Upgrade to DP Android Client

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Sun Jul 10, 2016 7:58 pm
canalrun offline
Posts: 80
Joined: Jan 17, 2016

Upgrade to DP Android Client

The Android client updated itself this weekend. I can't find the version number shown in the Android client.

Now when I try to display a control page DomoPad returns "The Indigo server returned an unknown error".

The Android Client worked properly before the update (although I haven't used it in two or three weeks)

I am running version 1.0.15 of the DomoPad Indigo Plug-in. I see version 1.1.19 is available.

When I click on "Go to Download" it brings me to The forum help page. I click on "DomoPad Android Client", then "DomoPad Indigo Plug-in Installation", then the "Releases Tab" link.

This takes me to a GitHub page.

1. What am I supposed to download from this GitHub page?
2. How am I supposed to install whatever it is I download?
3. This really needs to be part of the installation instructions before the configuration section.
4. Will installing this newest version of the plug-in have anything to do with solving the error I am seeing with the latest Android client?


Posted on
Sun Jul 10, 2016 8:22 pm
RogueProeliator offline
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Re: Upgrade to DP Android Client

I am actually in the middle of updating the documentation on the plugin and the plugin's forum post (was started Friday, but not done). The GitHub Releases page has links to all versions - just that this happens to be the first release on there. The direct download like is:

https://github.com/RogueProeliator/Domo ... 1.2.19.zip

This is a standard Indigo plugin, so simply unzip that, double click the plugin file that is in there and it will install normally.

In terms of fixing the issue - I doubt it. Though I can't rule out a bug, I doubt that either because that error is shown whenever the response from the Indigo Server is a 500 (internal error), the Cheetah web server that Indigo runs gives its generic error page or if a proxy error occurs. I might be able to get you more information, however:

  1. Go to Settings -> Error/Crash Reporting and enter a User-Selected Identifier... such as your username on the forum or anything else I can use (this field allows me to identify your report)
  2. Go to the control page
  3. I won't get a report of this error since it is not a crash, so long press to get the top navigation/menu bar... tap the right hand menu icon and choose Help. Then click Send Debug Report.
  4. Let me know that you've sent it and I can go see if I can find it. It may have more error / log details of what went wrong.


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