Installing new ZWave interface:Cant control previous devices

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Mon Jan 27, 2020 5:31 pm
Nightmusic offline
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Installing new ZWave interface:Cant control previous devices


After a few connecting issues, my Aeotec Gen5 died, so I replaced it with another Zwave stick.This one works when I have a band new device to include to the system, but it can't get control over previously included devices.
I get such error messages in the log: "{The device] no longer has a matching module xxx in the controller". I understand reading the log that the communication has to be updated with the new stick, so I concluded the fastest way to solve this would be to exclude each one of the "old" devices, and then include them again with the new stick controlling the system. The thing is, I tried this exclusion with a Fibaro smoke sensor straight from the Indigo software (since the Aeotec is dead), but at this point I don't see any change when I try to include it again with the new stick, I always get a 'no available node in the controller' message in the New device inclusion page.
So I thought maybe there should be some other way to solve this issue? That would seem logical that users wouldn't have to go thru this long process each time a Zwave stick has to be swapped, so I thought maybe I was simply going the wrong way with it.
Any idea/suggestions?
Thank you!

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Wed Jan 29, 2020 8:07 am
DaveL17 offline
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Re: Installing new ZWave interface:Cant control previous dev

The issues that you're confronting sound like ones that are inherent in the way Z-Wave works.

Exclusion - you can use any Z-Wave controller to exclude a Z-Wave device--it doesn't need to be the original one--including controllers that Indigo doesn't even support. If it were otherwise, we'd have to throw away all our devices because we wouldn't be able to exclude them (Z-Wave devices can only be included in one controller at a time).

Inclusion - in order to include a device straight from Indigo, the device and the controller must support NWI (network wide inclusion) and the device must be within range of the controller.

It's possible to create a backup of the Z-Stick, but that requires dedicated (Windows only) software and there seem to be conflicting reports on whether the backups work 100 percent of the time. In the past, I have always manually rebuilt my networks when replacing Z-Sticks, even though I have successfully created backups with the Windows software (I don't have a huge number of devices). It's usually best to start with the device closest to where the controller will be located and work your way out from there. You shouldn't need to rebuild Indigo, just link the existing device to the new node information.

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