Thoughts on hardware Choice

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Mon Dec 28, 2020 4:24 am
neilk offline
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Thoughts on hardware Choice

Hi all,
Some free time over the break and I am contemplating the future of my Indigo Server Mini which is a Late 2012 i5 with 8Gb. No real urgency and I have not even upgraded to Catalina for “ain’t broke don’t fix it” reasons but a few self inflicted issues with 7.5 upgrade and the fact it could do with a clean install and a general tidy up of what I have on it. I also see the odd memory related crash. Anyway my thoughts turned to :-

- Going the whole hog and getting a M1 mini, a bit pricy but they last a long time and will be greener but maybe bleeding edge

- a slightly more modern mini ?

- getting a screen damaged more recent MacBook, is this a viable/good option ? Any downsides ?

- any other ideas ? I may well just stick for now

I run it headless and it lives on a shelf in my rack so asthetics not an issue or indeed fan noise.

Mainly for fun but interested in your thoughts ?


Posted on
Mon Dec 28, 2020 8:16 am
jalves offline
Posts: 750
Joined: Jun 16, 2013

Re: Thoughts on hardware Choice

I'd go for the M1 mini. I made a similar leap going from an older MacBook Air to a brand new M1 MacBook Air just a couple of weeks ago. The transition was painless from initial setup to day-to-day use. While this isn't the machine that runs Indigo or Security Spy, I have no problem accessing them from the M1 Air. I haven't run across any apps that will not run on the M1. I've always kept my apps and OS up to date and run Big Sur on 4 different macs, so perhaps that explains why I didn't have a problem.

Running Indigo 2023.2 on a 24" iMac M1), OS X 14.4

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