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Re: Google Voice SMS Plugin for Indigo 5 (SIRI support added

PostPosted: Sun Nov 03, 2013 9:58 am
by jay (support)
Done - was working on it as you guys were posting.

Re: Google Voice SMS Plugin for Indigo 5 (SIRI support added

PostPosted: Sun Nov 03, 2013 10:31 am
by jquestv2
Does anyone know how to authorize a phone to be able to send text and control Indigo?


Re: Google Voice SMS Plugin for Indigo 5 (SIRI support added

PostPosted: Sun Nov 03, 2013 5:44 pm
by colovin
ddollar, fix worked great. Thank you

OK, I have to change this. I rebooted my computer, now I'm back to the same can't log into google voice will try again in 10 seconds with the edited file.

For What It's Worth. I had made a copy of the original so I had something to fall back on. Name was GoogleVoiceSMScopy.indigoPlugin Made changes to the original (- .copy) and moved it out of the plugins folders (both of them) When I rebooted my computer it moved the copy back into the disabled folder. I zipped the file and put it on the desktop. Plugin still not working. Copy keeps reappearing in the plugin folder even though I deleted it except for the zipped file on my desktop. Finally deleted the non-copy one, renamed the copy by deleting .copy and made the modifications to that file. Now there is peace in the world once again. Not sure why it would not let go of the .copy file. It wasn't even the original file, I modified the original. DON'T WALK INTO THE LIGHT! :-)

Re: Google Voice SMS Plugin for Indigo 5 (SIRI support added

PostPosted: Sun Nov 03, 2013 7:10 pm
by jascha
ddollar, you rock!

Re: Google Voice SMS Plugin for Indigo 5 (SIRI support added

PostPosted: Mon Nov 04, 2013 7:37 am
by Dewster35
jquestv2 wrote:
Does anyone know how to authorize a phone to be able to send text and control Indigo?


You have to setup a device for whatever phone number you're trying to authorize and then use a message from that phone as a trigger.

Re: Google Voice SMS Plugin for Indigo 5 (SIRI support added

PostPosted: Mon Nov 04, 2013 7:59 am
by rszmetro
Thanks for getting on this so quickly. I've been having the same issue and was about to do the code update. All seems to work fine.

Great stuff.

Rob Z

Re: Google Voice SMS Plugin for Indigo 5 (SIRI support added

PostPosted: Tue Nov 05, 2013 9:31 am
by ddollar
Glad it's working for everyone and thanks for posting the revised plugin :)

I appreciate all the offers of donations! Would you perhaps consider making a donation to your favorite charity instead? If you don't have one in mind, here's a great one:

Cheers :)

Re: Google Voice SMS Plugin for Indigo 5 (SIRI support added

PostPosted: Wed Nov 06, 2013 10:11 am
by bschollnick2
Okay, sorry about the delay. I wanted to test things out better, and between work and home, I haven't been happy with the testing time I have had.

v1.2 of my "forked" version of Google Voice SMS is available. ...

Changes include:

1) Modification to support the revised Google Voice Web site
2) The Google Voice devices now have a field called Authorized Contact Name.

Now for many people, this Authorized Contact Name field may not be needed. You can safely leave it blank.

But in my experience, since I have my contacts list synchronized with my Google Account, it means that my Text Messages come in as "Benjamin Schollnick", not my cell phone number (eg. 5555551212). So in my case, the Phone Number field has my correct cell number, but GoogleVoice SMS would reject my texts, since it only would see the text message coming from my name since Google Voice substituted my Full Name instead of my cell number.

So if you have your contacts uploaded in the Google Database what should you do? One option is to go into your contact and delete your cell phone number. But that defeats the purpose of having your contacts in Google.

Instead place that name in the Authorized Contact Name field.

When a text is detected, the plugin will check to see if it's a Integer number, if so, it will compare with the phone number field.

If it isn't a Integer, then it will check against the Authorized Contact Name field. If either field matches, then it will authorize the incoming text, and process it.

