how to use hue with central relay switch

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Wed Jul 27, 2022 1:41 am
kw123 offline
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how to use hue with central relay switch

I have several lamps that are currently switched on/off through a central relay. - eg stairs has 5 switches and 6 lamps
The switches on the wall switch the relay on off each time they get pressed, then the lamps go on/off
so the switches have 2 cables going to the fuse box where the relay is, the relay output switch is then wired to the lamps. So no direct line between the lamps and the lights

I have replaced the regular lamps w hue lamps. And have added friends of hue switches next to the wall switches to switch the lights on/off
That seems to be confusing for the "regular" users - have 2 switches for the lamps next to each other, and then sometimes use the old switches. Then the friends of hue switches don’t work anymore as the lamps dont have power.

The only other alternative i see is to use the philips hue wall switch modules behind the regular wall switches. The issue -besides space behind the switches- is that if the power (through the relay) is off nothing will work. Eg when the power is interrupted. Then I do not have any way to turn the power to the lamps back on as all the switches have been replaced by the hue wall switches.

I could leave one switch as is and put the friends of hue switch next to it and replace all others w the hue wall switch.

Does any one have a suggestion for a better way?


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