HomeKitLink Siri Information: as we head to Beta

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Tue May 03, 2022 4:18 pm
GlennNZ offline
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HomeKitLink Siri Information: as we head to Beta

HomeKitLink Siri Beta


This plugin (HKLS) aims to allow you to create HomeKit Bridges, which you add your indigo devices to and allows control from within Homekit and Siri control of your setup Apps.

First install

Need to have installed Indigo 2022.1+

Download latest and greatest indigoplugin file

Double click to install

Expect to see some immediate error messages as will need to download and install one package:

Either after or before in a terminal window

Code: Select all
sudo pip3 install cryptography

Restart the plugin.

Return to the terminal window and copy and paste the below

This removes the apple quarantine bit for downloaded files and is needed for full function. Very annoyingly unlike the pip3 command it is needed everytime you upgrade!
Arghh.. Apple...

Code: Select all
sudo xattr -rd com.apple.quarantine /Library/Application\ Support/Perceptive\ Automation/Indigo\ 2022.1/Plugins

NB: As the version of indigo increases please update the 2022.1 to the most relevant.


Only one indigo device, once, can be published to any HomeKit Bridge.

Each individual bridge has a maximum of 95 devices published. Currently this is not enforced. This is on TODO list. You can have as many bridges as you wish for as many devices. Bridges do add some overhead - thread, port and all clients connect to all bridges…so I wouldn’t suggest bridges for the sake of bridges — but you can have as many as needed for the device numbers.

Seperate indigo devices but one physical device = no problem eg. motion, light sensors.
If you wish the exactly same device eg. 2 dimmer devices to be available in homekit - potentially under different names this is not possible without some simple help.
Simply use Masquerade plugin, or virtual devices and copy the device wished into a new device - use this new device within this plugin. Repeat as many times as wished.

Everything is user selectable - for example a physical light switch, can be a motion sensor, or occupancy sensor if you really want it to be - or a Doorbell linked to a camera stream that notifies you...

This leads to a bit of setup work, but once device is selected, and setup, saved, there should be no need ever to revisit.
These details are also saved within Indigo, so migrate and move with indigo without problem.

If you break HomeKit by your poor device option - in the normal course of events you simply remove the device from the HomeKit bridge and start again..

If you wish to disable / enable bridges but have them remaining as devices. Use the enable communication, disable communication checkbox in the device edit page. This will close down the bridge and all related backgroup drivers/thread etc. You can then move the devices to another bridge (with Move accessories menu command) as needed before you delete the bridge device.

Setup: Next

Create a HomeKitLink-Siri (HKLS) Bridge device.
Select the devices you wish to publish, and select what device it should be, enable Checkbox Publish and click save.
Repeat this as often as needed. Please SAVE within the Config Dialog when done.

Once SAVE is pressed the Bridge will be stopped and restarted. If this isn't need press cancel.

Here the options need explaining:

You can select any available HomeKit device (if Show-all selected) - for the selected Indigo Device
If you are setting up a sensor device - this is a device that returns sensor information to HomeKit - the plugin will give you an option of what deviceState to use.

Typically this should be sensorValue - this is the standard value of any sensor. Sometimes if you are selecting a plugin device to be a sensor device
eg. piBeacon sensors, or RFXCOM plugins - you should choose the best state fitting the usage.
To aid this choose the config menu will show the most recent value for this state.

Importantly for most On/Off Motion/Occupancy Sensors this should be true/False state.
Temperature/Humidity number values - must have JUST the number value - no degrees C or degrees F. Just 22.1
If in doubt check the device in question states to review. If problematic the plugin will display 0, and/or give an error, or worse case scenario the bridge will not update.
This is recoverable by removing the device in question from being published to Homekit.

In the aim of keeping the options completely open - you can select anything .... however it does require some inital device setup/thinking.


This is the HomeKitLink Bridge Edit Page.


The first menu is a Indigo Device Selection menu -
all Indigo Devices lists ALL indigo devices.
Everything else just shorten this list to devices you may be more interested in - eg. Sensors, or Lights etc.
This only makes it easier to find devices. These are duplicated in the all list - just harder to find if you have hundreds of devices.

The Show All Options option selection enables you to select any HomeKit device for the currently selected indigo device. (as per the warnings)

The Show QR Code button will show the QR code, for adding this bridge to HomeKit for the current HomeKitLink Bridge device.
The bridge needs to be running for this to function, so add devices, Save - check no errors and return to Show QR code.


From within your HomeKit app:
Add Accessory - scan QR Code - and use this code.
THe Homekit App when then take your thorough the rest of the process.