- Benjamin

Re: Google Voice SMS Plugin for Indigo 5 (SIRI support added

PostPosted: Wed Nov 06, 2013 11:29 am
by Dewster35
You should submit your version to the plugin library. I don't have google contacts, but I can imagine quite a number of people do.

I did try to private message ChrisB but I don't think he has it enabled. I am assuming you've got an email address for him to be able to ask him if he wouldn't mind open sourcing it to the community (or Ben) so it can continue to be maintained and developed?

Re: Google Voice SMS Plugin for Indigo 5 (SIRI support added

PostPosted: Wed Nov 06, 2013 12:19 pm
by jay (support)
Already sent him an email - no response yet. Matt and I are discussing options and we'll let everyone know what we ultimately decide.

Ben, email me your zipped up version and I'll replace the one in the File Library. Make sure the version # of yours is greater than the one that's in there now please.

Re: Google Voice SMS Plugin for Indigo 5 (SIRI support added

PostPosted: Thu Nov 07, 2013 1:28 am
by dshj
Hey, guys!

The %%v:VARID:%% isn't working in the newest version. Is there an easy fix for this?

Re: Google Voice SMS Plugin for Indigo 5 (SIRI support added

PostPosted: Thu Nov 07, 2013 8:33 am
by Dewster35
dshj wrote:
Hey, guys!

The %%v:VARID:%% isn't working in the newest version. Is there an easy fix for this?

Page 4 of this thread had the code changes for the variable substitution. I had thought that had been updated to include in the latest public version... will investigate.

Update: After digging back in my messages, I was finally able to get the variable substitution working again. However, I'm not sure how this got mixed up in the first place since I believe both of the last two revisions were sent from my computer :/

Not sure how to handle this since another newer version from Ben with the above changes is sitting out there... I don't want to get the revisions mixed up too much. If someone needs the variable substitution version, please PM me your email and I can send it your way. Otherwise we can just bump the revision again after Ben gets his version up.

Re: Google Voice SMS Plugin for Indigo 5 (SIRI support added

PostPosted: Thu Nov 07, 2013 10:35 am
by bschollnick2
jay (support) wrote:
Plugin writers have to enable variable substitution on the fields they want it enabled on - so Chris will need to implement the substituteVariable method (described in the method tables of the documentation).


I am attempting to update this using the variable substitution as described in the 6 plugin guide:

From the guide:

# call for variable substitution on the message field they entered
theMessage = self.substitute(action.props.get("message", ""))

From the v1.3 version of the Google Voice SMS:

indigo.server.log ("%s" % smsMessage)
smsMessage = self.substitute ( inString = smsMessage, validateOnly = False )
indigo.server.log ("%s" % smsMessage)

The call is being performed, there is no error, but no substitution is occurring.

I am using a trigger to test this, and using the following text:

This is a test %%v:isDaylight%% %%v:TagLeaves%% and more

Any suggestions? This is with Indigo v6.03.

Re: Google Voice SMS Plugin for Indigo 5 (SIRI support added

PostPosted: Thu Nov 07, 2013 10:36 am
by bschollnick2
Dewster35 wrote:
dshj wrote:
Hey, guys!

The %%v:VARID:%% isn't working in the newest version. Is there an easy fix for this?

Page 4 of this thread had the code changes for the variable substitution. I had thought that had been updated to include in the latest public version... will investigate.

Update: After digging back in my messages, I was finally able to get the variable substitution working again. However, I'm not sure how this got mixed up in the first place since I believe both of the last two revisions were sent from my computer :/

Not sure how to handle this since another newer version from Ben with the above changes is sitting out there... I don't want to get the revisions mixed up too much. If someone needs the variable substitution version, please PM me your email and I can send it your way. Otherwise we can just bump the revision again after Ben gets his version up.

I am investigating adding it into v1.2, but I've run into a snag. Since this is the first Variable Substitution that I have worked on, I am asking Jay for some clarification.

- Benjamin

Re: Google Voice SMS Plugin for Indigo 5 (SIRI support added

PostPosted: Thu Nov 07, 2013 10:38 am
by Dewster35
Ben.... see link for updated plugin with variable substitution added.