopped running!!!!!

It should validate a license on startup, not while it's running. If it's repeatedly checking their backed for a valid license and shutting my instance down because it can't validate it, that's *is* the definition of a remote kill switch.

If Indigo Domotics goes out of business, and their servers go down, how can we be assured that our instances will continue to run?

My Mac, network and power cause more problems than Indigo ever has,

I have a reliable long-run UPS for power. My network is quite stable, but even if the internet goes out, that doesn't stop my home automation routines from working. I don't rely on the cloud for access.

Posted on
Mon Oct 31, 2022 1:26 pm
howartp offline
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Re: Up to date expired, Indigo stopped running!!!!!

Nor do I.

If you’re concerned about them going out of business, try turning your router off at 23:55 this evening and leaving it off 10 minutes.

See if all hell breaks loose at midnight. Or whether it actually carries on exactly as planned.

Now at 00:05 try changing your clock back 4 years to sometime in 2018 and see what happens at midnight.

I expect the license will stop working, just as it would in many other date-based licensing mechanisms that aren’t expecting the date to change backwards.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk Pro

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