External lights

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Sun Mar 28, 2021 12:13 am
MarcoGT offline
Posts: 1105
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Location: Germany

External lights

Hi all,

This question has less to do with the plug-in itself, but more with connections/setup.

I am building a new house and thinking about lights and so on.
Idea is to place a (Hue) motion sensor at main door with an external Hue light.
The light will be connected to mains, of course.
But if there is a wall switch to control the light, what happens when the light will be switched off? I assume that the bulb will not respond anymore to the bridge, am I right? Then it makes more sense to place a device behind the wall switch to be able to control the light manually too.


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Sun Mar 28, 2021 1:23 am
nsheldon offline
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Re: External lights

Hi Marco.

You are correct. Once power to the light is turned off by the switch on the wall the Hue light will not respond to any commands. What I’ve done for lights that use Hue bulbs is I’ve removed the wall switch and wired the light socket directly to the electrical circuit (only the breaker switch can turn off the light now). I put a Hue Dimmer Switch panel over the switch box hole on the wall where the light switch used to be.

I should note, however, that if you aren’t comfortable changing out switches or aren’t familiar with your local electrical wiring laws, you should consult an electrician before making that kind of change.

Posted on
Sun Mar 28, 2021 2:50 am
MarcoGT offline
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Location: Germany

Re: External lights


Thanks a lot.
Wiring is not a problem, I have already wired Fibaro Wall switches, roller shutter and so on.
I still have to decide if for main door I shall put just a wall light (Hue, at least the bulb, not the whole lamp) with a Hue sensor and then let Indigo do the rest, without wall switche (I can use brightness, sunrise/sunset)

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