It is important for device to be published to Homekit:
To enable the Publish checkbox, and click SAVE once all details have been entered.
Once this is done - the log will display info, and you can keep adding devices if happy are straightforward.

If you are adding a strange device, or pushing the envelope you should add one at a time and ensure works from within the HomeKit App.
If the device fails in HomeKit, unpublish in HomeKitLink Bridge and click save.

If you are changing HomeKit device - eg a Light to MotionSensor that will be an issue for HomeKit app.
Remove the device from HomeKit (unpublish) first, Save, Save config and alllow bridge to restart.
Check in HomeKit app device is gone and then re-add as new device type.


Below is an example of the device list menu - it shows devices published to this HomeKitLink Bridge, and greyed-out devices published to other HomeKitLink Bridges
To Edit the devices you need to edit the appropriate HomeKitLink Bridge.


Below are the currently supported device types. These are automatically guessed by HKLS, but can be selected by ShowAll option.
Most should be funcitioning close to 100%


The main supported cameras are BlueIris and Security Spy plugin cameras. BI is more smoothed out as far as its support goes.
When you select a Camera you can also add a DoorBell.
This DoorBell can be any Onoff indigio device. When this device is activated - HomeKit will show you the Camera stream with a notification that DoorBell was pressed.
For BlueIris the Cameras also are registered in HomeKit as Motion Sensors - and you can trigger act on these depending on your settings within the HomeKit App.
For Security Spy - we are hoping that a plugin update will also enable this function.

Other cameras - basically aren't supported, and you would be better off running a homebridge instance outside of Indigo.

Menu Items:


Show Device Publications
This shows in indigos log all current devices wished to be published to HomeKit.
Such as (updated since this photo)

If HomeKitLink Bridge is disabled - will show as a warning.
If HomeKitLink Bridge does not exist at all (deleted) it will show red

Unlink any Orphaned Devices
This will remove linkage for all/any devices whose bridge no longer exists

Rerun ffmpeg Call for Logging
This will run the last camera (uses ffmpeg) video stream command - use this to check for simple errors in displaying the camera stream

Debug Log Menu Options
Will display separate menu with a number of debugging options, which hopefully won't be needed for most users

Move Accessories to another Bridge
This will copy HomeKit Accessories (all these devices we are publishing) from one HomeKitLink Bridge to another.
Use this if deleted a bridge and need to move old devices across to new.

Devices supported

Lights - dimmer/brightness/Color
Lightbulb: Should be the choice for all light devices.
Unless you wish a simple on/off device (even if brightness etc available) - in which case select Lightbulb_switch
Within the HomeKit can you can group Accessories together into one.

Fan (simple switch) and Fan V2
Plugin self decides.
If wish a simple Fan regardless of device - then select Switch and change within HomeKit

Switch: Within Homekit this can be changed to Switch, Fan
This is simply On/off device.
Action Groups default to this option.
Any onOff device within indigo should be supported.
Within HomeKit any switch can be displayed as a Fan, Switch or Outlet - simply select Icon and change.

Blue Iris - options come from the Blue Iris plugin, if you haven't installed this and you wish to use Blue Iris - you should. It enables Motion detection for each camera, live with HomeKit notifications, and Doorbell option exists for each camera.
eg. press Doorbell and get Notification and live stream click access.

Security Spy - camera streams, Doorbell can also be selected. Motion detection is pending some plugin changes if possible



The below sensors are supported by Plugin.
The approach to Sensors is that this is user selectable. Technically you could make a Light Switch a Occupancy Sensor as everything is user selectable.

Occupancy Sensor




Largely supported. Main still be some fine tuning needed

Motion Sensor:
Temperature Sensor:
Humidity Sensor:
Contact Sensor
Above rules apply, either defaults to Sensorvalue or can select another state to be used..


When will this .... happen?

Good question.

The aim, and focus of this Plugin are to allow HomeKit to access Indigo Native devices. The focus is not allow your eg. 'Samsung TV' which may have a Indigoplugin to then get into HomeKit.

General path of external devices/services into Indigo and then out to Homekit is not the focus. If that is your aim I would suggest you run a homebridge instance somewhere - potentially on Indigo Mac and add whatever plugins are needed.

- all Indigo Relay Devices are supported
- all Indigo Dimmer Devices are supported as both Lights and Fans
- Speed Control devices supported as a Fan type
- all action Groups are support as Switchs/Fans/Outlets
- all Sensor devices; including plugins sensors (that are likely not anywhere except in Indigo) are supported
Bug fixing these devices and adding features will be the priority.

There is a bug / this doesn't work

Please add a issue to Github - and based on the above principals that will guide priority

TODO list - hopefully done before end of Beta
Security System Support
Window Covering Support

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