Insteon In-LineLinc with sense troubleshooting question

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Thu May 24, 2018 10:42 am
Martin Joseph offline
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Insteon In-LineLinc with sense troubleshooting question

Hello to all.

I know this is probably a stale question as the hardware involved doesn't seem to current, but I have had it working here for years and would like to keep it.

The InLinelinc with Sense AKA 2475S2 was a kit that was sold which included a sort of standard looking 2 lamp exterior housing with an IR motion sensor and rectangular module that goes in the Junction box that makes it Insteon aware/compatible.

This allowed me to have what appeared to be normal motion sensing exterior light, which also talked to my Indigo. It worked great allowing me to do things like turn on my front porch bulb when motion was sensed in the driveway, etc.

Recently the Seattle City Light sent "people" here to "upgrade" the power meters in my neighborhood. This involved them yanking the old meter head (Dirty Disconnect) and shoving in the new (Dirty Reconnect). At the time this occurred, I had some casualties in the house. One of my security camera's died. This is proven by the final footage from the camera, which shows the guy about to pull the meter head.

Subsequent to this event the motion sensor on exterior fixture that is connect to my InLineLinc with Sense module STOPPED reporting motion. The lamp come on at dusk, and Indigo can still turn them on and off, but the motion sensor doesn't seem to report anything that I can tell...

My question is two fold. Does the above sound like something that easily remedied? Perhaps it's stuck in some mode that I have forgotten about?

If not, is the Light fixture part of this arrangement "normal"? Can I just go to my hardware store and buy another and replace it and will that work with the InLineLinc?

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Sun May 27, 2018 2:28 pm
matt (support) offline
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Re: Insteon In-LineLinc with sense troubleshooting question

Hi Martin,

Have you tried re-syncing it? It is possible the link in the module's memory that points back to the PowerLinc (Indigo) got wiped. Those should survive power interruptions, but the module may have bad/malfunctioning memory. Re-syncing it will cause Indigo to re-write the link if it doesn't exist which might get it working again.


Posted on
Wed Jul 18, 2018 1:21 pm
Martin Joseph offline
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Re: Insteon In-LineLinc with sense troubleshooting question

Hi Matt,

And once again thanks for the reply and help.

I had assumed that due to the fact that I can still see the device from indigo and can manually turn the lights on and off it couldn't be a sync issue? Does that seem right?

I have since replaced the entire fixture including the motion sensor, thinking it might just be the motion sensor that was dead,

However, the new unit behaves the same (ie doesn't come on with motion sensor. I can see the motion sensor works (via it's LED) and I can turn the lamps on and off from Indigo, but no more sense of the motion sensor getting back to indigo.

Is there a newer style replacement device that I can put into my jBox that will replace the older?


Posted on
Sat Jul 21, 2018 2:24 pm
matt (support) offline
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Re: Insteon In-LineLinc with sense troubleshooting question

Martin Joseph wrote:
.I had assumed that due to the fact that I can still see the device from indigo and can manually turn the lights on and off it couldn't be a sync issue? Does that seem right?

No, the module's flash memory may have gotten wiped and Indigo re-syncing will cause it to re-write the links in it that point back to Indigo's PowerLinc. Have you tried the re-sync? If it doesn't work, copy/paste the Event Log results of the re-sync into a forum reply. Also include a snipped that shows what (if anything) is logged when the motion sensor trips.


Posted on
Sun Aug 05, 2018 1:07 pm
Martin Joseph offline
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Re: Insteon In-LineLinc with sense troubleshooting question

OK! SO I am a dummy and I replaced my fixture without need.

Resyncing the inline linc immediately changed the behavior of my flood light.

Although I still have a mystery on my hands.

Now when there is motion detected, the Flood light goes on, and then off almost immediately. It has been years (10?) since I set this up and I don't remember having to do anything in Indigo to make the flood come on, although I do use indigo to turn it off...

The Log shows the Insteon light on event, immediately followed by an off command. I am looking through my triggers and I don't see where this off is coming from?

I am going to look at the fixture itself and make sure that it's set to stay on for 15 minutes. It's possible I left it in "test mode".

Anyhow, thanks again for your help and hopefully I can figure out how to make this work the way it used to.

Posted on
Sun Aug 05, 2018 4:28 pm
matt (support) offline
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Re: Insteon In-LineLinc with sense troubleshooting question

Hi Marty,

Copy/paste the contents of the Event Log window showing the immediate auto-off occurring into a reply for us.


Posted on
Mon Aug 06, 2018 12:35 pm
Martin Joseph offline
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Re: Insteon In-LineLinc with sense troubleshooting question

So maybe I'm not that dumb after all. Last night, I went to recreate the quick On/OFF scenarios and the motion sensor flashes and nothing happens or appears in the Indigo log.

Perhaps the relay in the InLine Linc is hangin up, or magnetized. In any event it's not working again. I would replace it if a replacement part was available, but since I don't see where it is, I think I will use an Insteon 9V motion sensor that I have sitting here already (used to be in service). I think I will hardwire it to power as the battery thing is not working for me...

Posted on
Wed Sep 05, 2018 10:50 pm
Martin Joseph offline
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Re: Insteon In-LineLinc with sense troubleshooting question

I ended up troubleshooting the motion sensor while standing on a ladder, to discover that the Heath Zenith SL-5412-BZ-D motion sensor wasn't outputting 120V when it saw motion (57V).

I orderdes the cheapo Amazon Cooper Lighting 110 Degree Motion Detector Floodlight, Black for 9 dollars and pirated the motion sensor off of that, keeping the nicer Metal lamp holder (with shades!) from the Heath/Zenith, and Voila, working lights with Inlinelinc and Sense.

The cheaper unit also works fine with both the micro dimmer module and the inlinelinc, so not a bad option for 9$(US) if you can live with an all plastic housing.

It looks like the Heath/Zenith item has a LOT of bad reviews stemming from motion sensor issues, so I think I was not alone with that.

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