Thinking about a 2012 Mac Mini

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Fri Jul 30, 2021 4:09 am
bbruck offline
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Thinking about a 2012 Mac Mini

I'm currently using a 2013 MBA as my Indigo server that's getting close to retirement. The ONLY thing it is used for is being the Indigo server. I do not have any cameras, but I do have 50+ Insteon and Hue compatible devices.

I'm considering a Mac Mini as a replacement. I don't see any particular reason to get anything more than the minimum configuration needed for this job. Is there any reason not to go for something like this for $250?

Apple Mac Mini MD387LL/A / CORE i5 2.5GHZ / 4GB / 500GB / 2012 / Mac OS 10.15, Catalina

In particular - Matt - do you see upgrades in the next couple years that would not run on OS 10.15 (assuming that this "new" computer might not support further OS upgrades)?

Thanks all!

Posted on
Fri Jul 30, 2021 10:07 am
jay (support) offline
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Re: Thinking about a 2012 Mac Mini

bbruck wrote:
I don't see any particular reason to get anything more than the minimum configuration needed for this job. Is there any reason not to go for something like this for $250?


In particular - Matt - do you see upgrades in the next couple years that would not run on OS 10.15 (assuming that this "new" computer might not support further OS upgrades)?

Normally we'd say no to the question. However, Apple has made it increasingly difficult to build applications and installers that work on older macOS versions, so the answer now is that we don't plan on it but it could happen if we're forced to.

I have that same Mac mini for testing, and it's excruciatingly slow to work with. So while it works, it's not positioned very well for the future IMO. Catalina is the last macOS to run on that Mac, so while they are still issuing security updates it won't be too long before they stop doing those (especially as they focus the majority of their attention to Apple Silicon Macs). Also, $250 is too much for that model - you can find 2014 mini's for that much that are better positioned for the future (still supported in Monterrey unless they change the specs before they ship in the fall).

These are just my opinions of course, YMMV... ;)

Jay (Indigo Support)
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Posted on
Fri Jul 30, 2021 2:54 pm
Umtauscher offline
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Re: Thinking about a 2012 Mac Mini

Well, I have a 2012 Mac Mini upgraded with an Samsung SSD and 16 GB of Ram.
I uses Sierra Server, Mail, Contact Server and all my wikis.
Its running Security Spy with 4. cameras and using a zwave stick.
Since I am from Europe, I know nothing about Insteon but I suppose it doesn‘t use more CPU than z-wave.
My mini is at about 25% CPU load on average.
So for my taste, this is still the best Mac you can get for Indigo.

Posted on
Sat Jul 31, 2021 6:24 am
jalves offline
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Re: Thinking about a 2012 Mac Mini

Some really good comments above. I can't comment about the usability of the mac-mini for Indigo, but wanted to mention a few other things to consider:
Since you are using a MacBook Air currently, remember that the switch to the Mini will require a keyboard, mouse and monitor, at least for initial setup.
Do you have those already or will you need to buy them?
How about a UPS to handle those inevitable power blips that last just long enough to make you reset everything. Not an issue with a laptop because of the internal battery, but on a mini it causes a shutdown. You can mitigate this by setting it up to automatically reboot/logon though.

Running Indigo 2023.2 on a 24" iMac M1), OS X 14.4

Posted on
Sun Aug 08, 2021 8:36 am
dduff617 offline
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Re: Thinking about a 2012 Mac Mini

i'm certainly a proponent of keeping old hardware alive and doing low-demand tasks. on the other hand, i'm pleasantly surprised lately at the value of new apple systems, including the new M1-based mac mini. for about $700 you can get a brand new up-to-date machine that'll get OS upgrades for another 4-7 years at least. look for a refurb in the apple store and you can maybe shave another $100 off that price while still getting a "current" model with warranty.

if you are like me, your indigo server will run 24/7/365, so you can probably chalk up another ~$5-15/yr or so in savings from reduction in electricity (depending on your climate and electricity prices, etc.) compared to an 3-4 year old intel space-heater model.

just food for thought.

Posted on
Sun Aug 08, 2021 11:13 am
Umtauscher offline
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Re: Thinking about a 2012 Mac Mini

I see your point, if you can live with a machine that has everything soldered onboard and where you can't even replace a faulty ssd.
For me that's not a way I can go at the moment.

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