Periodic re-sync links

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Mon Aug 21, 2017 7:05 am
jalves offline
Posts: 750
Joined: Jun 16, 2013

Periodic re-sync links

I recently had been experiencing spotty performance of several of my Insteon devices. Spotty in that sometimes commands weren't carried out. Sometimes Motion sensors didn't sense. Sometimes lights took a long time to respond when triggered by motion. I'd check the logs but didn't see anything indicative of a problem.

After months of trying various "solutions" including replacing batteries in motion sensors. I finally stumbled on the solution - re-sync my Insteon devices. After going through them all and doing an individual re-sync on the especially problematic devices, which were typically automatic lights triggered by motion sensors, the issues disappeared. Not sure what had happened to either the devices themselves or the Indigo data base to get into such a state but I'm starting to believe that a periodic re-sync would be a good housekeeping task.

Just wanted to mention my experience in case others have similar mysterious (non) happenings on their system.

Running Indigo 2023.2 on a 24" iMac M1), OS X 14.4

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