Issue with adding a new computer

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Wed May 12, 2021 1:00 pm
dlb offline
Posts: 13
Joined: May 15, 2012

Issue with adding a new computer

I've been running Indigo on mac minis for many years. I bought a new MacBook air and cloned my user account from the mac mini to it. Initially I was not able to connect to the indigo server on the mini but I was able to trace it to both computers having the same name and changing the name on the MacBook air fixed that.

Indigo touch on my phone and iPad was working fine until the name change. As soon as I changed it I could no longer connect from Indigo Touch. I've tried many different things to no avail. Has anyone else seen this? Does anyone have any suggestions of more things to try.

Posted on
Wed May 12, 2021 1:22 pm
RogueProeliator offline
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Re: Issue with adding a new computer

Indigo touch on my phone and iPad was working fine until the name change. As soon as I changed it I could no longer connect from Indigo Touch. I've tried many different things to no avail. Has anyone else seen this? Does anyone have any suggestions of more things to try.

The majority of the time that people describe your situation, it is because the server is starting up on both machines. I would make sure the new MacBook Air is not running Indigo in any fashion and check your mobile devices at that time. If you are able to get them connecting, make sure launching Indigo on the MacBook is attaching to a remote computer and not starting up its own server.

This can be very difficult to detect at first because the second server (potentially) being started is usually a copy of the live one so they look identical and appears as if you are connecting to the remote one.

Posted on
Wed May 12, 2021 1:40 pm
dlb offline
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Re: Issue with adding a new computer

Thanks for the reply. I tried that early on and I just rechecked. It doesn't seem to be the issue. When the new laptop wasn't able to connect to the remote serve,r Indigo Touch was working fine on both of my iOS devices. I was using them to check that the things I was trying were working or not. Indigo Touch quit working when I made the name change on the laptop.

Posted on
Wed May 12, 2021 2:15 pm
jay (support) offline
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Re: Issue with adding a new computer

In Indigo Touch, open the settings dialog and delete all the settings. Close the dialog then reopen it and you should see the current Indigo Server. Try connecting again.

dlb wrote:
cloned my user account from the mac mini to it.

Note that Indigo isn't installed in a user's account, so I'm unclear how that worked if it was only your account that got cloned.

Jay (Indigo Support)
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Posted on
Wed May 12, 2021 4:07 pm
dlb offline
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Joined: May 15, 2012

Re: Issue with adding a new computer

jay (support) wrote:
In Indigo Touch, open the settings dialog and delete all the settings. Close the dialog then reopen it and you should see the current Indigo Server. Try connecting again.

dlb wrote:
cloned my user account from the mac mini to it.

Note that Indigo isn't installed in a user's account, so I'm unclear how that worked if it was only your account that got cloned.

After deleting all the settings and then reopening I get a "My House 1". If I click on that I get "The Network Connection Was Lost. Connection to Indigo Server failed: Earth.local". Earth is the name of the mac mini that Indigo is running on.

I used a time machine backup to setup my new laptop. All the apps got copied over then. I believe that Indigo got copied then, but maybe I've just forgotten reinstalling in manually. After I restored from time machine the new laptop was also called Earth, I renamed it to Mars.

Posted on
Thu May 13, 2021 8:57 am
jay (support) offline
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Re: Issue with adding a new computer

Can you open a browser to:


Also, in your Indigo Server Mac, try:


Also, if you used migration assistant/time machine to recover your Mac, then you probably should rerun the Indigo installer for the version that you're using. Those utilities are terrible at getting permissions correct so that may be the issue. The installer will fix any permission issues it finds.

Jay (Indigo Support)
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