Is manual editing possible?

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Tue Sep 26, 2017 12:15 pm
akimball offline
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Is manual editing possible?


I'm about to revamp several trigger files and I'm looking for a faster way to do these edits using GREP and a good text editor. I would need to edit variable names, trigger files, and action groups... manually. Are these files in text format and if I want to edit them manually (I would back them up first) is this even thinkable? Do you have a white paper on the procedure?

I want to put all of my hue lights (and their respective colors) under psuedo state-machine control (hence the variables) and I need to write triggers and action groups for controlling these states which correspond to hue light colors and also insteon dimmer and button controls. Each group of hue light(s) would have 16 states (including off) controlled by a KPL...I'm using Nathan sheldon's hue light plugin. There would be two insteon devices associated with each light group, a KPL to determine the state-machine mode (click and double-click actions) and a SwitchLinc to set the brightness.

This is not important to my question but the modes are OFF followed by DIM, MEDIUM, HIGH (normal light colors), then RED, GREEN, BLUE, PINK, ORANGE, ICE, YELLOW, CYAN, SKY, AQUA, VIOLET, COLORLOOP. These are selected by the KPL.

Anyway, setting this all up is literally 40 hours of programming, using the current indigo interface since there are few if any group commands. I would prefer to do this with a text editor... manually.

Can it be done that way?



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Wed Sep 27, 2017 10:05 am
jay (support) offline
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Re: Is manual editing possible?

The Indigo database file is one big XML file (not broken down into separate files). It is possible to hand-edit it, and on occasion we've recommended it for very small and focused changes. Making the sweeping changes you're talking about would not be recommended. There is no external user documentation about the database file format.

If you choose to try it, make sure that you 1) shut down the Indigo Server, 2) edit a copy of the file so that when you break it you can get back to where you were before you started... ;)

Jay (Indigo Support)
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