This date thingy?

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Mon Oct 20, 2003 9:12 pm
gregjsmith offline
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This date thingy?

I have a variable in Indigo that I am trying to convert to a date. Here is the code:

Code: Select all
set last_rain to date (value of variable "WMlastrain")

The script editor will pop back with a dialog saying : Indigo got an error: Can't get date "Monday, Oct 20, 2003 4:04:06 PM".

Even if I
Code: Select all
set somevar to value of variable "WMlastrain" as string
then try to create a date from that I get the same error. What am I doing wrong?

Posted on
Tue Oct 21, 2003 1:37 am
matt (support) offline
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Re: This date thingy?

gregjsmith wrote:
I have a variable in Indigo that I am trying to convert to a date. Here is the code:

Code: Select all
set last_rain to date (value of variable "WMlastrain")

The script editor will pop back with a dialog saying : Indigo got an error: Can't get date "Monday, Oct 20, 2003 4:04:06 PM".

Even if I
Code: Select all
set somevar to value of variable "WMlastrain" as string
then try to create a date from that I get the same error. What am I doing wrong?

The problem is there is no built-in AppleScript function to coerce a string into a date. When compiling scripts hard coded time/date strings are automatically converted to date objects (you'll notice the format of the string changes based on your system time/date format prefs), but during runtime there isn't an automatic way to say, "convert this string (or variable holding a string) into a date."

I seem to recall seeing a AppleScript function that someone wrote to help handle this. I googled for it but didn't see it anywhere. Anyone have any code snippets to help with this?


Posted on
Tue Oct 21, 2003 5:39 am
gregjsmith offline
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But if I
Code: Select all
set last_rain to date "Monday, Oct 20, 2003 4:04:06 PM"
then it works. Isn't "Monday, Oct 20, 2003 4:04:06 PM" a string?

Posted on
Tue Oct 21, 2003 8:19 am
matt (support) offline
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gregjsmith wrote:
But if I
Code: Select all
set last_rain to date "Monday, Oct 20, 2003 4:04:06 PM"
then it works. Isn't "Monday, Oct 20, 2003 4:04:06 PM" a string?

In this case, no. The AppleScript editor compiles that into a date object when you save the script. Try changing the "Monday" to "Mon", or the "October" to "10". Then, re-compile the script -- note it always reverts back to the original format. If it were a true literal string it wouldn't change.


Posted on
Tue Oct 21, 2003 12:23 pm
gregjsmith offline
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There was a suggestion over at Macscripter BBS to put it in a subroutine like this:

Code: Select all
on SubDate(TheString)
   return (date TheString) as date
end SubDate

I'll give it a try when I get home.

Posted on
Tue Oct 21, 2003 12:57 pm
matt (support) offline
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gregjsmith wrote:
There was a suggestion over at Macscripter BBS to put it in a subroutine like this

Seems to work... There goes my theory. I wonder why it works in this case. :?:

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