Cynical Garage Door state reversal in HKLS

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Mon Jul 10, 2023 10:01 am
BenHM4590 offline
Posts: 14
Joined: Dec 16, 2021

Cynical Garage Door state reversal in HKLS

Hi all,
I've cross-posted this with the Cynical Behaviors section.

My Cynical Garage Door* has started reporting a reversed state, when it's added as a Garage Door device. When it's added as a simple switch, it shows "Off" when closed, "On" when open. (Reflecting the state of the tilt-sensor?)

I've turned on "Show All Options" and tried my way through them** without obvious success.

Is there an option/trick to causing the Indigo-side to reverse reporting? The family uses Home, I can tolerate Indigo showing something else.

*My Cynical door uses these Z-wave devices:
Zooz Zen16 relay (#1, set to momentary)
Ecolink tilt sensors

**This process may've been imperfect: I'm uncertain if I waited long enough between unpublish-republish times. There are attempts where the republish never succeeded.

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Mon Jul 10, 2023 11:07 am
papamac offline
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Re: Cynical Garage Door state reversal in HKLS

In HKLS, the garage door onOffState is on when the door is closed and off when it is open. This seems counterintuitive, but it is compatible Apple HomeKit conventions. You can attempt to reverse theCynical Behaviors state using a masquerade device or an Indigo virtual device.

As an alternative, you can use the Virtual Garage Door (VGD) plugin instead of Cynical Behaviors. The VGD states are compatible with HKLS and Apple HomeKit. VGD has not been tested with your Zooz 16 relay, but it should work. If you choose VGD, I can help you with any issues.

David (aka papamac)

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