IndigoServer Suddenly Giving Remote Authentication Errors???

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Sun Jun 23, 2013 7:27 pm
Dave Durham offline
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IndigoServer Suddenly Giving Remote Authentication Errors???

I've been running an applescript that peeks and pokes data into Indigo variables from a second computer. This has been working fine for a couple of months and yesterday stopped working. Yesterday I simultaneously updated Indigo 6 from beta 9 to beta 10 and upgraded Mountain Lion from 10.8.3 to 10.8.4 (the update was done on both computers).

Here's a sample of the problem code:

set user_name to "johnsmith" -- admin username
set pass_word to "123456" -- admin password
set uid to "501" -- user id of remote user
set host_name to "RemoteComputerName.local" --name of remote machine

--Check to see names of the remote drives
set s to "eppc://" & user_name & ":" & pass_word & "@" & host_name & "/Finder?uid=" & uid
using terms from application "Finder"
tell application s to set remoteDisks to list disks
end using terms from

--Place a value into an Indgo variable
set s to "eppc://" & user_name & ":" & pass_word & "@" & host_name & "/IndigoServer?uid=" & uid
using terms from application "IndigoServer"
tell application s to set the value of variable "Junk" to 99
end using terms from

So...The first part of the script works fine. The remote Finder is able to send the list of remote drives to the local variable named remoteDisks. But the second half of the script errors with "Authentication Error". The exact sequence is:

Run the script
A dialog box appears stating:

Bad username or password. Authorization is required for "IndigoServer" on 'eppc://RemoteComputerName.local'.
And there are two fields, one for username, one for password. The Username field is prepopulated with johnsmith and the Password field is blank. I then enter the correct password and leave the "Add to keychain?" checkbox unchecked. Then I click the "OK" button.

I then get an Authentication Error - depending on which Applescript Editor I'm using either:
AppleScript Error IndigoServer got an error: Unable to authenticate user. (via Apple's AppleScript Editor)
AppleScript Execution Error IndigoServer got an error: User Authentication failure (from Script Debugger 5)

The odd thing is, this has been working fine for a couple of months. I simplified the code for clarity here but basically the code IS that simple. The username and password haven't been changed on either machine (both of which are/and have been/the same. The remote machine is correctly configured for allowing Remote Apple Events and, again, had been working fine. I'm guessing something in the last beta or in the last OSX update changed. The question is, can it change back? Or is there another solution for peeking and poaking Indigo variables remotely to another machine on the same network?

Thanks in advance.

Posted on
Mon Jun 24, 2013 6:31 am
jay (support) offline
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Re: IndigoServer Suddenly Giving Remote Authentication Error

All that authentication is done by the OS - Indigo doesn't even know about it until the authentication is successful so my guess is it's something they tightened up in the last Mt. Lion release. To be perfectly honest with you, I wouldn't count on remote apple events to actually be supported by the OS for very much longer.

You could just use the RESTful API to stuff variables - it's pretty straight forward to use.

Jay (Indigo Support)
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Posted on
Mon Jun 24, 2013 9:52 am
Dave Durham offline
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Location: Los Angeles, CA

Re: IndigoServer Suddenly Giving Remote Authentication Error

Jay, thanks for the quick response. I figured it was probably OSX. The prospect of recoding all my remote apple events will be anything but RESTful! I'll look into the API. Thanks for all the work you guys do. Much appreciated.


Posted on
Tue Jun 25, 2013 5:06 pm
michaelu offline
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Re: IndigoServer Suddenly Giving Remote Authentication Error

I am having the exact same problem... I only use a few scripts on a few machines... There is no fix or workaround?

Posted on
Tue Jun 25, 2013 5:18 pm
michaelu offline
Posts: 25
Joined: Feb 01, 2010

Re: IndigoServer Suddenly Giving Remote Authentication Error

To be specific i have a software that uses the Mac's bluetooth to check to see if certain devices are in range and runs an appleScript accordingly and i use it to set variables on the remote Indigo, the application only uses applescript for it's scripting language....

I already solved the issue like this:

do shell script "curl -X PUT -d value=0 http://10.0.x.x:8176/variables/Occupy"

that does the same thing as the apple script did, so once again, not the end of the world just really annoying that they turn things like that off and don't even put them in the release notes (odd that it still eppc authenticates to the Finder but not to IndigoServer)

Hope that helps!

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